Action of the School Board

July 15, 2024
The School Board did not receive testimony during this agenda item.
Physics adoption
Dr. Josh Delich, associate superintendent of high schools; and Nichole Rens, director of secondary curriculum and instruction; presented a recommendation to purchase curriculum materials and lab resources to support learning in high school Physics and Honors Physics. The recommendation followed the approved curriculum approval process, including staff, student and community feedback. The motion to approve the recommendation failed on a 3-3 vote, with directors Arco, Audette and Hoekman voting no.
Social studies updates: U.S. studies grade 7
Becky Brodeur, associate superintendent for middle schools and student service; Dr. Josh Delich, associate superintendent of high schools; and Nichole Rens, director of secondary curriculum and instruction; presented a recommendation for updated curriculum for U.S. studies grade 7 materials but there was no motion to consider approval for the recommendation.
Pay 2025 Tax Levy Timeline
Michelle Vargas, chief financial officer, reviewed the calendar and action steps required for the School Board to adopt the 2025 property tax levy as required by state law. The Board will set a public hearing date for Monday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m. following establishing a proposed tax levy at their Sept. 23 meeting. That information will be used to inform individual notices of proposed taxes that will be sent to all taxpayers in advance of the public hearing and adoption.
Authorize Anoka-Hennepin building supervisors 2024-26 master agreement
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, presented the Anoka-Hennepin building supervisors 2024-26 master agreement for approval. The agreement is within the budget parameters provided by the School Board and it was approved on a unanimous vote.
Labor Relations update
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, provided the School Board with an update on the status of negotiations for employee groups consistent with Board Policy 209, Negotiations Code of Ethics. The presentation included an overview of the status of negotiations with the district’s bargaining groups and policy groups.
- Minutes from the June 24, 2024 School Board meeting.
- Retirements, resignations, terminations, layoffs and recalls, leaves and modified leaves of absence, appointments.
- Joint purchasing agreement with Kaleidoscope Charter School #4118.
- Identified official with authority (IOwA) designation of superintendent Cory McIntyre for the 2024-25 school year.
School Board work session, August 12 at 5:30 p.m. at the Education Service Center, 2727 Ferry St, Anoka, MN 55303.
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