Dublin High School Newsletter
Week of September 30, 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Dublin High School Community,
I hope this message finds you well and safe after the storm. As we continue our journey through this academic year, I want to take a moment to address some important topics that impact the safety and well-being of our students.
First and foremost, school safety remains our number one priority. We are committed to creating a secure and loving environment where every student feels safe and supported. To enhance our safety measures, we are reinforcing the requirement for students to use either mesh or clear book bags. This safety measure will help us maintain a secure atmosphere while ensuring that we can easily identify the contents of each bag. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. The school has provided students with free book bags and we will continue to do so, but we only have a small inventory of mesh book bags if a student is in need of one.
In addition to safety protocols, we recognize the importance of equipping our students with the tools they need to resolve conflicts effectively. We are implementing programs that focus on conflict resolution and mentoring to help students learn how to navigate disagreements in a constructive manner. By fostering these skills, we aim to promote a more harmonious school community.
I also continue to have conversations with our students about the importance of punctuality. Arriving at school and getting to class on time is crucial for maximizing learning opportunities. We understand that mornings can be hectic, but it is essential that students make every effort to be prompt and on time. The official start of the school day begins with the start of 1st block at 7:30 a.m. This not only sets a positive tone for the day but also respects the learning environment for everyone. Breakfast is served from 6:45 to 7:15 a.m. daily.
I want to commend our students for adapting to the new cell phone policy. It’s encouraging to see everyone embracing these guidelines, and I believe we can always find ways to improve. Your cooperation with these expectations helps the school to create a more focused learning environment.
Finally, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our parents for your continued support. Your involvement is invaluable to our students’ success. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions on how we can work together to make Dublin High School an even better place for our students. Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Let’s continue to support one another and strive for excellence together!
Warm regards,
Michael Overstreet
Principal, Dublin High School
UGA Visits Juniors & Seniors at DHS
The University of Georgia Admissions Office visited Dublin High School on Tuesday, September 24th, to speak to Juniors and Seniors. Dublin High School had 40 Juniors and Seniors take advantage of the college visit.
From the Guidance Office to The Class of 2025!
Class of 2025!
Just some helpful tips/information to start off a great senior year!
College Applications:
Submit your college applications through the following platforms.
Most applications require a fee unless you have an application waiver. I have some application waivers, but only certain colleges accept them. November is Georgia Apply to College Month, 90% of GA colleges/universities will be free during November! DHS will host a College Fair in November. Last year we had over 15 colleges/universities attend.
Transcripts: (After you apply)
You may release your own transcripts on GAFutures.org. You can send it to up to 10 schools. (Georgia Schools Only)
Common App - Please allow up to 7 days for your profile and transcript to be uploaded after applying.
Please email me for any other transcript requests.
Community scholarships generally open in December so make sure you check your email and the scholarship rack (outside of guidance) frequently.
Here are some great scholarships & sites to look at and apply for some national scholarships.
Coca Cola Scholarship - Due date September 30th
Scholarship Sites
HOPE Scholarship is awarded based on your HOPE GPA. Students must have a 3.0 or higher HOPE GPA, complete 4 rigor classes, and attend a Georgia college/university.
Zell Miller Scholarship is awarded based on your HOPE GPA, test scores, and class rank. Students are eligible for the Zell Miller Scholarship: 3.7 Hope GPA, 4 rigor classes, 1200(SAT) 25(ACT) score. Valedictorian & Salutatorian are automatically eligible for the Zell Miller Scholarship if they have the following: 3.0 Hope GPA & 4 rigor classes.
For more information please see the following link ---> https://www.gafutures.org/hope-state-aid-programs/hope-zell-miller-scholarships/hope-scholarship/
ACT/SAT Waivers:
ACT/SAT Waivers for the 24-25 school year have not arrived yet. Once they arrive you will need to sign up to receive one. They are first come first serve, so make sure you are checking your email daily.
