Roland Hayes School
Community Notes ~ May 17, 2024
Our North Star
“When children and teachers feel engaged, safe, and supported we have room to grow and learn through collaboration and risk-taking with our peers.”
Previous "Community Notes" can be found here:
The "Community Notes" is sent every other week. Thanks for reading!
Dear Roland Hayes School Community
Mayfair Thanks!
What a wonderful day we had for Mayfair! The sun came out for us, the temps were just right, and the cake walk was happening! Events like this would be IMPOSSIBLE without our amazing parent volunteers. This Mayfair was supported by so many folks; in particular, Tiffany Rinne, Chelsey Huffman, Jennifer Niloff, Avery Forman, and Anjana Bhattacharya.
Thank you!!!!
We also say thank you to Chad Jessup for the Hawks Sun Safe bracelets. These bracelets change color! Have you noticed? The change in color indicates time in the sun. As the color of the bracelet intensifies, we hope kids (with your guidance) will take a break in the shade, get some water, and reapply sunscreen.
Here, again, is the notes Nurse Corcoran sent late April:
May is skin cancer awareness month! All students will receive UV sensitive bracelets with our new school name on them. The bracelets change from white to blue when exposed to sunlight. This is a fun way to help remind students they need to seek protection from the sun.
Recognizing the importance of sun protection in our youth is a critical time to have a positive impact given how much our kids are outdoors during recess and during different sporting or summer activities. Reinforcing the importance of sun protection can help reduce sun damage and risk of skin cancer. Some other helpful reminders to aid in sun protection:
Save the Date!
On June 3rd, we will be having a school renaming ceremony – marking the shift from Heath School to our new school name: Roland Hayes School.
The event will feature speeches, recognitions, a student presentation by students in grades 3-5, and a performance by Mr. Jackson Caesar, singing the works of Roland Hayes.
We hope you'll be able to join us!
During the day, we will have lots of celebrations for kids, including:
- give-aways - sweatshirts, gift cards from Brookline Booksmith and Eagle's Deli!
- celebrations - like a special PEP period, art projects, and a school-wide bingo!
- ... and more!
We hope the day will be one to remember; please join us at 1pm!
World Premiere! Kindergarten Earth Movie!
Do you care about kids? Want to protect the Earth? Of course you do! Let our Kindergarten crew teach you how!
Watch their 2024 Earth Movie 2024, here:
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon: Donations Needed!
Our next teacher and staff appreciation luncheon will be given on Tuesday, June 4th. Please sign up to donate funds, bring in an item or volunteer your time. You can cook, bake, purchase or donate. You can also support your favorite local restaurant by ordering a dish to contribute.
All items should be delivered to the Hayes Lobby 8-10am on Tuesday, June 6th. Please add a label with ingredients if needed for allergies. Also, write your name on the bottom of the dish if you would like to claim it after the luncheon. Clean platters and bowls will be available for pick up in the lobby at dismissal.
If you would like to donate funds to help us buy food and supplies for this luncheon, please submit through PayPal or Venmo to one of us:
Venmo: @Robin-Gilula or @anabelle-skalleberg or @Katharine-Sawatzky
PayPal: or
Thank you!
Anabelle Skalleberg, Robin Gilula and Katie Sawatzky (Parents in 2nd, 5th and 6th grades)
Jennifer Watkins to Receive METCO's Dr. Jean Maguire Award
In honor of Dr. Jean Maguire, METCO Inc. Executive Director for 43 years and Boston Educational Activist, the Brookline METCO Program awards student facing faculty and staff that have had great impact upon Brookline’s METCO students and families. Our School Psychologist, Ms. Jennifer Watkins, is a recipient of this honor this year!
She will be celebrated along with the other Maguire Award winners at our annual Brookline METCO End of the Year Celebration on May 24, 2024 at Brookline High School in the Viola Pinanski Quadrangle beginning at 4:30pm.
Congratulations, Jen!
The Drama Department Presents: Shrek, The Musical, Jr!
The Hayes School Drama Department proudly presents Shrek The Musical, Jr!
We hope you'll join us for this all-ages event starring a cast of our middle school players right here in our very own swamp ... I mean, auditorium ... on:
May 29 @ 4pm
May 30 @ 6pm
May 31 @ 6pm
Notes From Our PTO
Check out our website for upcoming events, ways to support our school, and much more!
Used Book Fair on Wed 5/22 - Fri 5/24
Please donate books by bringing them to the school's main entrance or lobby this week. Then sign up to volunteer for a shift. And finally, come to shop. Families are encouraged to shop in the morning before drop off or in the afternoon after pick up. More info on the PTO website:
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Spring Luncheon on Tue 6/4
Please volunteer to bring something or contribute how you can. A signup genius and more details are on the PTO website.
Final PTO Community Meeting of the Year w/ the Superintendent on Fri 6/7 at 8:15am in the Cafeteria
The superintendent will be joining us, so we hope to have a big turnout. Missed the last meeting (5/7)? There is a video recording and presentation slides on the website so you can catch up on what you missed.
Outdoor Movie Night on Sat 6/8 at 8pm in Little Field Park
Showing Elemental. Save the date. More details on the website. If it rains, then the showing will be inside in the auditorium and at an earlier start time.
