Mayo News
February 12, 2024

Hello Mayo Families!
It was a nice quiet week at Mayo. Students, hopefully, enjoyed a day off on Tuesday. Teachers attended a full day Professional Training day for the new ELA curriculum (HMH Into Reading) which will be implemented next year!
Congratulations to the Staff Baby Picture Contest winners! We had 17 correct entries ranging from Kindergarten to 5th grade! The full list is below!
I am sure kiddos are a bit tired because of Daylight Savings "Spring Ahead" this weekend. Please do your best to get on a regular sleep schedule.
Good Luck to our Special Olympians. They will be competing on Wednesday at the High School! Go for the Gold!!
Be sure to go over lunch options with your child so they are requesting/ordering what they want in the morning and actually taking what they ordered in the afternoon! This will alleviate issues in the kitchen.
We are so happy to report that students Friday in 4B were in their seats and ready to learn by 9:02! A great improvement since the bus time changes! I am again, however, requesting caution at arrival. I stood out by the flagpole rotary Friday and noticed cars were continuing to create a “middle lane” to pass a bus to get to carpool. If your child is entering through the carpool door, they will not be marked absent. Staff members will remain there if there is a line of cars! Please do not pass any buses at any time on school grounds.
I am again asking parents to PLEASE:
drop off students arriving by car in the back of the school. I understand it may add a minute or two to your drop-off, but we have had some close calls when cars pull in front of buses or park their car and walk their student.
only enter through the Front door or the Carpool door. (Students should not be entering through side doors.)
use caution and judgment at the front of the flagpole “rotary”. Cars have been creating a “middle lane” to avoid waiting behind buses, which has also resulted in some close calls.
Please Note: We will not mark students tardy for waiting in a line at carpool or arriving on a late bus as tardy.
We all want to ensure the safety of Mayo students and families. Thank you for doing your part to create a safe environment for all.
There is a lot going on this month! Thank you to the PTA for working so hard to create extra learning experiences and community events for our MAYO students. Tomorrow is the start of the Coin Drive and our Read-a-thon! From what I hear - it is the biggest fundraiser of the year (although I am most excited to see what books our students will be reading!)
Cariolan Kasper
We are looking forward to seeing what wonderful books students will read for our Mayo Read-A-Thon. Click here for Read-A-Thon FAQ!
Starting tomorrow, March 11th-15th, we will be collecting coins for our Book Fair Coin Drive. This coin drive supports our school library. There will be buckets for coin collection in the school lobby, if we raise $500 the students will earn a cardboard day in April. Our Book Fair runs from March 18th-22th. Students will be coming to Book Fair with their classes to shop for books during their library time. We will also hold two Family Shopping Events, March 20th 5pm-8pm and March 22 5pm-8pm. This event would not be possible without the help of our amazing parent volunteers! There are volunteer sign up slots for each class to help the students shop as well as running the cash registers, set-up and clean up. An active Cori form is required to volunteer. Here's the link to sign up! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A48ADAF28A2FF2-48331686-mayo#/
Please see attachments for more information on the coin drive, book fair, e-wallets, as transferring funds from a previous book fair.
Thanks so much for your help!
The Mayo Library Committee
Coin Drive Flyer
E-Wallet Flyer
Transfer Last Year Funds in eWallet
Staff Baby Picture Contest (#1)
17 Winners!
Aubrey (KD)
Juliana (KD)
Maya (2T)
Antonio (2L)
Norman (2H)
Luca (3-O)
Maddie (3-O)
Fiona (3-D)
Lauren (3)
Aidan (3-O)
Addison (3-W)
Santino (4B)
Nick (4B)
Callie (4S)
Mrs. Dowd
Mrs. Hilton
Mrs. Riley
All winners receive a special pencil and the GRAND PRIZE WINNER chosen from the 17 entries is......
SANTINO from 4B! He will receive a custom made Mayo T-Shirt with his name!
Congratulations to all the correct entry winners and look out for Contest #2 coming up this week!
