Florida High Happenings
Grades 9-12: October 2024
Principal's Message
Dear High School Families,
As we welcome October, I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for the incredible support you provide to our school community. As the leaves change and we embrace the beauty of fall, it’s a wonderful time to reflect on the progress we’ve made so far this school year.
This month, we are excited to continue building on our achievements from last year and to introduce new initiatives designed to support the growth and success of every student. We have a range of engaging activities and academic opportunities planned, including extracurricular events, and special programs aimed at fostering both academic and personal development.
Your involvement plays a vital role in enriching the educational experience for our children, and I encourage you to participate in any way you can.
Thank you for your continued dedication to our school. Together, we can ensure that this year is not only successful but also memorable for our students.
Warm regards,
Megan Brink
High School Principal
September Dates to Remember
October 4- Press the Chest event, 9th and 11th Grade
October 4- SGA Leadership Team Building Retreat
October 4- Who We Play for EKG Screening
October 5- Big Bend Marching Band Showcase cancelled (Rehearsathon instead)
October 8- Hispanic Heritage Elementary Celebration
October 8- CNA trip to Ghazvini
October 8- Chorus All-State Vocal quality Recordings
October 8- Florida Folklife Assembly (music students)
October 8- NJHS Honor Society
October 9- Athletics Clearance Day (see atheltics section below)
October 9- PSAT (all sophomores and registered juniors)
October 11- END OF 1ST 9-WEEKS
October 11- PEP RALLY- POWWOW!, morning
October 14- Teacher Planning
October 14-19- HOMECOMING WEEK!
October 16- Junior Field Trip to FSU- moved to October 30th
October 16- Homecoming Powder Puff (2nd period)
October 17- Fall Chorus Concert, 6:30 p.m.
October 17- Broball, 6th period
October 17- Best & Brightest Interest Meeting with Mrs. Laura Rogers, 3:00 p.m.
October 18- Homecoming Pep Rally, 5th period
October 18- Homecoming Tailgate
October 19- Homecoming Dance, Cafe
October 21- College Visit: Mississippi State University
October 23- Fall Picture Retake Day
October 23- FAMU Field trip for Juniors
October 24- 9th Grade to World of Works
October 24-26- ACDA Honor Choir
October 25- FSPA Journalism District 2 Workshop
October 26- District Solo & Ensemble
October 26- ACDA Honor Choir
October 28- 31 Red Ribbon Week
October 29- SewFSUS/NAHS Art Field Trip
October 30- Juniors to FSU
October 30- FAMU Trip, Juniors- moved to October 23
October 31- Early Release Day
October 31- Carnival
Important Tasks and Action Plans for High School
PSAT has been rescheduled to October 9th
On October 9th, 10th grade students and 11th grade students that signed up will take the PSAT. Please reach out to Megan Crombie for more information (mcrombie@fsu.edu)
SAT Words of the Week
Each week, Mrs. Brink and Mrs. Wilkinson announce an SAT word of the week (sponsored by National English Honor Society). Secondary families. please practice these words with your students, so we can build our vocabulary for the SAT and college! Each month, we will update the list below with words announced during the prior month.
Undulate: to move as ripples or in a wavy pattern
Propensity: noun, tendency to behave in a particular way
Supplant: supersede and replace
Benevolent: a person who is well-meaning, kind, and generous.
Avarice: extreme greed for wealth or material gain
Pundit: noun, an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public
FSUS Receives AP Access Award
I am proud to announce that FSUS received an "AP Access Award!" "This award honors schools that demonstrate a clear and effective commitment to equitable access to advanced coursework. Schools earn the additional award if the percentage of AP Exam takers who are underrepresented minority and/or low-income students mirrors the school's overall student demographics." CollegeBoard
2025 Best & Brightest Interest Meeting
Mrs. Kinney will be hosting an FSUS Best & Brightest interest meting with special guest, Mrs. Laura Rogers. She will be sharing information with seniors about the application on Thursday, October 17th at 3:00 p.m. in Ms. Young's classroom!
Best & Brightest Winners of 2024:
WORLD LANGUAGES: Eryn Files, Winner
ART: Onyinyechukwu "Onyinye" Okoli, Runner-up
LEADERSHIP: Madeline Byrd, Runner-up
SOCIAL SCIENCE: Zoe Rubin, Runner-Up
ATHLETICS: Cannon Ramsey, Honorable Mention
ENGLISH: Dilahan Cavusoglu, Honorable Mention
MUSIC: Kyla Rogers, Honorable Mention
BUSINESS: Kenedi Lowe, Finalist
CAREER & TECHNICAL: Alexander "Xander" Hawkes, Finalist
DRAMA & PERFORMING ARTS: Carter Nelson, Finalist
JOURNALISM & MEDIA: Kayla Farlin, Finalist
MATHEMATICS: Fabian Delgado, Finalist
PUBLIC SPEAKING: Ivan Rabbath, Finalist
SCIENCE & HEALTH: Amelia Wass de Czege, Finalist
PROS Award- Celebrating our Teachers and Staff!
Our students nominate superstar teachers for the PROS Award. One teacher or staff member is selected by Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs. Brink from those nominations every week and featured on the announcements. Our PROS awards so far have gone to.....
Mr. Mello, HS Social Science
Ms. Cotton, Elementary
Ms. Eichler, Finance
Every Kid, Every Day!
School Custodian Appreciation Day was 10/3. We are so thankful for our custodians!!
College Fair was a hit! Thank you, Coach McNeil, for organizing!
Volleyball Senior Night!
Healthy Lives Matter!
On Friday October 4th, we had a full day of events related to health and wellness. Our 9th and 11th grade students started their morning with learning CPR thanks to our Nurse Mrs. Westphal and Leon County EMS!
In the afternoon, our clinic (Mrs. Westphal and Ms. Davis) and CNA Program (Ms. Antonoplos and nursing students) in connection with "Who We Play For" conducted EKG heart screenings for over 100 students! We are so thankful for the support and donations from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Foundation, PTSA, parents, and other community members!!!
FSUS Athletics
Winter sports season is upon us! Please have your student complete the EL2 (physicals) and EL3 (parent consent) forms and upload them to Focus. All student must have over a 2.0 GPA to participate in sports. You can find the FHSAA forms at the following link: FHSAA Eligibility Forms. The Activity fee deadline has been extended until October 11th.
We will hold eligibility clearance days on October 3rd and October 9th from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the gym lobby.
If you have any questions about the tryout schedule, please don't hesitate to contact the coach listed below.
Best regards,
Anthony Robinson
Please check out our athletic webpage for all information related to sports. (https://fsusathletics.com/)
The fall sports season has begun. If you are interested in coming out to support our teams, please go to the following link to purchase tickets on line https://fsus.hometownticketing.com/embed/all
See Something, Hear Something, Say Something
As we have discussed with our students, it's important to notify a teacher, counselor, administrator, or police officer if a student is in need of help, if there is a concerning behavior, or a student is in crisis. Sometimes as parents, we hear concerns from our students at home. Please contact us immediately if you hear any concerning reports. Besides reaching out to an administrator, we have an online anonymous reporting tool on our website at the bottom of the home page (fsus.school).
Fortify Florida (https://getfortifyfl.com/) is also a tool available for reporting. Fortify Florida is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials across the state. Please note that someone who knowingly submits a false tip through FortifyFL may be subject to further investigation by law enforcement and may be subject to criminal penalties under section 837.05, F.S.
Join PTSA!
Donate to FSUS! (Through FSU Foundation)
Research that Makes a Difference!
Your Student Services Team
Questions for our student services team? Please see contact information below:
Academic Dean for 9th/10th Grade- Ms. April McGriff, amcgriff@fsu.edu
Academic Dean for 11th Grade/Dual Enrollment- Mr. Todd McNeil, tmcneil@fsu.edu
Academic Dean for 12th Grade/9-12 Counselor- Ms. Jennifer Kinney, jkinney@fsu.edu
Dean of Discipline Grades 9-12, Mr. Kevin Helms, khelms@fsu.edu
Attendance Dean, Mr. Danny Bailey, wbailey@fsu.edu
Testing Coordinator, Ms. Lisa Kelley, lkelley@fsu.edu
CollegeBoard and AP Testing, Ms. Megan Crombie, mcrombie@fsu.edu
We have many different supportive resources for our students.
Please note the following and reach out as needed:
Please use the following emails when trying to reach our support team:
Student Records- records@fsus.school
Admissions- admissions@fsus.school
FOCUS Troubleshooting- focus@fsus.school
Attendance- attendance@fsus.school
Clinic- clinic@fsus.school
Other Services:
- Bullying/Anonymous Reporting- (https://airtable.com/appSnRUYeEyLL2Cb7/pagqaSyuclVKoCUit/form)
- Counseling Services- https://www.fsus.school/health
- ESE/504 Information- Matt McCloskey and Monica Broome, mbroome@fsu.edu
- Free & Reduced Lunch- Click cafeteria and set up through PayPams (https://www.fsus.school/payment)
- Title I Coordinator- The goal of the FSUS Title I program is to increase student achievement by supporting students, families, and teachers.- Monica Broome, mbroome@fsu.edu
- Title IX Deputy Coordinator (Harassment)- Monica Broome, mbroome@fsu.edu (https://www.fsus.school/parent2)
Best High Schools
by U.S. News Ranks Florida High
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