Weekly Bulletin
Week of 5-6-2024
Message from Principal Blagg
Hello Parker Families,
We had another great week at Parker. The students continue to work hard and are learning new skills. The coming week will be another busy one with MCAS math being administered for Grades 5 and 6. The kids have been working hard and are well prepared to demonstrate all they have learned this year. It is important that students get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast to put their best foot forward for the test.
5th grade Math MCAS: May 7 and 8
6th Grade Math MCAS: May 9 and 10
Social Emotional Learning: People by Peter Spier
On Wednesday all students engaged in a read aloud activity centered on the book People by Peter Spier. The book seeks to highlight the tremendous diversity in people while also stressing our common humanity. Students then engaged in an extension activity where students could create their own page to the book focusing on their heritage, culture, and ways of living that makes each student unique. It is through sharing and celebrating our diversity that acceptance and tolerance can grow and thrive.
Deborah Sampson Presentation
The fifth grade was treated to an amazing presentation on the life of Deborah Sampson, the first female who engaged in combat during the Revolutionary War. Judith Kalaora, from History at Play, portrayed Deborah Sampson in an engaging performance that captivated our students and brought our local history to life. Students were able to take part in the performance and ask questions of Deborah Sampson and Ms. Kalaora who portrayed her.
Staff Appreciation Week
The Parker PTO treated the staff to a tremendous week of appreciation that left us all humbled and thankful. Working in schools is tremendously rewarding and also incredibly demanding. The appreciation shown to the staff was truly amazing and we thank all who contributed to this effort. It meant a great deal to us all.
Have a great weekend everybody. Please reach out if you need support.
Warm regards,
Friday, May 10th - Grade 5 Spring Social
Friday, May 17th - Grade 6 Spring Social
Monday, May 27th - No School - Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 12th - Last day of school
Book Vending Machine
Our wonderful PTO has done it again! If you haven't heard about the Book Vending Machine in our main lobby, please encourage your students to check it out! (see picture below). Tons of great titles and lots of different genres. Tokens are $2.00 each.
Grade 5 Spring Fling Social
AND SAVE THE DATE FOR THE 6th Grade "Spring Fling" Social on Friday, May 17th from 2:45 to 4:00 p.m. ~ More details to follow!
Tuesday, May 7th - Grade 5 Math - Session 1
Wednesday, May 8th - Grade 5 Math - Session 2
Thursday, May 9th - Grade 6 Math - Session 1
Friday, May 10th - Grade 6 Math - Session 2
Tuesday, May 14th - Grade 5 Science - Session 1
Wednesday, May 15th - Grade 5 Science - Session 2
Tuesday - May 7th
Art Club – Ms. Annuziata – Room 4 – GRADE 6
Book Club – Ms. Beaudoin – Room 125
Homework Club-Ms. Larrabee&Ms. Morse-Library
Intramurals – Mr. McCarthy/Mr. Sullivan/Ms. Clark-Grade 6
Running Club - Mr. Felzani, Ms. Baker-meet in the Cafeteria
Stand-Up Parker – Ms. Cranney - Room 110
Wednesday - May 8th
Fitness Room (Health & Wellness)-Ms. Wilson-in the Fitness Room
Intramurals-Clark, McCarthy & Sullivan - GYM - Grade 5
Homework Club-Ms. Larrabee/Ms. Morse - Library
Jewelry Making Club - Ms. Annunziata - Room 4
Thursday - May 9th
Art Club - Ms. Annunziata - Room 4 - GRADE 5
Festival Orchestra - Ms. Tiano - Room 4
Fitness Room(Health & Wellness)-Ms. Wilson-in the Fitness Room
Game Club - Ms. Baker - Library
Intramurals-Clark, McCarthy&Sullivan - GYM - Grade 5
Best Buddies google classroom (code: gdxp5eo). Please make sure your child is enrolled as a member through Best Buddies - students not enrolled as a member will not be able to participate in the next event.
This is the link to register to walk and join our team (come with a family member or friends family- we don't do transportation) or alternatively people can choose to donate to the Parker Team!
Join Me In Support Of Best Buddies
Help me create a more inclusive community for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by supporting Best Buddies www.bestbuddiesfriendshipwalk.org
Saturday, May 11th - Best Buddies Walk. More details to follow. Make sure you are on the Remind app or subscribed to texts! Each student attending will have their own transportation. In the meantime you can register here: https://bestbuddiesfriendshipwalk.org/centralmass - Be sure to register your child as an existing team: Parker Middle School
June Event - To be announced
Download the remind app for announcements and reminders of activities or simply follow the image below:
Parker PTO Update:
The Middle School community has had a busy couple of weeks! Thank you to all who have participated in our recent events! A few more fun activities are coming your way! Check out the highlights below:
👟 Lace up those sneakers! The 2024 Parker Pride Run is on Sunday, May 19th @ 9am. Click the link below to register. Registration includes: swag bag, drinks and snacks at finish line and raffle tickets. Prizes awarded for top three finishers for various grade levels and adults. Click link to register for the event:
🎤 The Lions' Middle School Showboat will be Saturday, May 18th at the CHS Performing Arts Center (PAC). You won't want to miss this amazing talent show starring our very own middle school students grades 5-8! Tickets will be on sale soon. Contact Showboat Director and parent, Karyn Crouthamel at lionsmiddleschoolsshowboat@gmail.com
🍔 Grab your friends and meet on the outside patio on Wednesday, May 29th @ Tavern in the Square Lowell to celebrate an amazing school year! The Tavern in the Square Lowell is generously donating 20% of all dine in, take out and alcohol sales to Parker and McCarthy. Just mention that you are dining to support Chelmsford Middle Schools! Proceeds raised will go to support our book vending machine and free lending library. More information to follow in the upcoming weeks.
If you have any questions, please reach out to: ptoparker@gmail.com
As always, thank you for your continued support of our Parker Middle School community!
To report a Student Absent:
Email: ParkerAttendance@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Please Send Email: Prior to 9am on the day of the absence. Please Include: Child’s name, Grade, and Reason for absence. We encourage you to use the email option when reporting an absence, dismissal, etc. for efficiency.
We will continue to send automated emails home when students are absent. You will receive the email whether you notified the school or not. In order for an absence to be marked as "Excused", families will need to provide medical documentation.
Thank you for your understanding.
Parker Middle School
Email: robinsond@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://parker.chelmsfordschools.org/
Location: 75 Graniteville Road
Phone: 978-251-5133