Clyde Erwin Elementary School
Dr. Patterson's Weekly Update
Eagle Pride: Video by Dr. Patterson
January 11, 2020
Happy Saturday Eagles!
What a wonderful first week back at Clyde Erwin! The week started with our Morning Meeting with K-2 students reviewing expectations for respect and ended with DARE graduation for our fifth graders. We are so proud of all of our fifth graders for graduating DARE. Congratulations for a job well done! Always remember the importance of what you learned as you advance to middle school, high school, and beyond. We also want to say a special THANK YOU to Officer Horne for his time in teaching our DARE program. Congratulations to Chief Horne, as he is now the Chief of Police in Richlands, NC.
Additionally, report cards were sent home with students Friday. It is hard to believe we are in the third quarter of the school year! If you would like to schedule a conference with your child's teacher to discuss the report card or your child's needs moving forward, please call the school at 910-347-1261 or send the teacher a message on Class DoJo.
Mid-Year Assessments
All students are currently completing their math iReady diagnostic. It must be completed by the end of January. This mid-year diagnostic provides information to teachers about student growth and helps inform instruction for the second semester. Please encourage your students to take their time and show their work. We need accurate assessment data to meet students' needs.
NC Check-In Assessments
Students in grades 4-5 are participating in the NC Check-In assessment for reading this week. This assessment is a state requirement and provides teachers valuable information about student progress in reading. Additionally, students in grade 5 will complete the Science Check-In. Please encourage your students to do their best.
Winter Wonderland Dance
Our Winter Wonderland Dance will be held on Friday, January 17, 5:30-7:30pm. Tickets are pre-sale only and must be purchased by Wednesday, January 15, 2020. Tickets are $5.00 each, and at least one adult must attend with students. The ticket cost helps us cover food. Appetizers will be served, and photographs will be available for purchase.
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Our Krispy Kreme fundraiser begins on Monday, January 13, and students will be bringing home order forms. We are selling Krispy Kreme certificates for $8.50 each, and they may be redeemed at Krispy Kreme for one dozen doughnuts. One dozen doughnuts normally costs over $10.00, so you are saving money by purchasing certificates through our school. We receive 50% of the profit to purchase supplies that will directly benefit our students. All money and orders are due by January 24. Thank you for your support!
Talent Show
Our talent show for 2020 will be held on the evening of March 5. Students may sign up for try-outs this week, January 14-16. Please encourage your students to participate! It is always a fun night!
Box Tops
Thank you to all who donated Box Tops! We will be collecting until the beginning of May. Please continue to collect Box Tops and turn them in by April. Box Tops provide extra funding for our school.
THANK YOU for being a Box Tops Hero!
Web Page
Check out our web page at
Coca-Cola Give Program
Our school is part of the Coca-Cola Give program. When you make Coca-Cola purchases, you can support us in one of two ways:
(1) Scan or enter product codes here: select Clyde Erwin Elementary Magnet School; or
(2) Drop off product caps to the school receptionist.
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Events
January 13, 2020: Krispy Kreme Fundraiser begins
January 15, 2020: Awards Day (Grades 3-5 8:30am; Grade K 10:30am; Grades 1-2 12:30pm)
January 15, 2020: Last day to purchase Winter Wonderland Dance tickets
January 17, 2020, 5:30-7:30pm: Winter Wonderland Dance
January 20, 2020: Holiday (no school for students)
January 24, 2020: Krispy Kreme Fundraiser ends **All money and orders due
January 31, 2020: Student Dress-Down Day $1.00 **Proceeds benefit PBIS Program
January 31, 2020: PBIS Celebration "Glow Party"
Saturday, February 1, 2020: Science Olympiad Competition
February 3, 2020, 8:15am: Morning Meeting (K-2)
February 5, 2020: Midterm Reports Home
February 13, 2020: Early Release Day (students dismissed at 11:55am)
February 17, 2020, 8:15am: Morning Meeting (3-5)
February 28, 2020: Student Dress-Down Day $1.00
March 4, 2020, 6:00pm: OCS Spanish Spelling Bee
March 5, 2020, 5:30-8:00pm: Talent Show
March 6, 2020: PBIS Celebration
March 6, 2020: Last day for students prior to intercession
March 9-27, 2020: Spring Intercession (no school for students)
Positive Behavior Expectations
We review our behavior expectations with students regularly so they can show school pride at CEES and earn Class DoJo points. Students must earn 100 Class DoJo points during the month to participate in the schoolwide PBIS celebrations. Please review our CEES acronym with students at home to help support our program:
Clyde Erwin Eagles SOAR!
Staying safe
Owning your actions
Acting responsibly
Respecting everyone and everything
About Us
Mission: To provide and prepare students through innovative, cutting-edge, problem based, cultural and social academic opportunities
Location: 323 New River Drive, Jacksonville, NC 28540, United States
Phone: (910)347-1261
Twitter: @CEEMEagles