MAPSS- Spring 2016
February 17-18, 2016
Exciting News for MAPSS - Year 2
With the changing of seasons and the arrival of spring we are in the process of making plans for the 2016-2017 school year. We are currently waiting for approval of MAPSS for Year 2 and this will include an Expansion plan. Within the expansion we will begin partnerships with 5 new school districts in our region, these include: Surry County Schools, Stokes County Schools, Yadkin County Schools, Thomasville City Schools and Asheboro City Schools. If approved these 5 new districts will include 40 additional teachers. Therefore MAPSS would be covering 10 school districts and working with 120 teachers for Year 2. We are excited of the possibilities this approval would bring to our MAPSS grant work! *Note: Please remember that all Year 1 districts will remain in our Year 2 partnerships as well, our goal is to continue building capacity with the original 5.
A "Spring" Retreat
What Did We Learn During Spring Retreat?
- We learned from each other through sharing of experiences and planning opportunities.
- Dr. Ferrara helped us better understand how the 5 standards can be seen in formative assessment, a must for authentic instruction in all classrooms.
- Edmodo was used by all to increase learning from our professional learning network.
- As a group we learned how to begin writing our own problems and projects based on our curriculum needs.
- We were reminded that the MAPSS model for problem and project-based learning is unique. Our lessons should always be aligned to our content standards and as the teacher we must be purposeful in how implementation is designed.
We Must Collaborate
Embedding Authentic Instruction into Math and Other Areas
Planning Sessions
Teachers as Leaders- Lessons Learned
- "As teacher leaders, leading change effectively requires leader flexibility."
- "As teacher leaders, making mistakes and learning from your mistakes is a normal part of the leadership process."
- "The practical aspect of working as teacher leaders requires that you begin to take the responsibility for your own leadership development."
MAPSS Data As of March 15, 2016
- As of today our participants have 6,263 total number of contact hours.
- The goal for the MAPSS grant was to ensure all participants received 80 hrs. of PD
- As of today the Average Contact Hours Provided Per Participant is 92.1
- PD events that have been completed: Summer Institute (10 days), Fall Retreat (2 days), Spring Retreat (2 days)
- Ongoing PD includes: Coaching sessions (virtual and face-to-face), Providing of Resources via Edmodo (our professional learning network), and teachers have lifetime access to the WFU/UTD online repository of problem-based and project-based cases.
Virtual Coaching Sessions Offered
Tuesday, Mar 22, 2016, 08:00 AM
Penny Willard, MAPSS Grant Coordinator
Location: 130 Rawley Avenue, Mount Airy, NC, United States
Phone: (336) 719-6710
Twitter: @WillardPenny