December-January News
Elkhorn High School
EHS Families,
Happy December! Thursday marks the start of Winter Activities and only 3 weeks left in S1! I want to take time to thank both students and families for their support as we are closing in on the end of the first half of this school year!
With the remainder of the semester (12 student days and 2 finals days as of the end of the day today), I encourage you to continue having your students reach out to teachers, utilizing 8th Hour in the library, study for finals and finish up any missing work to make sure they are as ready as possible for Semester 2. It is easy to focus on the Holidays and upcoming time off, but a strong push from home always goes a long way to help us ensure students stay on track to succeed in a rigorous course in order to keep every door open after high school!
Second Semester will offer new challenges and experiences, but also affords students the opportunity for a fresh start if needed. Students will be able to see their 2nd Semester schedule on Powerschool on Thursday, December 5th. Most of our classes are year-long, however, several courses, especially electives, are semester-long. If your student has a new class for the second semester, please encourage them to prepare by knowing their teachers’ names, email addresses, and classrooms. Any student wishing to drop a year-long course with a passing grade will schedule an appointment with me. Additionally, I always want to use this time to push students to stay in challenging courses. As a reminder, AP Coursework is weighted, which means a 3 is a 2 on a transcript, a 2 is a 1, and a 1 is a 5.0. Elkhorn’s goal is not just to make a student eligible for college, rather to be ready for college - and taking challenging courses is one of the greatest reasons EHS grads see such high success rates in their post-high school education. I bring this up now as I am a firm believer in building student grit through rigorous high school courses to ensure they are ready for whatever life throws their way when they leave our halls!
-Semester 1 Finals will take place on Thursday 12/19 and Friday 12/20.
-Students will take semester finals for periods 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Dec. 19th & periods 5, 6, and 7 on Dec. 20th.
DAY 1 - Thursday, December 19th, 2024
1st FINAL - 8:10-9:33
2nd FINAL - 9:37-11:00
4th Lunch/Study - 11:04-12:30
3rd FINAL - 12:34-1:55
4th FINAL - 1:59-3:20
DAY 2 - Friday, December 20th, 2024
5th Study - 8:10-9:33
5th FINAL - 9:37-11:00
4th Lunch/Study - 11:04-12:30
6th FINAL - 12:34-1:55
7th FINAL - 1:59-3:20
Both Final Testing Days are full days of school with the regular 3:20pm dismissal time.
Please encourage your student to plan and prepare for successful semester exams. We created a schedule that provides students built in study times over the lunch hour and at the start of Day 2 to avoid seven straight finals.
Early Finals: To ensure test security - EHS does not permit a student to take early finals without principal pre-approval. Parents will need to contact Mr. Schroeder (mschroeder@epsne.org) about an unavoidable absence. In most cases, a student who must miss finals will have to finish their finals on December 30th from 10:00am-2:00pm or during the staff in-service on January 3rd, 2025 in the main office from 8am-Noon.
A Celebration: On Friday, November 8th - EHS honored 400 students for earning the honor roll as well as over 200 Elkhorn Excellence Award winners as nominated by staff. Congratulations to these students on a strong 1st quarter! Student honorees were recognized with a certificate, a school t-shirt, as well as an ice cream at lunch.
Upcoming Dates to Know:
-Monday 12.2: All EPS Foundation Scholarships Open for Seniors
-Friday 12.6: EHS NHS Still has several spots remaining for our annual BLOOD DRIVE
-Thursday 12.19 & Friday 12.20: Semester 1 Finals
-12.23-1.3.25: Semester Break
-Friday 1.3: Teacher In-Service - No School
-Monday 1.6: Semester 2 Begins for Students
-Monday 1.20: MLK Day, Teacher In-Service - No School
-Tuesday 4.8: Statewide PreACT/ACT for 9th-11th Grade; no school for Seniors this day
Thank you, and have a great December!
Mark Schroeder
Red Cross Blood Drive Hosted by National Honor Society
Red Cross Blood Drive - All Students Invited to Make an appointment
Please visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter: EHSAntlers to schedule an appointment (7 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
Friday, Dec 6, 2024, 07:30 AM
Elkhorn High School, Auxiliary Gym, Veterans Drive, Elkhorn, NE, USA
Post Prom Committee News
The Post Prom committee is working hard to secure funds and prizes for a fun post prom experience for the students. Some of our upcoming fundraisers include:
Finals Week Treat Bags: Send your students a finals week treat bag; all proceeds will support post prom. Each treat bag costs $5 and includes a package of cookies, candy, gum, crackers and a granola bar with an encouraging note. Submit your order and payment by December 10th and treat bags will be delivered to your students during finals week. Complete this form to order your student a treat bag.
Upcoming Food Nights: On each of the following nights, different establishments will give back a portion of the funds raised to the Elkhorn High post prom. Mark your calendars and plan a night out for a good cause! Watch social media for reminders and make sure to mention EHS Post Prom Fundraiser when ordering!
- December 18th: Burger Detour 18303 Evans St Omaha NE 5:00-8:00 PM
- January 6th: Frosty Mug 2611 N 204th St #101 Elkhorn NE 4:00-9:00 PM (Alcohol sales not included)
- January 20th: Don & Millies 16130 Evans St Omaha NE 11:00 AM- 9:00 PM
- January 29th: Texas Roadhouse 520 N 155th Plaza Omaha, NE 4:00-10:00 PM
- February 20th: Don & Millies 16130 Evans St Omaha NE 11:00 AM- 9:00 PM
- March 26th: Don & Millies 16130 Evans St Omaha NE 11:00 AM- 9:00 PM
Follow us on Facebook for the latest Post Prom updates and upcoming events @ Antler PostProm
- Please click on the title above to sign up.
- Dancers will arrive at 12:00 PM at the front doors of Elkhorn High School and receive a name tag, t-shirDancers will arrive at 12:00 PM at the front doors of Elkhorn High School and receive a name tag, t-shirt, and a photo with a dance team member.
- Dancers will learn a dance that they will then perform at half time of the girls basketball game that starts at 2:45 PM.
- Dancers will do a craft, eat a snack, play games, and have a glow party, also.
- Please have dancers wear tennis shoes, clothes that are able to dance in, and bring a water bottle.
Dancers will need to be picked up directly after the half performance in the EHS aux gym.
Cost: 45$
Includes a t-shirt, snack, craft, 2 tickets to the girls basketball game, and performance.
Payment: Venmo to @Elkhorn-Dance
Email @bobbiegilson@yahoo.com if you have any questions!
Important Yearbook Deadline:
Senior Tribute Ad, December 6.
Important Dates
Dec. 1- Deadline to purchase senior tributes in the yearbook
Dec. 14 - Lifetouch Photography Retake Session, St. John Paul II Academy 5203 Q Street Omaha
Dec. 19 & 20- Semester finals STUDENTS MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE. End of 2nd Quarter
Dec. 23-Jan 3- Winter Break
Jan. 20- NO SCHOOL, Teacher In-Service
Feb. 11 & 12- Parent Teacher Conferences, dismissal at 2:20 p.m. & Conferences 4:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Feb. 13- NO SCHOOL, Teacher In-Service
Feb. 14- NO SCHOOL
Mar. 13- End of 3rd Quarter
Mar. 14-21- NO SCHOOL, Spring Break
March 29 - Prom
Apr. 9- ACT for 11th graders, Pre ACT for 9th and 10th graders
Apr. 18- NO SCHOOL, Teacher In-Service
May 14- Seniors’ last day & graduation rehearsal in the afternoon
May 14- Senior Honors Night at 7:00 p.m., in the auditorium
May 18- EHS Graduation 12:00 p.m., Elkhorn Public Schools Stadium
May 22 & 23- Semester finals STUDENTS MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE
May 23- Last day of school**The Last Student Day is based on an assumption of 4 or more days for inclement weather.
3 inclement weather days = 1 day earlier release
0-2 inclement weather days = 2 days earlier release
District Announcements
EPS Career Exploration Fair: Now Accepting Business Vendors
Business registrations are now being accepted for the annual Elkhorn Public Schools Career Exploration Fair, scheduled for March 26, 2025, from 5:30 - 7:30 PM. This event will be an excellent opportunity for students to explore business industries and make meaningful career connections, while also showcasing the commitment of local organizations to community involvement. If your business is interested in participating, please click here to register.
TeamMates of Elkhorn: Call for Mentors
ENHS Jr. Cheer Clinic
ENHS Jr. Cheer Clinic: Saturday, December 7, 2024, from 9:00 - 11:30 AM at Elkhorn North High School. Click here to view additional details.
Elkhorn South Cheer - Candy Cane Your Yard
Bring Holiday Cheer and fun to your home! Your child can wake up to your yard filled with candy canes delivered by the "elves." ESHS elves will secretly decorate your yard with candy canes ater 8 pm on the date chosen. They can even leave a letter from your Elf on a Shelf. The next morning your children will wake up suprised with joy!
Elkhorn Public School Foundation News
Lunch Services News - Click Below!
The Elkhorn Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race (including skin color, hair texture and protective hairstyles), color, religion, veteran status, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, sexual orientation or gender identity, or other protected status in its programs. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination Policies: Students: Anne Doerr, Executive Director of Student Services, 20650 Glenn Street (402) 289-2579,(adoerr@epsne.org). Employees and Others: Don Pechous, Executive Director of Personnel, 20650 Glenn Street (402) 289-2579, (dpechous@epsne.org). Complaints or concerns involving discrimination or needs for accommodation or access should be addressed to the appropriate Coordinator. For further information about anti-discrimination laws and regulations, or to file a complaint of discrimination, contact the OCR at One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 320, Kansas City, Missouri 64106, (816) 268-0550 (voice), Fax (816) 268-0599, (800) 877-8339 (telecommunications device for the deaf), or ocr.kansascity@ed.gov.