DCA Weekly Update
August 30, 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear DCA Students & Families,
We had a wonderful first week of school in the DCA! Students are getting to know their teachers and classmates, school counselors have been working to get schedules just right for students, and we held our DCA Virtual Back to School Night last night for grades 7-8 and 9-12. If you missed it, don't fret, the recording is below as well as a document with links to each teacher's video about their class.
Please take time as a family to view the videos and get to know the teachers and expectations for the courses. Also, remember to view the DCA Orientation video. It is available below and should be added to each course as well.
Please read the communication coming from the home school building. Picture days are coming up and even if your child is full-time DCA, we encourage you to contact the home building office to schedule a time to get your picture taken. These pictures will be updated in our system.
Look out for Back to School Nights for the building as well. Students who are interested in the Technical College High School or Dual Enrollment in the future should go and learn more at the Back to School Night events at the buildings.
The DCA Weekly Update will be sent out every week. It is important that you read these updates and are able to select hyperlinks to forms, letters, and other documents.
Reminder: No school on Monday, September 2nd! Have a happy and safe Labor Day weekend! 😊
Dr. Kecia Nesmith
Principal of the Downingtown Cyber Academy and Supervisor of Teaching & Learning
Dr. Kecia Nesmith
DCA Principal & Supervisor of
Teaching and Learning
Week Two starts on Tuesday, 9/3
Calendar items
9/2 - No School - Labor Day
10/3 - No School - Rosh Hashana
DCA/BVA K-6 students will follow the CCIU Brandywine Virtual Academy calendar. See more in BVA sections below.
DCA 7-12 students will follow the same calendar and letter day sas the DASD brick-and-mortar schools, including early dismissals, two-hour delays, and inclement weather days.
New School Start TImes and School Day Schedule
Grades 7-12 School Day - 8:00 am - 2:45 PM
School Start Times
Student Day Schedule
1. 8:00-8:50
2. 8:54-9:39
3. 9:43-10:28
4 .10:32-11:17
Lunch and Learn 11:19-11:49/11:49-12:20
5. 12:22-1:07
6. 1:11-1:56
7. 2:00-2:45
DCA Back to School Night Videos
Grades 7-8
Grades 9-12
DCA Student and Parent Orientation for grades 7-12
Please view and complete the short assessment in the presentation below.
DCA 7-12 students will NO LONGER be required to complete attendance check-ins in Infinite Campus.
- Attendance for grades 7-8 Zooms will be taken by the teacher.
- Teachers will note asynchronous attendance for grades 7-12 via “Work Submission Checkpoints”, on Wednesdays and Sundays. 33 and .5 credit classes may have only one checkpoint. Check with your teacher.
- Students who do not complete any work in their classes over a week (assignments, discussion board posts, etc.) from Monday - Wednesday and/or Thursday - Sunday will be contacted, possibly deemed absent. and be retroactively marked absent at each checkpoint. .
***Attendance in the cyber environment is critical. Students attend either live Zoom sessions, Office Hours, or Drop-In Help times. They also ATTEND to and ENGAGE in their daily and weekly asynchronous learning activities, assignments, and assessments.
Students who demonstrate a significant lack of engagement in their online learning courses may benefit best from in-person learning.
DCA students follow the same calendar and letter days as the brick-and-mortar schools, including inclement weather early dismissals, or delays. In the event of an early dismissal or a two-hour delay, students should check Schoology for any adjusted Zoom times.
Teachers will post all the material for classes on Monday.
Work is due by the end of the day at 11:59 PM each WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY.
Due dates may vary for .33/.5 credit courses.
DASD Service Desk!
- New service requests for Technology, Transportation, and the Print Shop should be submitted via https://servicedesk.dasd.org.
- If needed, here are specific printable directions for students, parents, and employees. Video directions for parents and community members can be found here.
DCA Eligibility Policy
Devices should have been from home schools for grade 9 or new students. Students in grades K-6 must have a DASD-issued Chromebook. Please contact us at cyberacademy@dasd.org if your child does not have a device. K-6 students who have a DASD ipad must turn it in for a Chromebook.
Home Buildings
The Downingtown Cyber Academy is considered a program and not a school. Therefore, all full-time and part-time students are still considered students in their home buildings. They will retain the same counselors and are allowed to use the facilities during the school day, such as the library or counseling office. They are also encouraged to participate in any clubs, activities, sports, and events at their home high school.
All DCA parents will continue to receive newsletters from their home principals for this reason!
Infinite Campus Toggling
Whether your child is enrolled in the Downingtown Cyber Academy Full-Time or Part-Time, they are dual-enrolled in their home school. To access schedules and information for each school/program, you will need to TOGGLE between the Enrollment Drop Down. See the image below.
