GMS Newsletter
August 2024
Message from the Principal...
I hope everyone had a great summer and is ready to get the 2024-2025 school year rolling. I am excited to see our 8th grade students as well as welcome and get to know our incoming 7th grade students. All students will be receiving their first hour teacher information in the Welcome Back packet arriving in the mail. I am sure our 7th grade students are quite nervous to enter a new building, however 7th graders simply need to report to the gym when they enter our building on the first day. 8th grade students will be reporting to their first hour class.
Our open house/parent night, will not be until September 19th at 6 p.m. Parents will be receiving more information on this important, fun and informational evening.
We have a great staff at Gaylord Middle School who are committed to getting to know each and every student and preparing them for the next level. I truly look forward to getting to know your children as well. Please feel free to email anytime with questions or concerns at somervillej@gaylord.k12.mi.us.
Joe Somerville
Welcome Back Packet
A packet of information was mailed this week for each GMS student. Included in this packet were the following documents:
- Welcome Back letter from Mr. Somerville – includes the students first hour teacher and general information about GMS
- Student Information Record - please review, make necessary changes, sign and return with your student on the first day
- Network/Internet Access Agreement/Handbook Acknowledgement signature page (link to view the GMS handbook https://gms.gaylordschools.com/forms-resources) - please review and complete; return with your student on the first day
- Technology Protection Plan for Chromebook - must be signed/paid for by September 20, 2024 - this form is optional
- FERPA for Immunizations - 7th Grade Students only - please review and complete if in your packet; return with your student on the first day
- Directory Opt Out form - this form is optional; if you choose to complete this form, please return with your student
First Day of School
School is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, September 3rd with the first hour bell ringing at 7:55 am. Seventh grade students will report to the gym immediately upon arrival at school. Eighth grade students will report to their first hour class at the bell.
Student's complete schedule will be given by their first hour teacher; they will also be assigned a locker and combination. The first day is a full day of instruction.
Hot lunch will be served. Menus can be found on our website, gaylordschools.com.
Prescription Medication Procedure
The attached form needs to be completed by the student's physician and returned to the middle school office with the prescribed medication when medication needs to be administered during the school day.
VIP Night for Parents
Parents are invited (parents only) to experience a day in the life of their student on Thursday, September 19th from 6:00 p.m. to approximately 7:15 p.m. Please try to arrive at 5:45 p.m. to enjoy dinner on us. Mr. Smith and Mr. Somerville will be grilling hot dogs. The evening will begin with a brief welcome in the gym. Parents will then move through an abbreviated class schedule allowing them to meet their child’s teachers and learn about the class curriculum. Parents that attend will receive a “free admittance” ticket for their student to use at the first GMS dance of the year. Please join us for an evening of information and fun as we celebrate the importance of parent involvement in education. If you have any questions, please call the office at (989) 731-0848.
Parent Portal
Parent Portal is a great way to keep up-to-date on your student's grades and attendance. To access parent portal use: Gaylord.powerschool.com. Login credentials will be sent home with students on the first day of school.
GMS Teacher Emails
Athletics - Fall Sports Information
Students interested in playing sports at Gaylord Middle School this year must have a current physical on file in the GMS office before you are able to participate. Ok to give to coach at first practice.
Girls' volleyball will have open gyms at GMS on Aug. 20, 22, 26, 27 4:00-6:00PM. Tryouts will be Sept. 3rd and 4th, 2:45-4:45PM at GMS for both 7th & 8th grade. The 7th grade coach is Jennie Boike. The 8th grade coach is Julia Neuvirth.
The first day of football practice is Aug. 19th at the GIS field 5-7PM. 7th grade coaches are Nehemiah Shane and Ryan Wood. The 8th grade coaches are Richard Letourneau and Joe St. John.
Cross Country practice will begin on Aug. 26th from 5-6PM at GMS. Scott Doederlein is the coach. Go to the REMIND app and use phone number 81010 and message @gmscross23 for additional information.
Contact GMS AP/AD, Dave Smith, at smithd@gaylord.k12.mi.us or call 731-0848 if you have any questions.
Pesticide Form
The attached pesticide form is optional - it only needs to be filled out and returned if you are requesting notification.
Important Dates:
September 3rd - First day of School
September 19th - VIP Night for parents
October 11th - Picture Day
November 1st - NO SCHOOL for students; PD for staff
November 12th - Picture Retakes
November 15th - NO SCHOOL for students; PD for teachers
November 28th & 29th - NO SCHOOL for students & staff - Thanksgiving Break
December 23rd thru January 3rd - NO SCHOOL for students & staff - Holiday Break
January 20th - NO SCHOOL for students; PD for teachers
March 24th - March 28th - NO SCHOOL for students & staff - Spring Break
May 26th - NO SCHOOL for students & staff - Memorial Day
June 6th (tentative) - Last day (half day)
Gaylord Middle School
Joe Somerville, Principal
Dave Smith, Assistant Principal
Location: 600 E Fifth Street, