#EagleNation Updates
Week of 11/26/23/ Semana del 26/11/23

Welcome to the Week of October 20, 2024
D A T E S * T O * R E M E M B E R
- October 21-26: Mental Health Awareness Week
- November 4: No School (Grading and Planning Day)
- November 5: No School (Election Day)
- November 6: Picture make-up day (NEW DATE)
- November 19: Open House
Eastern Beautification Day 10/26 (EARN SSL Hours)
Sign up to earn SSL hours by coming in to pull weeds and work on cleaning out the beds on the side of the building. You must sign up to participate:
- When: Saturday, October 26
- Time: 8:30-11:00
- Hours Earned: 3 (Includes 30 minutes of prep time)
Picture Day Retakes 11/6
If you missed getting your picture taken on picture day–or just hated your hair–you can try again on November 6. The photographers manufacture 2024-2025 IDs immediately so don’t be camera-shy!
National Bus Safety Week 10/21-25
THIS week we recognize National Bus Safety Week. You will recall we learned the impact of this important role when we returned from COVID only to find ourselves short of bus drivers nationwider. Be sure to THANK YOUR DRIVER!
Excel Beyond the Bell (EBB)
Excel Beyond the Bell (EBB), an after school program run by Montgomery County Recreation, is coming to Eastern Middle School in February 2025.
- Monday through Thursday
- Students who participate will take classes that are tailored to their interests.
- Starting on Tuesday, October 22nd, from 3:15-4:15pm, and they want to hear from students about the classes that they want to take.
Please email Ms. Levin (deirdre_m_mcshealevin@mcpsmd.org) if your child is interested in attending the EBB interest meeting on October 22nd. Click here to see some of the class offerings.
Last month Eastern Middle School introduced Restorative Approaches which all teachers use to support our students. Restorative Approaches include ways of creating community that honors the importance of relationships amongst all members in the community; as well as practices to repair relationships when harm has been caused. One of the most valuable tools that we use to build relationships and repair harm is the Community Circle. Click here to read more about this important approach to creating a respectful community.
Youth Leadership Institute (YLI)
Eastern Middle School is excited to announce the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Youth Leadership Institute (YLI)! This youth-led, interactive program is designed to empower and engage students ages 11-13 through leadership development activities. Interested students must submit a Parent/Guardian Permission Form to participate.
Mental Health Awareness Week
Our counselors are recognizing the importance of mental health awareness for all students. During Mental Health Awareness Week, we will be engaging in activities and discussions to promote emotional well-being and provide resources for students to manage their mental health. Let's take this time to focus on self-care and support each other. For any additional resources or support, please don’t hesitate to contact your counselor.
Backpacks and School Supplies Available!!
Need school supplies or a backpack? We have resources available for students in need! Please see your counselor for assistance, and we’ll make sure you get what you need to succeed this school year
8th Grade High School Choice News
Get Help with 8th Grade High School Choice (Students in DCC & NEC Consortia), 10/29
Join us for 8th Grade High School Choice Form Assistance Night on October 29, 2024! Get your questions answered and submit your High School choice form. The event will take place from 6-8 PM at Eastern Middle School in the Cafeteria. Don’t miss this opportunity to get all the help you need for your high school decision process!
An Update From Eastern PTSA:
- Election Day Bake Sale (Nov 5): We need baked goods and volunteers! Students can earn SSL hours for donating or helping. Sign Up Here.
- Eastern Night at Nando’s (Nov 4): Dine at Nando’s Peri-Peri (Pike & Rose or Silver Spring). 40% of proceeds benefit the PTSA—last year we raised over $1,000!
- Save the Date: PTSA General Body meeting on Nov 12 at 7:30pm via Zoom. Meeting includes an update on the school’s cell phone policy. Zoom details to come.
Join the PTSA
- Sign up for the PTSA email group. It's FREE! Connect with other parents and receive important communications and reminders. https://groups.google.com/g/eastern-ptsa
- Become a member of the Eastern PTSA. Suggested donation: $10. Your contributions go to academic programs, teacher mini-grants, social events, staff appreciation meals and more. https://fspta-00016130.givebacks.com/store/items/709250
The 2024 Fall Game Changer Conference for Young Males!
We are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to The 2024 Fall Game Changer Conference for Young Males! hosted by UCF (Unity Christian Fellowship, Inc)! This transformative event, is set to take place on Saturday, October 26, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon at Montgomery College, Germantown Campus - Globe Hall, 20200 Observation Drive, Germantown, MD 20876
MCPS and the Montgomery County School Psychologists’ Association will host Mental Health Awareness Week Oct. 21–26 to give youth and families the opportunity to hear from mental health experts on a variety of issues. A Mental Health Resource Fair and Student Forum will be held on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 10 a.m.–2 p.m. at Seneca Valley High School, 19401 Crystal Rock Drive in Germantown. This event is free and transportation is available from several high schools.
Read the full message here: https://ww2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/publicinfo/community/school-year-2024-2025/Community-Message-20241015.html
F A M I L Y * R E S O U R C E S
* H E R E * T O * H E L P !
Emails and phone numbers for support in the school:
- Main Office: (240) 740-6280
- Admin Secretary: Ms. Perez: priscilla_b_smith@mcpsmd.org
- Attendance Secretary: Ms. Blanco: isaura_m_blanco-flores@mcpsmd.org
- Front Office Secretary:
- Financial Assistant: Ms. Zhang: rui_zhang@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-Q): Ms. Meyer jessi_meyer@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names S-Z): Ms. Birkett shondell_birkett@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-R): Ms. Greene- rachel_m_greene@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names S-Z): Ms. Birkett- shondell_birkett@mcpsmd.org
- Ms. Cwerner cayla_cwerner@mcpsmd.org
- Principal - Ms. Shorts: lisa_n_shorts@mcpsmd.org
- 6th Grade Assistant Principal- Deidre Levin: deirdre_m_mcshealevin@mcpsmd.org
- 7th Assistant Principal- Matthew Kerwin: matthew_f_kerwin@mcpsmd.org
- 8th Grade Assistant Principal- Charles Feamster: charles_s_feamster@mcpsmd.org
Family Supports:
- Parent Community Coordinator - Mirna Medrano-romero: mirna_a_medrano-romero@mcpsmd.org
- PTA President- Shripal Shah: eastern.ptsa.president@gmail.com
#EagleNation: Matching to students, staff & community needs for a 5-Star Experience!
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/easternms
Location: Eastern Middle School, University Boulevard East, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Phone: (240) 740-6280
X : @EasternMS_Prin