They are here!
Picking Up Diplomas
Good Day All
For those students, recent graduates that have yet to receive the actual diploma we now have received them.
Students and Parents. We are still on summer hours, which means the hours are from 8:00 – 4:00 Monday – Thursday. The office staff is not on hand to allow you entry into the building. Therefore when coming to pick up diplomas. When arriving you will need to call the number on the front door, to inform us that you have arrived. It is better to call in advance to make arrangements for picking up diplomas.
Parents – Please note if your scholar is 18 we will not and cannot give you the diploma unless we have written permission to release the documents to you. Each folder will have the following items:
1. Diploma
2. Three (3) sets of transcripts in a sealed envelope. DO NOT open the sealed envelopes they are provided for you to use for college entrance and acceptance. Once the seal on the envelope is broken institutions of higher learning will not accept them.
3. One (1) transcript that is not sealed.
4. Check the name spelling on the diploma for any inaccuracies.
Congratulations again on your accomplishment! We are extremely proud of each of you.
Dr. B
Al Benskin, Ed.D.
Director, Alternative Education Services
Waxahachie Independent School District
55 North Gate Dr, Waxahachie TX 75165
(972 923-4695 X3200 / FAX: 972 923-4717)
*: abenskin@wisd.org / WEB: www.wisd.org
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This LEA in support of school districts and Career and Technical Education Programs does not discriminate based on sex, disability, race, color, age, or national origin in its educational programs, activities, or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504, and Title VI.
This LEA, para assistar distritos escolar y su Programa Educacional de Carerra y Technologia no discriminan en base a sexo, disabilidad, raza, color, edad u origen nacional en sus programas educativos, actividades, o empleo como lo requiere el Titulo IX, Seccion 504 y Titulo VI.
WISD Vision: Our vision is to be a district where innovation thrives and growth is limitless
High School of Choice
We are an alternative high school, designed to help at-risk students achieve their goals of high school graduation and beyond. HSoC supports students through rigorous, innovative, and engaging learning experiences. Every student will be empowered to fiercely navigate their world with resilience, purpose, courage, humility, and pride.
Academic Performance and Effort
It is an expectation that all High School of Choice (HSoC) students put forth the effort to reach their maximum potential. Academic excellence is achieved by challenging yourself to improve on every assignment or task you encounter.
WISD Vision: Our vision is to be a district where innovation thrives and growth is limitless
Email: hsocmail@wisd.org
Website: wisd.hsoc/
Location: 55 Northgate Drive, Waxahachie, TX, USA
Phone: (972) 923-4695