PBMS Family Bulletin
December 12, 2024
PBMS Vision
PBMS strives to be a place where students want to come to school, parents want to send their children and staff want to come to work.
Message from the Principal
Hello PBMS Families. We have one week and one day left in the semester and 2024 school year. It is hard to believe how quickly the semester has passed. The end of the Semester 1 grading period is tomorrow for 6th graders and Friday, December 20 for everyone else. Grades will not be posted until January 10. I am directing the staff NOT to work during their vacation so teachers will not be accepting late work, answering emails, grading and updating PowerSchool during the break. This gives you and your child a chance to unplug from school as well. Enjoy your time together.
If you have not done so already, please complete this survey 25/26 Family Budget Survey to share your thoughts on the 25-26 budget. The end of the Semester 1 grading period is Friday, December 20.
Student Wellbeing Survey: After break, all students will be given a survey to provide valuable insights into students’ experiences, engagement, and well-being. Results will help us identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth to guide targeted programs and enhance equity and belonging across our schools. School-wide reports will be shared with administrators to support actionable planning. If you do NOT want your child to participate, you can opt out. Please review this letter Parent Consent Letter and reach out with any questions or concerns. You have until December 20, 2024, to submit the opt-out form.
8th Grade Community Projects
- Need to recycle your dead batteries? Click here to find out where to do it. EcoVolt Project
- Donate hygiene products to help the homeless. Click here to find out where to donate HYGIENE HELP
- Friday 12/15: Wear Comfy Winter Clothes/Pajamas (Lunch event- Teachers vs. Students Basketball)
Family Events
- PB Holiday Parade - Saturday, December 14 at 1PM on Garnet
San Diego Gulls Game: Friday, January 10th at 7 pm
The San Diego Gulls would like to welcome Pacific Beach Middle & Mission Beach High students, faculty, staff, families, and friends for a hockey night out. $5 per ticket will be going to the schools. Get your tickets here: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Pacificbeach8- Student Led Conferences: Thursday, January 16 from 3:00-5:30pm Join your child at school to learn about their progress. This was my favorite event as a parent. It only takes about 30 minutes but it was so valuable for my son to tell me how he was doing in every class and share what he wanted to improve.
- Schoolyard Dash 5K and 1K Fun Run: Sunday, February 2nd at 8:30 am This event brings together all of the schools in the Mission Bay Cluster to raise money for PBMS and MBHS! Free 1K Fun Run for the young ones and 5K for anyone! Live Music, Vendors, Food, and lots of FUN! Find out the details at https://fopbss.org/schoolyard-dash/
Kudos: Recognize PBMS staff
- Living Our Values Everyday - SAN DIEGO UNIFIED LOVE NOTES - SDUSD is encouraging everyone (colleagues, students, families, community members, etc.) to nominate an exemplary employee. Click here: Link for more information and the nomination form.
- PBMS Staff Shout Outs - From families: Did your child share a great thing that happened at school? Are you noticing your child loving a subject they used to hate? Was someone on the phone very helpful? If you answered yes, send a shout out to the staff. Recognized staff may win a reserved parking spot each month. LINK
Take Care,
~Ms. Meng
Tutoring, Wellness & Clubs Schedule Link
🌊 Go Waves!🌊
Counseling Corner
Struggling with Tardies and Want to Attend the Dance? We are offering an opportunity for 6th-7th-8th graders to clear tardies so they can be eligible to attend the dance. EVERY Tuesday & Thursday (beginning Tuesday Nov 19th with the last session being held Thu January 9th) students can clear TWO tardies by attending an after-school tardy recovery session in room 352. The session starts at 2:50pm and ends at 3:35pm. Students do not need to register for the tardy recovery session - they just need to show up to room 352 no later than 2:50pm. They can attend one session or several sessions. If you are not sure how many tardies you have accrued since November 4th you can check your attendance record in PowerSchool. Ms. Rice will have a sign-in sheet to track the tardies students clear. The after-school tardy recovery sessions run from Nov. 19th - Dec. 19th Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:50-3:35pm.
5th grade Articulation: PBMS hosted a 5th grade parent meeting and a special Barnard meeting last week. Please share with your 5th grade Mission Bay Cluster friends.
- PBMS 5th grade Parent Presentation
- PBMS Mandarin Immersion Parent Presentation
- PBMS 6th Grade Course Request Form
6th and 7th grade Articulation: Counselors met with all 6th and 7th grade students to discuss class schedules for next year. Students should have submitted their course requests by Friday, November 4 in order for the school to build enough elective classes that students want. Be sure that you/your child has submitted the form. Links are below if it is not done yet.
- 6th grade course request form: 2025-2026 PB Middle 7th Grade Course Request Form
- 7th grade course request form: 2025-2026 PB Middle 8th Grade Course Request Form
Thriving Thursdays: Join our Wellness Coordinator, Ms. Graves every Thursday after school in the Media Center for Thriving Thursdays from 2:50pm-3:50pm. This weekly workshop focuses on organization, executive functioning skills, stress/anxiety coping strategies and more! All students welcome!
Upcoming Events
- Principal's Coffee - Friday, December 13 at 8:15am in the media center - 25/26 Budget Priorities
- MBHS Movie Night on the Field - Friday, December 13 at 6:00pm - FLYER
- 6th grade Camp - 12/16-12/20
- End of Semester 1 - Friday, December 20
- Winter Break - 12/23-1/6
Things to Know
- PBMS News for Monday 12/9/24
- PBMS News Admin Update for Tuesday 12/10/24
Student Information: Not signed up for your grade level Google Classroom? Do it today to find out about school events and activities.
- 6th grade: ozs6cel
- 7th grade: uwco5tp
- 8th grade: jxubxcu
Community Service
- 6th & 7th Grade: Community Service is an inspiring component of the IB program at PBMS. There are many opportunities to earn hours during the school day, through classes at PBMS. Students can earn hours at formal community service events, such as organized beach/community clean-ups, 5K’s, food kitchen, Girl/Boy Scouts, volunteering at church events, volunteering at a non-profit. Students can also create their own service opportunities, such as an informal community clean-up, helping an elderly neighbor with yard work, beautifying a green space, or spreading kindness in the community. Our principled IB students will then log their hours in their digital community service process journal, which is in their 6th or 7th grade Google Classroom. This process is based on the honor system and students will report their total service hours on May 2nd. Click this link for more information: 6th/7th Grade Community Service Process Journal.
SDUSD & PBMS Important Information
- Facts for Parents
- Uniform Complaint Procedure (English, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese)
- PBMS Parent & Family Engagement Policy
- SDUSD Parent & Family Engagement Policy - SPANISH
- PBMS School Parent Compact
- School Accountability Report Card Latest version 2022-2023
- Back to School Night Presentations
- PBMS Title 1 Presentation
- SDUSD Sexual Health Education Curriculum Preview Access
Main Office
Hello PBMS Families! Welcome to the new school year. Below is a list of Front Office contacts with assigned duties. Please feel free to contact any one of us or stop by the Main Office if you have any questions, concerns, or just to say hello.
Alma Nelson - Administrative Assistant - anelson@sandi.net
Administrative Contact 🌊Transportation 🌊 Volunteers 🌊 Substitutes
Rentals/Events 🌊 School Calendar
Pilar Agejas - Financial Clerk - magejaschicharro@sandi.net
Uniforms and School Merchandise 🌊 6th Grade Camp
Sally Kaufman - Library Tech - skaufman@sandi.net
Chrome Books 🌊 Library 🌊 Garden club
Lauren Myers - School Clerk II - lmyers1@sandi.net
Attendance 🌊 Enrollments 🌊 Choice 🌊 Student Independent Study Contracts
Sven Bailey - sbailey@sandi.net
PowerSchool Parent Portal 🌊 Student Records
Mary Gantz - School Nurse - mgantz@sandi.net
Anna Arellano - Health Tech - aarellano3@sandi.net
First Aid 🌊 Student Medications 🌊 Immunizations 🌊 Nursing Documentation
Connect with other PBMS parents via FOPBSS!
Be part of the PBMS/MBHS parent community! Friends of Pacific Beach Secondary Schools (FOPBSS) is the parent-teacher organization for PBMS and MBHS. Come to our next meeting on Wednesday, January 8, at 6:00 PM in the PBMS Media Center. Learn more about us and sign up for our weekly e-blast here: https://fopbss.org/2024-25/
San Diego Gulls Game: Friday, January 10th at 7 pm
The San Diego Gulls would like to welcome Pacific Beach Middle & Mission Beach High students, faculty, staff, families, and friends for a hockey night out. $5 per ticket will be going to the schools. Get your tickets here: https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Pacificbeach8
Schoolyard Dash 5K and 1K Fun Run: Sunday, February 2nd at 8:30 am
This event brings together all of the schools in the Mission Bay Cluster to raise money for PBMS and MBHS! Free 1K Fun Run for the young ones and 5K for anyone! Live Music, Vendors, Food, and lots of FUN! Find out the details at https://fopbss.org/schoolyard-dash/
Sign up for the FOPBSS newsletter today!
Contact Us
Email: kmeng@sandi.net
Website: https://pbmiddle.sandiegounified.org/
Location: 4676 Ingraham Street, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: 858-221-5600