Munhall Bulletin
April 26, 2024
Munhall Elementary School
Email: amy.dunne@d303.org
Website: http://munhall.d303.org/
Location: 1400 South 13th Avenue
Phone: 331-228-2600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Munhall-Elementary-1459358344296891/
Twitter: @MunhallD303
From the Principal
- This week in classrooms, I noticed students with a focus on the structure of their writing, kindergarten through 5th grade. It was so impressive!
- I am looking forward to our K - 2 students showing off all of their skills when they take the spring iReady diagnostic beginning next week.
- I am looking forward a fun filled night tonight with our basket raffle!
- Teacher appreciation week will be May 6 - May 10. Please see my previous email from earlier this week if you would like to support.
- We will have another author's visit on 5/8. The author will be Kate Hannigan. I am excited to provide our students with this opportunity again.
- Thank you for all of your support on Wednesday with our last early release of the school year.
- The 5th Grade Music concert will be on Friday, May 10.
Upcoming Dates
4/24 - Early Release (Students dismissed at 2:10)
4/26 - Basket Raffle Night (6:00)
5/6 - 5/10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
5/8 - Author's Visit
5/10 - 5th Grade Music Concert (6:00)
High Five Movement
George Ryder: So respectful and helpful to Mrs. Dunne & Mrs. Sjogren when he's in the office
Henry Hultine: He's working so hard to follow the Mustang Way! Henry is growing as a learner every day. Way to go Henry!
Jace Wolf: Jace was really helpful and kind to another student who was having a hard time in the hallway.
Mary Sykora & Lucia Orescanin: These two 1st graders turned in a horseshoe that they found in the hallway. Way to show the Mustang Way!
Emmit Poyer: Emmit is always helpful, respectful and kind to the office staff. Thank you, Emmit!
Shadwa Hashim: Shadwa greets every person with a smile. She has worked so hard in Kindergarten and is a very flexible thinker.
Caroline Kane: Caroline has been a role model for other students in the hallway. She walks safely and her voice is at a level zero. Thank you for respecting the learning of all Mustangs, Caroline!
Kaydin Thomas: Kaydin is absolutely rocking his learning! He's working so hard every day. Way to go, Kaydin!
Mr. Tony: Mr. Tony is awesome. Thank you for keeping our building safe and clean so that we can all learn!
Do you have a "Mrs. Sitta Alumni or a current Student?"
Contact Thea Jankowski at tdjankowski@yahoo.com
5th grade music performance on Friday, May 10!
Hello Munhall 5th grade families!
I am excited to share more details about the 5th grade music performance on Friday, May 10! All 5th graders will be participating in the performance "Rockin' Through the Decades!"
Order a Munhall 2024 5th Grader sign below. NEW LINK!!!!!
Watch Dog Volunteer
Drop off and pick up
- If you are dropping off in the morning, please remember that you may also drop students off in the front of the building. The line on 13th gets longer throughout the winter, so this is always an option. Likewise, when you do not see any other Munhall staff outside please drive to the front of the building to drop your child off. We typically go in right around 8:00. The "why" for this is safety. Thank you for your understanding.
- When parking on 13th, please be mindful of all the cars that need to park and pick up kids. You do not need to take up two car spots to park. I know it can get tight with all the cars but all cars leave at different times and it always works out perfectly.
Phones/Smart Watches
From 22-23 Elementary Handbook: Students are extended the privilege of possessing phones/ smartwatches on school grounds; however, their use is limited to after-school dismissal and non-school days. These devices must be in the off position, or not used once the student arrives on campus until the end of the school day.
Munhall Lost and Found
Yearbook Link
Go to: www.treering.com/validate
passcode is
Purchase & Customize Your Yearbook
Must be a parent or student 13 years or older.
Create Custom Pages by: Apr 6
Volunteer form
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/vounteer+form?projector=1Student absence procedures
Early pick up procedures
Staff favorites
Please click the picture to get directed to the staff favorite spreadsheet