Parents and Families Newsletter
Fall 2023
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Dear Parents and Families,
As we enter the fall season, we are here to share ideas on how to support your child through the months leading up to the winter break. October, November, and December are filled with holidays which can be viewed as opportunities to spend more learning time at home. In this issue, we will share some holiday activities that will support your child’s listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. From Kindergarten to 12th grade, these are skills that can be supported at home with little preparation.
Don’t forget to fill out a quick survey to share any information or suggestions you might have for the next newsletter. We value your input!
The Association for Migrant Education is hosting their annual statewide conference on November 15-17, 2023 in McAllen, Texas. Parents, families, students, and educators will learn about important topics related to migrant families and hear from inspiring keynote speakers. Visit the AMET website for more information!
At-Home Learning Sites for Students
The following educational websites are free resources schools have shared that will help your child improve their English language skills.
Kid's Zone
Target Skills: Vocabulary and Spelling
Recommended Grade Levels: K-3
Complete word searches to learn new words and spelling.
The easiest way to use this resource is to:
Open Kid’s Zone and begin searching for the words on the list.
Click on the first letter of the word you are searching for and drag to the end.
This is a simple learning game that can be played at any time or place on your phone or computer.
New American History
Target Skills: Reading, History
Recommended Grade Levels: 4-12
Learn about American history by selecting articles at your grade level.
The best way to use this resource is to select the grade level your child is reading in and browse the articles that are listed. Allow your child to read an article that interests them and tell you what they learn.
Open New American History and browse by Grade level or topic.
Read an article that interests you.
Share three important facts you learned about the topic.
Google Translate
Target: Translate all websites
Recommended Grade Levels: All
Google Translate can be added to your Google web browser to translate any page.
Add this extension to your Google web browser to translate any page.
Open Google Extensions and search for Google Translate.
Click “Add to Chrome.”
Open any website and click on the Google Translate icon. If it does not appear on the menu bar, click the puzzle piece to locate and open it.
Click “Translate this Page.” Then select the language you want to translate it to on the upper left of your screen.
Copy and paste the website URL in the box, and the page will be translated.
This extension can be used with any of the resources we share with you.
Don’t forget to visit txel.org/SupportingChild for more interactive educational websites.
Pumpkin Art
This fun, orange fruit used to greet goblins and create tasty holiday pies can be used to help your child understand and develop characters. First, have your child decide what he would like the pumpkin to be: a superhero, a cartoon, a family member, or a character from a story. Then, draw, paint or color the pumpkin to reflect the character selected. Once the creation is complete, have your child describe the character’s personality traits to you orally or in writing.
Giving Thanks
The November Thanksgiving break can be a time for your child to show appreciation for others by writing a Thank You card for you, a family member, or friend. A plain sheet if paper is all that is needed. Fold the paper in half and have your child design the front as they wish. Inside, have your child write a thank you note to the person they are thankful for. Be sure they include the name and three reasons that they are thankful for the person chosen.
Play a Game!
Basic map skills and directions are important for kids to know. During free time at home, have your child draw a map of your home marking all the rooms and furniture. When complete, have them hide a gift or item in one of the rooms and mark it on the map for you or a sibling to find. Have them describe the directions to arrive at the item using the words “above, below, left, and right.” This can be a game that can be played regularly!
Preparing for college begins as early as elementary with learning about different kinds of jobs. In middle school, students begin having conversations about different kinds of classes available that will help them prepare for different careers. The article entitled “The Importance of Career Prep: How to Plan for your Dream Job,” talks about just that. Career prep, the article explains, begins as early as high school. It will be helpful for your child to have an idea of what their interests are before entering high school. This will increase their chances of taking the right classes before they graduate high school.
The article says that the best way to prepare for today’s job market is to find a few career paths that interest you, learn about various career options, and talk to a counselor. While students continue to learn academics, the article also emphasizes the importance of soft skills such as oral communication, teamwork, and critical thinking will improve a student’s success in both college and career.
One of the best ways to relieve stress is to take time for yourself each day. The first idea in the article, “Why Self-Care?” focused on putting yourself first. As parents, we need to give ourselves permission to prioritize self care because it will benefit the entire family in the long run. A stress-free parent can provide patience and energy to meet your family's needs.
Self care doesn’t need to take a lot of time either. Start by giving yourself 10 minutes each day to sit down and take a breather. Maybe have a cup of tea or coffee. This small step can go a long way in the midst of the day’s many tasks.
Moving through the fall semester and the weather changes allows for more time at home. Take time to read and talk with your child about what they’re learning at school and what things interest them for their future. Share your experiences and help your child consider options as they grow toward their own careers. Starting early can help a child have a clear vision of their future by the time they are in high school.
If you would like to access the previous Parent and Family Newsletters, click below.
Back-to-School Newsletter Highlights
This issue covers some basic information on registering for school and the types of bilingual programs available to students.
Summer Newsletter Highlights
Read to find ways to incorporate learning while having fun.
Spring Newsletter Highlights
Learn about the state tests your child faces and find out ways to help them succeed.
Learn how keeping routines can create a positive learning experience and lead to more success for your child in the Winter Quarterly Newsletter.
Fall Newsletter Highlights
Identify ways to team up with your child’s teacher to support your child throughout the year.
Discover how to help your child adjust to a new school after a move. The August issue offers suggestions to help students navigate through this challenging time.
July Newsletter Highlights
Find out what to do if your child has changed school, help your child develop some practical skills around the house, and get some tips for physical self-care routines.
June Newsletter Highlights
Learn about ways to keep your child engaged both mentally and physically. Also, check out numerous websites for local and digital adult English classes.
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Supporting Emergent Bilingual Students in Texas
TXEL.org is a web portal that provides information and resources that are relevant, accessible, and impactful to support educational leaders, teachers, parents and families, and community partners to ensure the academic success of the State’s emergent bilingual students.