CMES Meerkat Message
September 15, 2024
Cecil Manor Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Catrina Long (cjlong@ccps.org)
Assistant Principal: Alison Benner (cabenner@ccps.org)
Dean of Students: Lindsey Steltz (lrsteltz@ccps.org)
Website: https://cmes.ccps.org/
Location: 971 Elk Mills Road, Elkton, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 996 - 5090
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cecilmanorelementary/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/793483676/cecil-manor-elementary/
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From Administration
Hello Cecil Manor Families!
In the month of September, we provide families with a lot of information concerning
instruction and curriculum, because we want you to know what your child is learning and what
they are doing at our school. Below we have included the marking period descriptors for each
grade level so that you can see what will be covered during the first marking period for your
Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee: New Year, New Topics! Please join us for our first SECAC meeting of the year. September 26, 2024, from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Administrative Services Building 900 North East Road. We want to hear from you!
Click here to review the CCPS attendance policy. Attendance is so important in your child accomplishing their instructional goals and growing as a successful learner. Students should be in school by 9:00 A.M. each day. Students are late after 9:00 A.M. We do understand that children get sick and that there are times that students are not able to attend school. We ask that you communicate with your child's teacher or speak with someone in the main office so that we can support your child when s/he returns. Again, our focus is on your child and his/her success. We ask that you work with us as we prepare for a successful year with your child! Good attendance makes a difference. It improves academic performance and promotes future success.
Open House
We are excited to invite families into classrooms on Thursday, September 26, 2024. Classroom teachers will share information concerning classroom expectations and curriculum. Dinner will be served at 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM with a presentation about attendance and academic resources that can be utilized at home. Please complete the RSVP on the back of the flyer and send it back to the school if you are planning to have dinner and engage in the presentation. Classroom sessions will begin at 6:00 PM and end by 6:50 PM. We will have community resources set up for you review as well.
When schools give students access to devices and online accounts, an incredible world of learning opportunities opens up — as well as potential dangers. Digital safety is critically important to Cecil County Public Schools, which is why we have been using Bark for Schools to help us protect our students both online and in real life. Please refer to this letter for more information.
Math Resources for Families
We are often asked about resources to support students at home. Please see below for information from our math curriculum that will assist families with supporting their child at home in math.
Sites are different for each grade level. Below are those links:
Reading Resources
Judy Center
The Cecil County Judy Center Partnership promotes school readiness and success through collaborative community partnerships to offer a full range of services for children birth to age 5 and their families. We are lucky to have the Judy Center working with Cecil Manor.
Dates to Remember
September 16: Volunteer Orientation 2:00 PM
September 17: Volunteer Orientation 9:30 AM - Virtual
September 19: First PTO Meeting 6 PM
September 20: Volunteer Orientation 9:30 AM
September 26: Open House 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm