Bee Cave Beehive
Dear Bobcat Parents,
There is so much excitement in the air with the start of school "Phase 2". The students have had so much fun learning online the past couple of weeks and have been working really hard. Now it is time to begin our in-person learning. On September 8th, beginning at 7:20am we will start seeing students on our campus. All of you that are continuing to learn online, we look forward to the day that we get to see you again as well.
Please read this newsletter thoroughly as it provides important information for next week. In the coming week and weeks following we will all practice patience, flexibility and grace as we embark on a journey of returning to school like what has never been done before.
Have a wonderful long holiday weekend and we will see everyone, in-person and online, Tuesday!
Stay well,
Principal Kellner
09/07/20.........Staff/Student Holiday
09/08/20..........First Day of In-Person Instruction
09/08/20..........Kinder Tears and Cheers (virtual)
LTISD Protocols for Screening
Screening Questions Has the individual recently begun experiencing any of the following symptoms in a way that is not normal for them?
★ Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit
★ Loss of taste or smell
★ Cough
★ Difficulty breathing
★ Shortness of breath
★ Headache
★ Chills
★ Sore throat
★ Shaking or exaggerated shivering
★ Muscle or body aches
★ Diarrhea
★ Fatigue
★ Congestion or runny nose
★ Nausea or vomiting
Has the individual had close contact with an individual who is lab-confirmed with COVID-19?
Self-screening Protocols for Staff and Students
★ Staff will be required to complete a self-screening process, including performing a temperature check, prior to entering any LTISD facility, and the district may require further screening of employees at any time based on current state and federal guidelines.
★ Any employee experiencing any of these symptoms or who had close contact with an individual who is lab-confirmed with COVID-19 must stay home and contact his/her supervisor and Human Resource Services immediately regarding the absence and appropriate next steps.
★ A parent or guardian will be required to screen children for COVID-19 symptoms each day prior to sending them to school. Parents are asked to take their child’s temperature daily. Additional screening may be conducted during the school day as warranted.
★ Any parent dropping off or picking up their child from a school office must also self-screen for symptoms prior to entering any LTISD facility.
★ Parents must ensure they do not send a child to school on campus if the child has COVID-19 symptoms (as listed in this document), is lab-confirmed with COVID-19, or has had close contact with an individual who is lab-confirmed with COVID-19, and instead must participate in remote instruction as student’s health allows until the conditions for re-entry are met.
★ Teachers will monitor students and refer them to the nurse if symptoms are present.
I am a Kindergartner ...where do I go and what do I do on the first day?
I Have My School Supplies at Home and I'm Going to School
PLEASE LABEL ALL OF YOUR CHILD'S SUPPLIES as there will be no community sharing of supplies.
Did you borrow a chromebook from the district?
How am I getting home ???
Parent Pick-up
Car-rider Line
Bus Rider
Bus routes for 2020-2021 school year now available in Transfinder
Dear Lake Travis ISD Parents and Guardians,
Bus routes for the 2020-2021 school year are available in Transfinder, an independent web-based boundary and routing system. Please note, some routes and pick-up and drop-off times have been adjusted from the previous school year.
Also, did you know that you can receive alerts regarding arrival times, delays and other updates regarding our transportation services? To do so, be sure to create an account in our SMART tag Parent Portal.
If your child will be riding the bus this school year and you have yet to enroll in transportation services, you may request services by selecting the ‘Transportation Update Form’ in Skyward Family Access. Additionally, if your contact information is not updated in Skyward Family Access, our Transportation Department will not be able to correctly identify your child’s bus route. Be sure to visit the Transportation Department web page for additional resources.
We look forward to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for students who will be riding our school buses this year.
Rhonda Davis
Director of Transportation
SMART Tag Information & Sign-up
Lunch Accounts - How do I get one set up?
Update on Food and Nutrition Services for In-Person and Remote Learning
Dear Lake Travis ISD Parents and Guardians,
As we transition to in-person learning on campus, our Food and Nutrition Services will be in full operation and available at each of our school cafeterias beginning Tuesday, September 8.
Guided by the National School Breakfast and National School Lunch programs, meals will be available at the student’s assigned campus to both in-person and remote learners as follows (times may vary by campus):
- Students present for in-person learning on campus will proceed through the school serving line and choose their meals according to our Online Menus.
- Students in remote learning at home may purchase a meal for pickup from his or her school cafeteria. Please note, menu options may be limited. If a parent or child in remote learning at home wishes to pick up a meal at school, accommodations must be made via email directly with the café manager at the student’s assigned campus before 10:00 a.m. daily. A complete list of school Café Managers is available on our Food and Nutrition Services website. All meals for remote learners must be picked up at the school’s front office during the regular meal schedule.
All students will be charged in accordance with LTISD Food and Nutrition Services standard pricing, with the exception of those with approved meal benefits.
Additional resources are available on the Food and Nutrition Services website.
Questions or concerns may be directed to foodservice@ltisdschools.org.
Ryan Mikolaycik
Director of Food and Nutrition Services
Remote Learners Access online-learning through their LTISD account
Please use LT1 Classlink to enter and access all google links. Logging in through LT1 uses your child's LTISD account. If you try to access meetings or documents outside of this (like from your personal or work account for example), your access is restricted. Allowing entrance from outside LTISD accounts presents the possibility of unauthorized people accessing the classroom and is a security issue. Attempting to access from outside accounts also interrupts the instruction and the teacher has to deny your entry.
In short, PLEASE access all google links through LT1Classlink.
Need Tech Support? Here is where to go.
Skyward Questions skyward@ltisdschools.org
Schoology schoology@ltisdschools.org
Technology issues - password resets, computer issues 512 533 6545
Technology webpage https://www.ltisdschools.org/Domain/27
From Our Amazing PTO
Dear Parents,
BCE PTO has purchased 1 filtered mask for each child returning to school (in person) in August. These masks are adjustable to fit a child age 3 - adult. Specs on the masks - PM 2.5 particulate respirator washable/reusable with laser imprinted BCE logo. Additional masks are available for sale at www.bcepto.com. Please update your account information and you can find the purchase form under "My Account/My Forms". Masks will be available for $10 each.
If you have any questions, please reach out to president@bcepto.com
Pre-Order your 2020-21 BCE Spirit Wear shirt today!
Two different designs.......Gray Dry fit and Cotton Tie Dye.
Youth and Adult sizes are available.
Log into your BCEpto.com account to purchase.
Remote Learning ... Helpful Info
As we gear up for a very unusual start to school, our number one priority is everyone's physical and emotional health. The last thing we want to do is add any additional stress to your lives. Please take some time to read the Remote Learning at Home Overview linked here on the district's web site.
If you are wondering what a day of remote learning might look like, you can go to this link. Remote learning is intended to provide students and families with an opportunity to have a flexible schedule.
- Students may follow the class day synchronously and participate in real time.
- Or families may choose to be more independent and participate asynchronously.
- Instruction will be a blend of online content and traditional classroom teaching.
- Attendance will be based on daily progress and participation.
- Because sitting too much and too much screen time can be bad for children's health, synchronous online class time will be limited to 1-2 hours a day.
We hope that our plans for remote learning will be user friendly and allow families to engage in academic work on a schedule that fits their unique circumstances. We want your children to learn and enjoy e-learning, not create more stress for you during an already stressful time. If you are worried, your teachers and I want to know. If you need help, we want you to ask. If you just need to share how you are feeling, we want you to reach out to us.
Yearbooks are here and we have extras for sale!
Yearbooks are available for purchase with our receptionist, Leanne Hamilton @ 512-533-6250 or email her at hamiltonl@ltisdschools.org. They are -
- Available in the front office
- Sold on a first come first serve basis (no holds)
- Cost: $30
- Payments: EXACT cash or checks made out to Balfour (checks made out to BCE or LTISD are unable to be accepted)
Take care,
Ms. Keri Swanson & Rachel Hughes
Bee Cave Elementary - LTISD
We Are Not Admitting Visitors At This Time
TEA on Minimum Standard Health Protocols on Visits to Schools During Campus Closures
https://tea.texas.gov/texas-schools/health-safety-discipline/covid/minimum-standard-health-protocols-for-school-employees-in-school-building-during-campus-closuresBee Cave Elementary
Website: https://www.ltisdschools.org/Domain/12
Location: 14300 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-533-6250
Twitter: @BCEBobcats