Hyatt Elementary
November Memo
Parent Teacher Conferences Reminder: November 5th & 6th
Dear Hyatt Families,
Be sure to visit the book fair during parent teacher conferences located in the media center. Also, PALS World's Finest Chocolates Pick-Up is Nov 5th & 6th between 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm at Hyatt Elementary. We had our kickoff Assembly yesterday and the fundraiser will be from Nov.4th-Nov 26th.
LCS Late Start Day - Wednesday, November 20th
Hyatt's November Newsletter had a typo for the upcoming late start day. It is Nov 20th! The bell rings at 10:34 am. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.
Student Council Project: Socktober
Student council did a great job promoting Socktober to collect socks for Snuggle Sacks. Hyatt students collected 1,365 pairs of socks. Mrs. Rueckert's class collected the most socks, second place was Miss Setzke and third place was Mrs. Haller's class.
Halloween Parade 2019
Hyatt students, staff and families had a great time seeing all of the costumes this year. Dr. Wax donated candy and Caretel donated rice crispy treats,
2019 Teacher of the Year
Our own Hyatt teacher Natalie Gecele was nominated and selected for the 2019 Fenton Chamber Educator of the Year Award. Mrs. Gecele will be awarded at the Chamber Banquets on November 8th.