ECC Puppy News
Important Dates
1/15: ECC Vision and Hearing Screening
1/16: ECC Be Seen Be Heard Presentation
1/20: No School
1/23: Preschool Registration 2025/26
1/24: Moebius Awareness Day (Wear Purple)
ECC Vision and Hearing 1/15
On Wednesday, January 15th all students at the ECC will participate in a vision and hearing screening, conducted by the Dupage Health Department at the ECC. There are no required steps for parents to have their child participate. We will walk them to the conference room and our staff and parent volunteers will help throughout the day. Once we receive results, they will be shared with families.
Be Seen & Heard Programming 1/16:
Reminder: Our school will host the Be Seen and Heard© child sexual abuse prevention program on 1/16. This age-appropriate program teaches students about safe vs. unsafe touch, safe vs. unsafe secrets, and the importance of speaking to trusted adults. It meets Erin’s Law, a state mandate adopted in Illinois and 37 other states to help combat child sexual abuse.
In December, all parents were invited to attend a virtual parent meeting to learn more about the program, which explained how this difficult topic will be appropriately addressed across grade levels. All students will participate unless parents complete this digital opt-out form by the evening before the program. If you’ve already submitted the form, no further action is needed.
Learn more about Be Seen and Heard© at http://www.victorpacini.com/peace-of-mind/.
Preschool Registration Registration Night:
New Families:
If you have a child who will be age 3 or 4 by September 1, 2025 and are in need of a preschool next year, look no further than CCSD93's award-winning Early Childhood Center (ECC)! The ECC provides a play-based environment that helps students of all backgrounds develop independent thought, problem solving, a sense of self worth, and successful group interactions in a safe and nurturing space designed just for 3- and 4-year-olds.
You’re invited to attend Preschool Registration for the 2025-26 school year at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at the ECC 280 Old Gary Ave. in Bloomingdale. Space fills up quickly, and attending Preschool Registration for your best chance at a spot. Be sure to bring a valid photo ID and your child's original birth certificate. For more information, visit www.ccsd93.com/preschool. Preschool Registration is a parents-only event.
If you know someone who may be interested, please SHARE this post to them!
CURRENT FAMILIES: If you are currently enrolled at the ECC and your child is eligible to attend for the 2025/26 school year, you DO NOT need to attend the Preschool Registration evening on January 23rd. Unless indicated otherwise, your child will automatically resume a space at the ECC. As a reminder, families may not request an AM or PM slot. The program is designed by ages and children will be placed accordingly. If your child is currently attending in the AM, it does guarantee them an AM slot for the fall. All returning families will need to re-register their child in School Insight. We will send out notification when this step needs to be completed.
Current Families with Sibling:
If you are a current family looking to enroll a sibling, you WILL need to email Heather at santieh@ccsd93.com. Please provide your sibling name, birthday, and number of days you wish for them to attend. In January, you will also need to complete and online Interest Form. If you like to attend on 1/23 @ 5:30 PM, you will have an opportunity to complete this form that evening. We do offer priority seats to siblings prior to new families, however this request needs to be shared prior to registration night. Once the program is filled, we will not have an option to add more children to the classrooms.
Walk-In Speech Families:
If you child attends the ECC for "Walk-In Speech" services, and you would like to enroll for the 2025/26 school year, please email Heather at santieh@ccsd93.com.
Moebius syndrome is a rare neurological condition that affects around 2-20 per million births. It causes facial paralysis or weakness and can cause speech, feeding and respiratory difficulties, limb differences, and other symptoms. It is a congenital, non-progressive disorder that affects individuals from all walks of life. Our theme, "This is MoebiUS," is a play on words emphasizing 'US' - a community united in support, understanding, and advocacy for those living with this rare condition. "They smile with their hearts!"
ECC Parent Learning Sessions:
The ECC is thrilled to offer “parent sessions” this coming spring. Please mark your calendar and plan to join plan to join us for the following sessions:
February 11th @ 6:00 PM: PBIS Matrix: Reinforcing Positive Behaviors while setting clear expectations
March 11th @ 6:30 PM: Behavior Regulation and Tantrums
April 15th @ 6:00 PM: Potty Training
15/1: Exámenes de visión y audición de ECC
16/1: Presentación de ECC para ser visto y escuchado
20/1: No hay clases
23/1: Inscripción Preescolar 2025/26
24/1: Día de concientización sobre Moebius (viste de morado)
Visiones y audiencias de ECC 15/1:
El miércoles 15 de enero, todos los estudiantes de ECC participarán en un examen de visión y audición, realizado por el Departamento de Salud de Dupage en ECC. No hay pasos requeridos para que los padres hagan que sus hijos participen. Los acompañaremos a la sala de conferencias y nuestro personal y padres voluntarios los ayudarán durante todo el día. Una vez que recibamos los resultados, se compartirán con las familias.
Ser visto, ser escuchado 16/01:
CCSD93 organizará un programa llamado Be Seen and Heard©, un programa de prevención del abuso sexual infantil para todos los estudiantes. Está diseñado para crear un entorno atractivo, seguro y apropiado para su edad donde los estudiantes aprenderán sobre la diferencia entre contacto seguro e inseguro, la diferencia entre secretos seguros e inseguros y la importancia de hablar con héroes y adultos de confianza. Este programa está en su cuarto año con CCSD93 y está diseñado para cumplir con un mandato estatal llamado Ley Erin, que Illinois y otros 37 estados han adoptado para ayudar a combatir el abuso sexual infantil. El programa Be Seen and Heard© se entregará a todos los estudiantes de CCSD93 durante su jornada escolar en las siguientes fechas: Centro de Primera Infancia - 16 de enero de 2025
Familias de habla sin cita previa: si su hijo asiste a ECC para recibir servicios de "habla sin cita previa" y desea inscribirse para el año escolar 2025/26, envíe un correo electrónico a Heather a santieh@ccsd93.com.
NUEVAS FAMILIAS: La inscripción preescolar del Distrito Escolar Consolidado Comunitario 93 para el año escolar 2025-26 se llevará a cabo a las 5:30 p.m. Jueves 23 de enero de 2025 en el Centro de Primera Infancia de CCSD93, 280 Old Gary Ave., Bloomingdale, IL. Si necesita un preescolar para su hijo para el próximo año escolar, ¡no busque más que el galardonado Centro de Primera Infancia (ECC) del CCSD93! El ECC ofrece un entorno basado en el juego que ayuda a los estudiantes de todos los orígenes a desarrollar el pensamiento independiente, la resolución de problemas, un sentido de autoestima e interacciones grupales exitosas en un espacio seguro y enriquecedor diseñado solo para niños de 3 y 4 años. La inscripción está abierta a cualquier miembro de la comunidad interesado con niños que tendrán 3 o 4 años antes del 1 de septiembre de 2025. El espacio se llena rápidamente, por lo que asistir a la inscripción preescolar es su mejor oportunidad para asegurar un lugar. Marque su calendario y asegúrese de traer su identificación estatal. y certificado de nacimiento del niño (original o copia sellada). Visite www.ccsd93.com/preschool para obtener más información. Si conoces a alguien que pueda estar interesado, ¡COMPARTE esta publicación!
Reserve la fecha Ven y aprende con nosotros: El ECC está encantado de ofrecer “sesiones para padres” la próxima primavera. Por favor marque su calendario y planee unirse planifique unirse a nosotros para las siguientes sesiones: 11 de febrero a las 6:00 p.m.: Matriz PBIS 11 de marzo a las 6:30 p. m.: Regulación de conducta y rabietas 15 de abril a las 6:00 p. m.: Entrenamiento para ir al baño