Broad Street Newsletter
September 2024
A message from Ms. Alexander, Principal
This is my 26th year in education and the start of the year is always energizing and exciting. I look forward to welcoming back familiar faces and hearing about summer fun. I also enjoy meeting new students and families.
I hope each of you can attend Back to School next Thursday, September 5. Like previous years there will be a session that begins at 6:00 and another session will start at 6:45 (both sessions will be the same and last approximately 30 minutes). Classroom teachers will give you a glimpse into your child's school day and what they will be learning throughout the year.
The Broad Street PTO is hosting some Back-to-School fun on Sunday, September 15 from 3:00 - 5:00 at Paulus Farm. This is a free event for families and a time for students and families to connect outside of Broad Street.
I am looking forward to working with each of you and your child to make this school year successful!
Important Dates
- 30 - NO SCHOOL – Labor Day Weekend
- 2 - NO SCHOOL – Labor Day Weekend
- 5 - Back To School Night 6:-7:30 p.m. (Adults Only)
- 10 - PTO Meeting 6:30 pm
- 15 - PTO Back to School Social -- 3:00 -5:00 pm @ Paulus Farm
- 30 - 1st Grade - Field Trip to the Environmental Center
See the attached document for dates for the year, a hard copy will be sent home
Counselor Corner
Happy September! This month we will be focusing on learning about becoming emotion detectives and how we can find our peaceful spot. Emotion detectives look for clues to discover how people are feeling. These clues can be facial expressions, body language, and voice tone/volume. Being an emotion detective builds students' self-awareness skills and also helps them to practice self-control when they start to feel an uncomfortable emotion by using different strategies to feel peaceful and calm again. Try talking with your student about strategies that you use to feel calm and ask them about how they can be an emotion detective with their own feelings and the feelings of others.
I will also be hosting a birthday lunch on September 27th for all students who celebrate a September birthday. This is a time where students get to bring their lunches to the open classroom area and we eat together and talk about how they celebrated their birthdays.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Lisa Mandia
School Counselor
News from the Nurse
Dental exams are required for all third grade students. Please remember to send in a completed dental exam as soon as possible. If your student does not have a dental exam on file, the school nurses will contact you. Dental forms are available on the MASD website under "Health Forms."
Contact the school nurse office with any questions at 717-691-4576
Student Emergency Forms
If you have not completed this important task, please do so now......
- Student Emergency forms must be filled out EVERY year for each student.
- Sign on to the Community Web Portal here to complete the STUDENT EMERGENCY FORM
- Directions can be found on the MASD website here.
- If you need any assistance with the Community Portal, please contact Maggie Stern -
Absence Information
All absences must be reported to the Broad Street Office no later than 8:30am.
You may report your child’s absence with one of the following:
- Email the Office:
- Electronic Excuse: via the Sapphire Portal
- Call the Office: 717-691-4574
- Note: send a handwritten note in your child’s folder
- Email: follow up by sending an email to:
- Electronic Excuse: use the electronic excuse found on the Sapphire Community Portal.
PA law requires all absences have a written note submitted within three (3) days of a student’s absence. Note: Illness, quarantine or death are the only excuses accepted by the state. A doctor’s excuse must be submitted for an absence of three (3) or more school days.
* If the excuse is not turned in, it will become an unlawful absence.
If your child accumulates three (3) unlawful absences, for any reason, a warning letter will be issued. After the fourth unlawful absence, a mandatory attendance improvement plan will be held. Further unlawful absence will be cited with the District Magistrate
- Traveling to Grandma’s? Going on Vacation? — An Educational Trip request form can be submitted at least five (5) days in advance, call the office for details, (717) 691-4574
Please refer to the MASD Elementary Handbook for additional information. Thank you for helping us maintain accurate records for your child’s attendance.
Before or After School Care
- MLC - (717) 766-2439
If your child will be attending either before or after school care, please email Mrs. Bradley ( so that she has the information for our arrival/dismissal schedules and can pass the information on to teachers.
Title 1
Federal guidelines require that we notify all families attending buildings receiving Title 1 funding at the beginning of the year of our Parent and Family Engagement Policy and of their Right to Know the qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals working with their child(ren).
Emergency Drill Notice
MASD schools practice secure in place and/or lockdown procedures when conducting a security drill. Schools are required to conduct one emergency drill within the first 90 calendar days of the school year in place of a fire drill and a second security drill during the second semester.
Broad Street Elementary will be conducting emergency drills following these guidelines throughout the year. If you have specific questions about these drills, please consult the student handbook.
3rd Grade PSSA Testing Window
- English Language Arts (ELA) - April 22-25, 2025
- Math & Make Up Testing - April 28 - May 2, 2025
Educational Trip requests and medical appointments will not be honored on testing dates.
3rd Grade Fall Girls On the Run (GOTR)
Please see the attached flyer for details or scan the QR code to register.
*Team size is limited.
Broad Street PTO
Mark your calendars:
- September 10
- November 12
- February 11
- April 8
- May 13
September 15 - PTO Back to School Social at Paulus Farm 3:00 - 5:00 - See the Flyer below!
2024 - 2025 District Calendar
Click HERE to view the 2024-2025 district calendar
We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand-new Mechanicsburg Area School District Facebook page – Like and follow the page to stay updated on the latest celebrations, news, and updates from across the district.
Contact Information:
Phone: 717-691-4574 || Fax: 717-697-7392