Eagle Update
Archer Glen Elementary | September 6, 2024
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday 11 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Wednesday 18 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Wednesday 18 | PAC Dine Out Fundraiser at Menchie's
Wednesday 25 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Thursday 26 | Elementary Back to School Night 5:30-7:00 pm
Friday 27 | Archer Glen Fun Run! (see info below)
Wednesday 2 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Wednesday 9 | Early Release- Students Dismissed at 1:15 pm
Thursday 5 | Archer Glen PAC Meeting in P26 at 7:55 am
Friday 11 | No School- State Inservice Day
Archer Glen Fun Run!
The Fun Run is not only something students look forward to each year, but it’s also Archer Glen’s largest fundraiser! The Fun Run is scheduled for Friday, September 27. Each student is encouraged to collect monetary donations to support Archer Glen. The money raised goes to support student education and enrichment by providing teachers and administrators with the funds needed to purchase supplies.
Last year’s Fun Run raised $41,000 which went towards:
- New library books
- Redoing the staff workroom (new and improved supplies)
- Teacher grants (a yearly amount we give teachers per student in their class)
- And much more...find out here.
This year our goal is $50,000 and the funds raised will go towards an Archer Glen playground enhancement in partnership with the Sherwood School District. The playground will be installed in the summer of 2025.
How you can help: Students will be sent home with an envelope on 9/13/24. The Fun Run is scheduled for Friday, 9/27/24. During the interim two weeks students are encouraged to solicit donations from family, friends, and Sherwood supporters.
This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and we need your support! To donate please visit our website at http://www.archerglenpac.org/fun-run.html
In partnership,
Archer Glen PAC
Backpack Food Program
As we begin our school year, volunteers at Sherwood Helping Hands are also beginning their work with the Backpacks for Kids program. This program is designed for children and families who may need additional support with nutritious meals at home over the weekends.
Every Thursday during the school year, children enrolled will receive a bag that’s pre-packaged with food before leaving school for the day. All children will receive their bag in a confidential and private manner. If you feel the Backpack Food Program would be helpful for your family or would like additional information, please contact Elisabeth Gardner, School Counselor, at 503-825-5104 or egardner@sherwood.k12.or.us. Enrollment is quick, easy, and confidential.
PAC Dine Out Fundraiser at Menchie's on September 18th!
Archer Glen Passport Club
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This year, all students (K-5) at Archer Glen Elementary have the opportunity to explore the world through a program called The Passport Club - which is an effective and fun way to help achieve geographic literacy.
Each child receives a passport booklet, chooses an individual level of study and collects “stamps” for their passport as they learn some or all of the world’s countries over the course of the school year. Their passports will be held during the year and awarded to the children at the year-end assembly.
Students receive study packets with maps indicating the countries to study, plus some facts about them at the beginning of each month. Special Itinerary projects will be provided as well, but aren’t required.
Students are encouraged to use free time at home and in class to study the maps. Parents, please support your child’s effort and encourage them to study their maps regularly at home. You might want to make this a family challenge!
Once a month students attend a “Check Day” to show off their skills by correctly identifying their countries. Check Day dates/days TBD, generally before school at 7:30am.
Parents should talk to their child and decide the appropriate level of study for the school year. Most students remain in the same level all year, however the program can accommodate upward or downward movement mid-year. Please find the level explanation on the registration form.
This program is dependent upon parent volunteers! We need to test each student within a short time frame (approx. 25 minutes total time) on check day. Our volunteers are essential and so very much appreciated! ☺
If you have any questions, please contact Nadine Bednarski at archerglen.passportclub@gmail.com
Thank you!
No Parking at Independence Academy
Please do not park in the Independence Academy parking lot (located off of SW Main St) to drop off or pick up your Archer Glen students. Independence Academy has their own students and staff that need to access their parking lot. Please use Archer Glen's parking lot or car pick up line to drop off or pick up your student located off of SW Sunset Blvd. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival - Students should arrive at school between 7:45 and 7:55 a.m. Classes begin at 7:55 a.m. Students can use either the Main Entrance or the Activities Entrance to enter the building starting at 7:45 a.m. Students arriving after 7:55 a.m. (tardy) should use the Main Entrance.
Vehicle Drop Off is along the main parking lot sidewalk. Students should exit vehicles from the passenger side. If students need additional assistance exiting the vehicle, vehicles should park in a parking spot so as to not disrupt the flow of traffic in the drop off lane. When exiting the parking lot, vehicles must turn RIGHT only. This also helps keep traffic flowing. There is no student drop off in the bus lane. The bus lane must remain clear of all arrival traffic.
Dismissal - Students are dismissed at 2:15 p.m. from exterior classroom doors. On early release Wednesdays, students are released at 1:15 p.m. K-1 students who are walking home need to be picked up by a chaperone. Grades 1-5 can be picked up in the car line, but Kindergarten students must be picked up from the exterior classroom door. Kindergarten students will not be released to the car line by themselves.
Free Meals Application
Information about lunch and breakfast prices and menus can be found on our Nutrition Department web page linked here. You can also click the link here to find directions for adding money to your child's lunch account. If you would like to apply for our free and reduced lunch program please complete the application linked here.
Share Center and Back to School Resources and Supplies
The SHARE Center is here for all of your back-to-school needs! We have lots of clothing, shoes, backpacks and school supplies -- all ages and sizes!! Click on the link here to learn more about the resources they provide.
For an appointment at the SHARE Center, please contact:
Amy Gillett at agillett@sherwood.k12.or.us or Ursula Pinto at upinto@sherwood.k12.or.us
You are also welcome to call the SHARE center at (503)825-5087
The District will be welcoming volunteers back into our school buildings this year. All volunteers will need to complete and have an approved background check on file prior to volunteering (this must be renewed each school year). The background check process can take 7-10 business days, so please allow sufficient processing time if you are planning to volunteer for a specific event.
HelpCounter Volunteer Information
Our Archer Glen Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is creating an updated email list for school information and other ways to support our school. If you are looking to volunteer at Archer Glen this year, please sign up using the link shared here. If you are new to Archer Glen you will need to create a new login. Past volunteers can use their old sign in. (Please note that this link does not work well on your phone so you will need to use another device).
ALL parents will need to fill out their information again as the system gets updated each fall. The registration will ask some questions about volunteer preferences, please still answer the questions and select all activities you might be interested in learning more about!
You can find out more information about how to sign up for volunteer opportunities at Archer Glen using HelpCounter by visiting Archer Glen PAC's Instagram handle here.
AG PAC Facebook
Archer Glen PAC
Background Check 24-25
Helpful Information and Past Newsletters
Archer Glen Front Office: 503-825-5100
Archer Glen 24-hour Attendance Line: 503-825-5110
- Sarah Woofter, Principal: swoofter@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Jennifer Switzer, Administrative Assistant: jswitzer@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Judy Morales, Attendance Secretary: jmorales@sherwood.k12.or.us
- Elisabeth Gardner, School Counselor: egardner@sherwood.k12.or.us
Previous Eagle Updates:
Helpful Information:
About us
Website: https://ag.sherwood.k12.or.us/
Location: 16155 SW Sunset Blvd, Sherwood, OR 97140
Phone: (503) 825-5100