A Note From Mr. Graves
August 2024 - Some thoughts for the starting school year
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Welcome back to everyone who is retuning to Goshen Lane! I am happy that you will continue to be a part of the Goshen school community. Welcome to everyone who is new to Goshen Lane! I am also happy that you are now a part of the Goshen community. You are joining a community where I along with the staff and parent community are committed to doing our best to inspire, nurture, and empower all students to love learning and to achieve to their fullest potential.
In addition to working with your children, I look forward to working with you. I believe that we are stronger when we work together, and that the best learning for a student occurs when we all work together. It has been written that a rope made of three cords is not easily broken. With the home, the school, and the community working together, our students can stand strong and accomplish many things.
In the coming days and months, I look forward to meeting and working with you. If you want to contact me you may do so by telephone or email. Our school phone number is 614-478-5580. My email is gravesd@gjps.org. Chances are, during the school day I will not be immediately available. However, my goal is to return phone calls and or emails within 24-48 hours.
One of the best ways to become involved with the school is through the PTA. I invite and encourage you to join and to become an active member in our PTA. They too are a dedicated group. They work very hard to provide all of the Goshen community with an enjoyable experience. They welcome new participation/members, and would be thrilled for you to join. You will find important information from the PTA further down in this newsletter.
One of the more exciting things about beginning a new school year for students (parents as well) is learning who their teacher will be. Teacher assignments should be available for you to view August 12. You will be able to see that information by visiting your parent portal. If you need help setting up your parent portal, use the same parent portal link and click on the "portal help" tab.
To see what supplies are needed for your child's grade level, click this Goshen Lane Supply List 2024-25 (PDF) link. Lastly, you can pay school fees and apply money to your student's lunch account using your parent portal.
I trust you are enjoying the last few weeks of summer break and are looking forward to another school year. As you begin to prepare for the return to school below are some important dates to add to your calendar.
I am honored and privileged to serve as the principal at Goshen Lane Elementary School. For those of you returning, I look forward to working with you and your child(ren). For those who are new to Goshen Lane, I look forward to getting to know you and your child(ren), and working with you all as well. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Dan Graves
Some Things to Know
Our school office is now open. If you have questions, you may email or call for help. Our school secretary is Ms. McFadden. She can be reached by calling 614-478-5580 or emailing mcfaddene@gjps.org.
New School Hours
- 8:05 AM - 2:45 PM
- 7:50 AM Doors open for students eating breakfast
- 7:55 AM Doors open for students not eating breakfast
- 8:05 AM School starts & tardy bell rings (in classroom when bell rings) See #2 below
- 2:35 PM Dismissal begins
- There will be no district supervision for students prior to 7:50 AM or after 2:55 PM.
- Students arriving and leaving school through parent pick up will enter the building through door #7. Guardians in vehicles will enter the drop off/pick up line in the back of the main building following the designated traffic pattern.
- Guardians dropping students off at school after 8:05 must come to the main office and sign their student(s) into school.
- To ensure a safe and orderly end of day dismissal process, the school office will close at 2:15 and reopen at 2:45.
- Guardians wanting to pick up their student(s) early from school must do so prior to 2:15
- If there is a change in a student's end of day transportation, guardians are asked to email the student's teacher and to call the main office prior to 2:15.
We are excited to offer Yubbler’s school supplies program which will help the
school and make it a breeze for parents to get school supplies for next year.
Yubbler.com is making our supply lists available for online purchasing at
discounted prices. Boxes are shipped to student addresses. Parents can choose to purchase some or all of each list. The best part is that Yubbler will donate 50% of the profits back to the school. Click on the Yubbler.com to start your order.
Upcoming PTA Events
-->Tuesday, 8/13, 5:00p-6:30p: Meet the Teacher Night and a FREE Kona Ice Cup for all GLES students (cups also available for purchase)--please get your ticket at the PTA table across from the office!
----->PepRally Apparel will have a Gahanna table setup at Goshen Lane during Meet the Teacher night available for families to purchase spirit wear! If you're interested in purchasing early and having delivered to your student, please click the link--please put your student's name and grade (for example: Danny Graves-5) on the business line. Goshen Lane Pre-Sale-Click HERE to order!
-->Friday, 8/23, 3:00p-9:00p: Welcome Back Family Fun Night @ChuckECheese! Please join us for a Goshen Lane Fun Night Out. Information and coupons in the link!
-->Saturday, 8/31 All Day: Dine to Donate @Whit's Frozen Custard Gahanna! 20% of all proceeds come back to the PTA!
Planning ahead...
-->Tuesday, 9/10, 7:00p - 8:00p: Please save the date for our first PTA meeting of the year in the school library! More information closer to time!
Gahanna-Jefferson 2024-2025 Parent Portal Annual Update Information
The Annual Student Update is now available to complete from your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Directions for completing the update can be found here.
Families that are new to the district should be receiving an activation key from your building secretary within the next couple of weeks.
To ensure we have the most up to date information, please complete this process by August 31st
Afterschool Care at Goshen Lane
Upcoming at Goshen Lane
- August 13: Meet the Teacher Night (5:00-6:30)
- August 15: First Day of School for grades 1-5
- August 15: First Day of School for Kindergarten Students (last names beginning with A-F)
- August 16: First Day of School for Kindergarten Students (last names beginning with G-L)
- August 19: First Day of School for Kindergarten Students (last names beginning with M-S)
- August 20: First Day of School for Kindergarten Students (last names beginning with T-Z)
- August 21: No school for All Kindergarten Students
- August 21: Curriculum Night 5:30-7:05 (Grades K-2)
- August 22: First Day of School for All Kindergarten Students with their assigned teacher
- August 22: Curriculum Night 5:30-7:05 (Grades 3-5)