TCS News to Know
For the Week of September 9, 2024
Dear Families,
- E-MAIL - The most efficient way is to send an email. This allows teachers to respond when they are available. All teachers have an email address that is available online at (or go to homepage, and under District, select District Personnel).
- PHONE CALL - All teachers also have an extension that can be accessed on this same page. Parents can call and leave a voicemail for a teacher to respond to when they are available.
- SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT - Call your child's main building office and request a parent meeting. This allows the teacher to set a time that is convenient for both parties. Please remember that drop in visits to see teachers are not allowed.
All elementary teachers also have a Class Dojo account to relay specific information. High school and middle school teachers also have Google Classrooms for their classes, and parents can be added to be able to view assignments.
In order to protect the safety of all students, we want to remind parents that no individuals other than students and school employees should be in the school hallways, before, during, or after school. Any visitor to the school MUST check in to the office, and must be escorted to their destination. Thank you for your help with this!
First Varsity Football Home Game Photos!
Mental Health is Important!
According to the Center for Disease Control, "being mentally healthy during childhood means reaching developmental and emotional milestones and learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems. Mentally healthy children have a positive quality of life and can function well at home, in school, and in their communities." They also share that "symptoms of mental disorders change over time as a child grows, and may include difficulties with how a child plays, learns, speaks, and acts, or how the child handles their emotions. Symptoms often start in early childhood, although some disorders may develop during the teenage years. The diagnosis is often made in the school years and sometimes earlier; however, some children with a mental disorder may not be recognized or diagnosed as having one." (source:
At Tekonsha Community Schools, we partner with the Calhoun Intermediate School District to offer an onsite K-12 Mental Health Specialist to provide clinical mental health support for students in need. This year, our mental health specialist is Mrs. Caitlyn Wood. Mrs. Wood has an LMSW, and comes to us after serving as a Behavior Intervenionist at Battle Creek Public Schools. She currently is available on a referral basis to see general education students. If you would like more information on this service, please contact either Mrs. Jenn Westra, Behavior Interventionist, in the elementary school or Mrs. Brenda Tew, MS/HS Counselor, to talk about referral options.
Moment of Silence on Patriot Day
In remembrance and memorial to those that lost their lives on 9/11, both Tekonsha Elementary and Tekonsha MS/HS will hold a moment of silence on Wednesday, September 11. This year marks the 23rd anniversary of the attacks that resulted in the deaths of nearly 3.000 men, women, and children and impacted countless other families and loved ones.
Elementary Basketball
The Tekonsha Summerball Association is trying to start an elementary basketball team! If your 3rd or 4th grader is interested in playing basketball, please sign up by September 20 by completing the form at At least 7 boys and 7 girls are needed to form teams! You can also access the sign up by scanning the QR code below!
Spirit Store is Now Open!!!
The Tekonsha Athletic Boosters have put together a spirit store with a variety of clothing and gift options you can purchase to show your Tekonsha spirit and support the boosters! All orders will be placed at the completion of the sale and delivered directly to the Tekonsha Athletic Boosters on September 20th for distribution. The store closes Sunday, September 15th, so be sure to place your order this week!
Safety Begins at the Bus Stop!
Some safety reminders from our transportation department...
Due to the nature of our bus runs, our pick-up and drop-off times may vary a little. The bus driver will be responsible for bringing to attention any significant route time variations. Please have your child waiting at the bus stop 5 minutes before bus arrival. Dress them warm if needed. Also, if the driver cannot see a student waiting at the designated stop, they may choose to simply slow down and pass the stop or, stop briefly and continue on so that the schedule will not be thrown off.
Many of our student stop are in rural settings. This means that your child’s bus stop may or may not be close to other stops. Our drivers will utilize the best route based on the students who will ride each run. Please contact the bus transportation department at least 2 hours prior if you know your student/s will not be picked up in the morning. You may leave a message anytime at (517) 767-4121 ext. 350. Please do not call and leave early morning messages on the main school line. The drivers will not be able to get these messages until after school has started. Many of the parents do, and it is appreciated. You may also give the bus driver a schedule of your student's ride days in advance if you are able to.
Unless it is an emergency, please make sure your route bus driver knows who will be picking your child up from the drop-off. If they are 11 years or over and have permission to walk home by themselves, or be left at a location where there is no responsible adult present, make sure the driver is aware. Our drivers will NOT drop off a kindergartner or preschooler without a responsible person being visibly present.
If you have address or phone number changes, please call the bus office and leave a message regarding the change if needed.
Many of our pick-up and drop-off times are during the hours when it’s dark outside. We drive with the interior lights on inside the buses for safety. Also, many of our stops along the routes are not well lit. It can be difficult to see a person standing or walking close to the side or rear of the bus. Please have your student/s stand back 10-15 feet from where the bus will stop. Once the bus comes to a stop the student may approach the bus.
If your student is going to be absent from being picked up at their normal time and place, for more than 3 consecutive days, please notify the bus office or driver. If no communication is made we will assume that your student/s will no longer need a ride until we are further notified.
Thank you for your help in keeping our riders safe!
Yearbooks Still Available!
It is not too late to purchase a yearbook from the 2023-24 school year. Don't miss out on this collection of memories! All yearbooks must be ordered through the online site listed below. Click on the photo to access the link! These will only be for sale until the end of September!!
Tekonsha Board of Education - September Meeting
Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024, 07:00 PM
Tekonsha High School Library
Menus for the Month
Breakfast and lunch menus for both the elementary and the MS/HS are now available on the website! Click on the links below to access these. Breakfast is available for FREE for all students and is served in the elementary from 7:50 - 8:25 am (times vary by grade) and in the MS/HS from 7:50 - 8:00 am. Lunch is also available for FREE for all students, served from 11:00 am - 12:10 pm in the elementary (times vary by grade). In the HS, lunch is served from 10:45 - 11:11 am and from 11:41 - 12:06 pm for the MS.
Tekonsha Community Schools
Location: 245 South Elm Street, Tekonsha, MI, USA
Phone: 517-767-4121