Here is the video: LINK
Correct Answers: 1=Mrs. Petersen; 2=Mrs. Leroy; 3=Mrs. Doherty; 4=Mrs. Bercume; 5=Mrs. Hilton
- Date Grade/Test
- Tuesday 3/26 Grade 3 ELA MCAS
- Thursday 3/28 Grade 3 ELA MCAS
- Tuesday 4/2 Grade 4 ELA MCAS
- Wednesday 4/3 Grade 4 ELA MCAS
- Tuesday 4/9 Grade 5 ELA MCAS
- Wednesday 4/10 Grade 5 ELA MCAS
- Tuesday 4/30 Grade 3 Math MCAS
- Wednesday 5/1 Grade 3 Math MCAS
- Tuesday 5/7 Grade 4 Math MCAS
- WednesdayMay 5/8 Grade 4 Math MCAS
- Tuesday 5/14 Grade 5 Math MCAS
- Thursday 5/16 Grade 5 Math MCAS
- Tuesday 5/21 Grade 5 STE MCAS
- Wednesday 5/22 Grade 5 STE MCAS
"Together We Build" an inclusive LEGO club
What a great first session of our Lego club for our grades 3-5 last Thursday! "Together We Build," is an inclusive LEGO club, which fosters collaboration among our diverse student population and celebrates varied abilities within our community. We are lucky to have the pilot program begin at Mayo Elementary with the theme, "Lego Landscapers, Shaping Our Shared Spaces."
Unfortunately we are at capacity and can not admit any additional students at this time. We will revisit the possibility of offering it again.
Students have been notified what section they are in and when they will be attending
Session Dates:
Grades 3-5, March 7th & 14th, after school - 5:30PM
Grades K-2 Group A, March 21st & 28th, after school - 5:30PM
Grades K-2 Group B, April 3rd & April 8th, after school - 5:30PM
Choose to be Nice
We began our Word of the Month: RESPONSIBILITY!!
Here are the At Home Activities to help your child understand the importance of Responsibility and being accountable for their own actions.
3/11 - Acton Discovery Museum Visit (Gr 1 Sound)
3/11-3/24 - Read-a-thon Fundraiser
3/11-3/15 - Coin Drive
3/13 - Environmental Club meeting 3:30
3/13 - PTA Meeting 6:30
3/14 - Acton Discovery Museum Visit (Gr 2 Physical Changes)
3/14 - Lego "Together We Build" Club (registered students gr 3-5) 3:30-5:30
3/18-3/22 - PTA Book Fair (Please go bagless!!)
3/20 - Gr 5 Mt. View visit
3/20 - Family Shopping Night - Book Fair 5:00-8:00
3/21 - Friendship Bracelet Workshop 3:30-04:45
3/21 - Lego "Together We Build" Club (registered students gr K-2 Group A) 3:30-5:30
3/22 - SIMCO meeting 4:00-5:00
3/22 - Family Shopping Night - Book Fair 5:00-8:00
3/22 - Grade 5 Raffle Drawing
3/25 - Community Reading Day!
3/26 - Acton Discovery Museum Visit (Gr K Bubbles)
3/26 - MCAS Gr 3 ELA
3/27 - Students 1/2 Day
3/28 - MCAS Gr 3 ELA
3/28 - Lego "Together We Build" Club (registered students gr K-2 Group A) 3:30-5:30
4/1 - Choose To Be Nice: Responsibility Celebration (Intro: Friendship)
4/2 - MCAS Gr 4 ELA
4/3 - MCAS Gr 4 ELA
4/3 - Lego "Together We Build" Club (registered students gr K-2 Group B) 3:30-5:30
4/5 - End of 3rd Quarter
4/5 - Grade 5 Spaghetti Dinner
4/7 - PTA Roller Skating Night
4/8 - Start of 4th Quarter
4/8 - Lego "Together We Build" Club (registered students gr K-2 Group B) 3:30-5:30
4/8 & 4/9 - Acton Discovery Museum Visit (Gr 3 Magnetism)
4/9 & 4/10 - MCAS Gr 5 ELA
4/10 - Acton Discovery Museum Visit (Gr 4 Sound)
4/10 - Environmental Club 3:30
4/10 - PTA Meeting
4/11 - 3rd Q Report Cards
4/15-4/19 - April Vacation
☘️March 2024 Menu ☘️
The Kitchen Staff is asking parents to please talk to your child about their lunch choice. We have had some problems in the kitchen with students choosing and ordering one lunch choice the morning, but taking something else in the cafeteria, leaving the last few grades without the options they ordered. Thank you!
Bus Safety
Please remind your child(ren) about maintaining safe behaviors on the school bus. We have had an uptick in behaviors since our return from winter break. There is detailed information in the Mayo Handbook (link at bottom of SMORE) but here is some basic info pertaining to our biggest safety concerns. Students must:
- Remain in his/her seat when the bus is moving
- Restrict his/her talking to those children who are sitting next to him/her. Shouting will distract the bus driver
- Not use inappropriate language
- Not fight-bully-tease others on the bus.
We appreciate your help keeping our bus rides safe!
Nursing Notes
Info from Nurse Mangum
Here are general Guidelines for when your child is sick.