You can register for the SAT/ACT on the following websites.
Please pay attention to the deadlines!
2024 Homecoming Court
Freshman Representatives:
Jaaliyah Hayes
Zaylen McMiller
Sophomore Representatives:
MyKia Stephens
Carlos Stubbs
Junior Representatives:
Ji’Layha Wright
Lavonte Linder
Senior Representatives:
Tameyiah Davis
Derricka Lewis
Nadia O’Neal
Talisha Rozier
Valashjah Steward
Tristen Ellis
Javion Harris
Anthony Johnson
Martravius Linder
Tyrese Robinson
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 30th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball HOME vs Telfair Co (Senior Night) 5:30 PM; FBLA Fall Rally
Tuesday, September 24th: Dublin High School Lady Irish Volleyball HOME vs TBD @ 5 PM; Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY ACE Charter 6 PM; Irish Cross Country AWAY @ Washington County 4:30 PM
Wednesday, October 2nd: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ Northeast Macon @ 4:30 PM
Thursday, October 3rd: End of 1st Nine Weeks; Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball HOME vs Bleckley Co @ 5:30 PM; Irish Cross Country AWAY @ Bleckley County 4:30 PM; Dublin Fighting Irish JV Football HOME vs Jefferson Co @ 5 PM
Friday, October 4th: SkillsUSA Fall Rally; Dublin Fighting Irish Football Game vs ACE Charter (Homecoming) @ 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 5th: DHS Competition Cheerleaders @ Valdosta Cheer Competition
Monday, October 7th: Parent-Teacher Conferences-District Wide; Report Cards; Senior Picture Makeup Day; Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ Jefferson County 5:30 PM
Tuesday, October 8th: Parent-Teacher Conferences-District Wide; Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ Telfair County @ 5:30 PM
Wednesday, October 9th: Parent-Teacher Conferences-District Wide;
Thursday, October 10th: Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day; Dublin Fighting Irish JV Football HOME vs Rutland @ 5PM
Friday, October 11th & Monday, October 14th: Fall Break for Students & Staff
Accelerated Career Pathways offer qualified students a unique path to high school graduation. Students choose to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and a college Associate of Applied Science Degree, Technical Diploma, an approved program that leads to licensure, or two (2) approved Technical Certificates of Credit (TCC’s) in a specific career pathway. Accelerated Career students will utilize the “ACE” Grant to cover their pathway of choice, and must be enrolled in a TCSG institution. Students interested in pursuing Accelerated Career pathways should contact their high school counselor or any of the 22 Technical College System of Georgia’s colleges.
First Semester 2024-2025 Event Dates
- October 17th - Career Academy Board Meeting Night
- October 25th - Career Academy Night @ DHS
- November 7th - Dublin Middle School Career Day
- November 18th - Susie Dasher Career Day
- November 21st - Career Academy Board meeting
- November 22nd - Hillcrest Career Day
- December 9th - Career Academy Holiday Showcase
- December 19th - Career Academy Board Meeting
Math Department Spotlight
Don’t forget about extra practice on Wednesday and Thursday mornings sign up in google classroom
Progress Learning Study Plan is a great opportunity for extra practice (want to know more ask a math teacher)
Please remember to have your chrome book in every class every day.
Ms. Sampson’s Geometry class is creating constructions with bisector of angles, bisector of a segment, using compasses, patty paper, and rulers. Proving midpoints and measurement.
Ms. Bryan’s AMDM class modeled investing and interest rates with rule of 72. How fast can your money double?
Ms. Koka’s Foundations class Students worked on Tarsia puzzle and made a shape dodecagon on the concept linear equations.These are unique puzzles which empowers students to create their own customized puzzles that address the specific learning standards and objectives
Fine Arts Spotlight
IB Juniors: working on line, color, designing and overlapping projects.
IB Seniors are working on pieces for the process portfolio which will lead them into their exhibitions later this year.
Student Picture Gallery!
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga