Elk Neck Express
September 1, 2024
Elk Neck Elementary School
Ashlee Groce, Principal, ajgroce@ccps.org
Kimberly Whitney, Assistant Principal, krwhitney@ccps.org
Website: https://enes.ccps.org/
Location: 41 Racine School Rd., Elkton, MD, 21921
Phone: 410.996.5030
A Message from the Principal
Hello Elk Neck Elementary Families,
We are excited to welcome our students back to school on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Please remember that the school doors open at 8:45 a.m. with school beginning at 9:00 a.m. Dismissal will begin promptly at 3:30 p.m. The dismissal process may take a little longer during the first week of school as we ensure that all of our learners are dismissed safely. We appreciate your patience!
Bus riders should be at the bus stop approximately 10-15 minutes before their scheduled stop time. Families can also download the Where's The Bus app to monitor the bus' location.
Families that are dropping or picking their children up in the car loop should remain in their vehicles and await the instructions of the car loop staff. We ask that you do not park and enter the building to pick up your children once dismissal begins as the office can be a busy time at dismissal. Parents/guardians will need to complete the Car Rider form linked below. Anyone picking up a student must have photo identification.
We can't wait to have students back in our school again! We look forward to a great year of learning together.
Mrs. Ashlee Groce, Principal
Mrs. Kimberly Whitney, Asst. Principal
2024-2025 Free & Reduced Meal Benefit Applications
The 2024-2025 Free & Reduced Meal Benefit Applications are now available online. Please go to the following link to fill out the application: https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application.
If you filled out an application last school year, you must complete a new one for this school year. If you have any questions, please call the Food & Nutrition Office at (410) 996-6257.
Free Breakfast!
We are excited to announce that ALL students are eligible to receive a FREE breakfast on school days. Students can select a FREE grab-and-go breakfast when entering the school in the morning. A nutritious breakfast is essential to being ready to learn each day.
Counselor's Corner
School Supplies
Please let Mrs. Amy Cook know if your child needs a bookbag and/or school supplies. alcook@ccps.org 410-996-5030
How to help your child out the door in the morning:
Make a checklist for your child (things to do before bed, things to do to get ready in the morning)
Good Night’s Sleep- get them to bed as early as possible (see bedtime chart below)
Get yourself to bed on time too
Build in extra time in the morning
Get ready the night before (pick out an outfit, pack up a bookbag, make lunches, get papers signed, etc.…)
Save 5 minutes to talk or have extra snuggle time in the morning
Talk out loud and praise your child’s efforts to follow the routine, “I like the new shirt you picked out to wear today all by yourself.”
Keep routines simple (Ex: easy breakfast options)
Give choices (Ex: Do you want to put your shoes on first or eat breakfast first?)
Allow your child to share his/her feelings about school. Let them know that it is normal to feel anxious.
Run through their schedule for the day. Going over their daily routine can ease anxious feelings.
Practice first-day conversations (how to greet their teacher or a new friend)
Try to make it fun (Ex: Make a special goodbye handshake or come up with a special goodbye saying)
Family Engagement for EnVision Math
Please access the links below to learn more about how you can support your child in math this year.
EnVision Family Engagement Overview
Links to grade level sites are below.
Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee: New Year, New Topics!
2024-25 Cecil County Literacy Chapter Community Event
Port Deposit Pirate Takeover
Sunday, September 22nd; 10-5:00pm
Parents, kids, and community members, visit us in the gazebo to learn about the CCLC and to pick up useful freebies to support reading and writing at home.
Fall Learning Event for Educators AND Parents
Dinner & Presentation: "Writing Conferences as a Path to Independent Writing" with Dr. Vicki McQuitty of the Maryland Writing Project
Tuesday, September 24th; 5-7:00pm @ Fairwinds Farm in North East
CCLC Members= $19, Non-Members= $30
Whether you teach or you parent, enjoy a pit beef dinner and learn how to hold results-oriented conversations about writing with kids, regardless of their age.
Important Dates
Tuesday, 9/3/24
First Day of School for Students!
Tuesday, 9/10/24
Eat for Elk Neck at The North East Store (10% of Deli Sales will go to the school)
Thursday, 9/12/24
Back to School Night @ 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Monday, 9/16/24
Last Day for PTO Spirit Wear Sale
Wednesday, 9/18/24
Joe Corbi's PTO Fundraiser Begins
PTO Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.
Friday, 9/27/24
Bubblegum Day! See the flyer below.