Withdrawing? Please Fill Out the Proper Paperwork Sooner Than Later
Just a friendly reminder that as we are approaching the end of the year, if you will be leaving PSB at the end of the year, PLEASE make sure to formally report your child's withdrawal.
Receiving this information sooner rather than later benefits us all by supporting balanced classrooml assignments and section counts here at Hayes School.
Withdrawal forms are completed in Aspen, and a full guide for families who may need it is available here:
If you need support to complete this process, we can all collaborate to assist you!
- Aspen access issues? Please contact the Data Team at
- The Office of Enrollment and Registration can work with you to assist if needed and can be reached at
- Of course, we can help you too!
An Important Note from the Library: Returning Books
All library books are due back to the library on Monday June 3rd. If your child has lost or damaged a book, please reach out to librarian Lindsay Anderson for next steps
Student Work Showcase
Coming Up: Art Show! May 24
We hope you'll join us for this whole-school student work showcase!
Upcoming Events
MCAS testing for students in Grades 3-8 will be taking place very soon. Please see the MCAS dates here. If you have any questions, please reach out to
Monday, May 20th: MCAS: 6th-8th Math Part 2
Monday, May 20th: 1R Open Music Class, Music Room, 10:20-11:05am
Monday, May 20th: KC Open Music Class, Music Room, 11:10-11:55am
Monday, May 20th: Rainbow Club! Grade 5, 11:20-11:50am
Monday, May 20th: 2T Open Music Class, Music Room, 12:35-1:20pm
Tuesday, May 21st: 3rd Grade DPW Day, 10:00am-12:30pm
Tuesday, May 21st: MCAS: Math Makeups
Tuesday, May 21st: AAPI Affinity Group, 10:50-11:20am
Tuesday, May 21st: 2A Open Music Class, Music Room, 1:00-1:45pm
Tuesday, May 21st: 3L Open Music Class, Music Room, 1:45-2:30pm
Wednesday, May 22nd: MCAS: Math Makeups
Wednesday, May 22nd: 4O Open Music Class, Music Room, 8:45-9:30am
Wednesday, May 22nd: KBK Open Music Class, Music Room, 9:30-10:15am
Wednesday, May 22nd: Grades 6-8 GSA, 10:50-11:20am
Wednesday, May 22nd: Model UN, 11:20am-12:05pm
Wednesday, May 22nd: 3F Open Music Class, Music Room, 1:45-2:30pm
Wednesday, May 22nd - Friday, May 24th: USED Book Fair
Thursday, May 23rd: MCAS: Math Makeups
Thursday, May 23rd: 4B Open Music Class, Music Room, 8:45-9:30am
Thursday, May 23rd: 2S Open Music Class, Music Room, 1:45-2:30pm
Thursday, May 23rd: Young Scholars, 2:30-3:30pm
Friday, May 24th: Art Show, 8:00-9:00am
Friday, May 24th: MCAS: Math/STE Window Closes
Friday, May 24th: 4BW Open Music Class, Music Room, 8:45-9:30am
Friday, May 24th: 1S Open Music Class, Music Room, 11:15am-12:00pm
Friday, May 24th: Model UN, 11:15am-2:30pm
Friday, May 24th: METCO End of the Year Celebration, BHS, 4:30-5:30pm
Friday, May 24th: Term 4: Grades 6-8 Progress Reports Published in the Parent Portal
Monday, May 27th: School Closed: Memorial Day Holiday
Wednesday, May 29th: Grades 6-8 GSA, 10:50-11:20am
Wednesday, May 29th: Model UN, 11:20am-12:05pm
Wednesday, May 29th: Shrek, The Musical!, Hayes Auditorium, 4:00-5:00pm
Thursday, May 30th: Young Scholars, 2:30-3:30pm
Thursday, May 30th: Shrek, The Musical!, Hayes Auditorium, 6:00-7:00pm
Friday, May 31st: METCO Connections Viking Sports, 1:40-3:00pm
Friday, May 31st: RISE Virtual Peek & Practice (for Incoming K), 2:15-2:45pm
Friday, May 31st: Shrek, The Musical!, Hayes Auditorium, 6:00-7:00pm
Field Trips:
Tuesday, May 21st: 3rd Grade DPW Day, 10:00am-12:30pm
Thursday, May 30th: 4th Grade Trip to the Edward M. Kennedy Institute, 8:15am-12:30pm
Thursday, May 30th: 8th Grade Trip to The Huntington Theater, 9:00am-1:00pm
Community-Based Opportunities
Check out the Brookline Pride Parade, coming up very soon!
In Closing
To close this week's Community Notes, check out the picture below of our Young Scholars on a recent bird watching expedition to the Reservoir. The world around us is so magical and the Young Scholars crew were able to see this first-hand through their binoculars, modeling a spirit of exploration we should all embrace.
Go forth and do good things,
~ Asa
Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D. | Principal
Pronouns: he/him
Mr. Kirtan Patel | Vice Principal
Pronouns: he/him
Previous "Community Notes" can be found here:
The "School Name: History & Resources" website page is here:
Location: 100 Eliot Street, Chestnut Hill, MA, 02467
Phone: 617-879-4570
Roland Hayes School
The Public Schools Of Brookline | A METCO Partnership School
Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal & Mr. Kirtan Patel, Vice Principal