Please note: If your child is a DCA Part-Time student, DCA courses will only show up under the 24-25 Downingtown Cyber 6-12 tab and courses in the home school will show up under that school's tab.
Logging into Infinite Campus, Schoology, and More
Click here to access directions and tutorials to log on to our student information and course platforms.
If any materials are needed, your child's teacher will let you know when and where to pick them up. Most materials are in an online format for grades 7-12.
Personalized Learning Plan Agreement (PLPA) Grades 7-8
At the Downingtown Cyber Academy, we believe in a personalized approach to learning versus a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. We offer personalized learning plans for students in grades 7-8 regarding synchronous learning (Zooms).
Zooms are required for all middle school students unless the parents have signed a Personalized Learning Plan Agreement.
7th to 8th-grade families can decide between the following:
- No PLPA (default option): Zoom meetings are required, and students must attend.
- PLPA (requires approval): Zoom meetings are optional. Students are not required to attend as long as they maintain good standing in all classes and complete their work each week.
Families must have a valid reason for requesting a PLPA. These reasons could include, but are not limited to:
- Part-time students who have a brick-and-mortar class scheduled at the same time as their DCA Zoom.
- Part-time or full-time students who have internships or who are in work/study programs.
- Athletes who have intensive training during school hours.
- Full-time students in different time zones.
All Zoom meetings will be recorded and must be watched if they are not attended. Families who wish to apply for a PLPA should complete this form. Please do not email cyberacademy@dasd.org.
HIGH SCHOOL: ***PLEASE NOTE: Students in grades 9-12 DO NOT NEED A Personalized Learning Plan.
Retake/Revision Policy-*** UPDATED
Purpose: Preparing for summative assessments is an essential skill for middle/high school students, and our role as educators is to help build their capacity for future academic success. The DCA Retake/Revision Policy is designed to support students as they learn to meet the rigors of middle/high school academics while encouraging them to put forth their best effort on each assessment opportunity and demonstrate mastery of the learned material.
Uniform Expectations:
All Students will complete the linked DCA Assessment Retake_Revision Application before retaking an assessment.
Students will complete all required assignments leading up to the assessment before retaking an assessment.
Students will complete an Action Plan determined by the student and teacher before retaking the assessment.
Role of Parents, Guardians, &/or Caretakers
Whether your student is in the DCA part-time or full-time, the role of the parents/guardians/caretakers is very important.You can help their child be successful by:
- encouraging your student to create a calendar of Zoom/Office Hours/Drop-In Help times.
- help your student create a weekly to-do list.
- verify that lessons and assignments are completed in Schoology by Wednesday & Sunday.
- communicate with the teachers if the student is struggling.
- monitor grades and attendance in Campus and Schoology.
School Supplies
Suggested school supplies can be found on our website!
Special Education
If your child has an IEP or a GIEP, the case manager should be reaching out to you if they haven't already to discuss supports for the student's cyber education.
New to the DCA? We've put together some student and parent tutorials to help you get acclimated. Please visit our website for tutorials on Google, Schoology, Infinite Campus and Zoom.
Weekly Updates
Students and families will receive weekly updates from the DCA Admin Team. You can read past updates on our website.
What do I do if there is a scheduling conflict with classes?
Part-time students in grades 7-12 may have some scheduling conflicts concerning Zoom/Office Hour times due to classes in the brick-and-mortar buildings.
If this is the case, there are a few ways to address this problem:
Grades 7-8
- Request a Personalized Learning Plan Agreement to Opt-Out of Zooms- Grades 7-8 only.
- Watch the recordings of the class - 7-8 Only.
- Attend Office Hours/Drop In Help to get support from multiple DCA teachers.
- Let your teachers know about this conflict so that they arrange another mutually agreeable time to meet with you.
Grades 9-12
- Attend Office Hours/Drop In Help to get support from multiple DCA teachers.
- Let your teachers know about this conflict so that they arrange another mutually agreeable time to meet with you.
East Students:
Remove your students name from military recruiters form
Secondary Schools' Newsletters
All DCA students are considered students in their home buildings even if they are full-time DCA. Please check your child's school below for upcoming events and activities in which they can participate!
Brandywine Virtual Academy Information
Brandywine Virtual Academy (BVA) Partnership - Grades K-6 ONLY
We are partnering with the Brandywine Virtual Academy (BVA) within the Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) to provide instruction and teachers for students in grades K-6 who wish to learn online. Students will follow the school year calendars provided by the BVA.
Grades K-5
Grade 6
Please visit our DCA website at dc.dasd.org for more information.
Email: cyberacademy@dasd.org
Website: dc.dasd.org
Location: 540 Trestle Place, Downingtown, PA, USA
Phone: 610-269-8460
Facebook: http://facebook.com/dca
Twitter: @dasd_dca