MMS Update 9-16-24
(Preparation, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Effort)
During the 2023-2024 school year, approximately 50% of MMS students were considered chronically absent. Chronically absent is defined as students who missed 10 percent or more of possible days during the scheduled school year. A student who attends fewer than 90% of scheduled school days is considered chronically absent by this federal definition.
MMS needs your help in meeting our 2024-2025 goal of drastically improving our attendance rate. Our goal is to reduce our chronically absent students by 12% and at least match the state's average of 38%.
Here are a few things you can do to help increase attendance and promote academic excellence:
Call the school if you need assistance or resources.
Help your child maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep.
Try not to schedule dental and medical appointments during the school day.
Don’t let your child stay home unless truly sick. Complaints of headaches or stomach aches may be signs of anxiety.
Help your child stay engaged.
Stay on top of academic progress and seek help from teachers if necessary. Make sure teachers know how to contact you.
Stay on top of your child’s social contacts. Peer pressure can lead to skipping school, while students without many friends can feel isolated.
Communicate with the school.
Talk to teachers if you notice sudden changes in behavior. These could be tied to something going on at school.
Check on your child's attendance to be sure absences are not piling up.
Ask for help from school officials, Communities In Schools, the Family Liaison, other parents or community agencies if you’re having trouble getting your child to school.
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Important Information
- Students have 4 minutes to transition from one class to another. They must be on time for each of their classes. They should be in their seats ready to learn when the bell rings.
No Cell phones/headphones/earbuds/ Air pods
No Hats or Hoods on heads
No Backpacks/winter coats
No sunglasses/bandanas
No Food/drinks (other than water in clear water bottles) in classrooms
- Parents, remember to use PowerSchool to monitor your child's grades and attendance. It is important for all students to arrive to school and class on time every day.
As a school we are earning points and working toward goals. Once we achieve those goals we will have celebrations. These could include (would love student feedback):
Hat Day
School Wide PRIDE Assembly
Would love student and teacher input!!!!
- If you or your child becomes aware of a situation that may create a problem at school, please contact an administrator at the school (269-337-0670). We want to be proactive and maintain the best possible learning environment for our students.
Academic Achievement, Safety and Order are Milwood Magnet School Priorities!
Help Us Receive The Most Educational Benefits
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is excited to share that the Michigan School Meals program is available for the 2024-2025 School Year! Michigan School Meals assures all breakfasts and lunches served to public-school students, grades Pre-K to 12, are free to all children.
- Schools and households in Michigan rely on Education Benefits to receive additional services throughout the school year, which is why every household is being asked to complete income documentation for their district to receive Education Benefits. The information collected is used to provide additional services and benefits beyond just school meals, like resources for classrooms, teachers, and children, guidance and college counselors, and health and wellness services.
Please complete the benefits form through the attached link. Completing these forms allows us to maintain the Michigan School Meals program. We currently have the highest return rate in the city. Help us stay in the #1 spot.
Click: "Apply For Benefits"
Click: "Next"
Read: "Terms of Use"
Click: "Accept"
Read: "Privacy Policy"
Click: "Accept"
Click: "Education Benefits Form"
Read: "Instructions" and Click: "Next"
Click: "Add Child"
Follow the remaining prompts and complete the form
Thank you for supporting our children and our school!
MMS Athletics...Please come join us and cheer for the LANCERS!
PowerSchool Parent Portal
PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online resource that gives parents/guardians access to their student’s:
- Grades and attendance
- Test results
- Report Cards
- Attendance history
- Email notifications that can include your child's grades and school announcements
- Teacher comments
- Calendars
How do I access the PowerSchool Parent Portal?
Click this link.
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Staying in the know...
Parents, remember to use PowerSchool to monitor your child's grades and attendance. If you have any questions or concerns please give us a call at 269-337-0670.
It is important for all students to arrive to school and class on time every day. Remind students to bring their charged Chromebook every day.
We are committed to ensuring that the students are provided with a safe and orderly academic environment, where learning is the primary focus of our students.
Principal, William Hawkins -
Assistant Principal, Aaron Sauter –
Counselor, Joshua Kruger -
Counselor, Rashonda Wiggins -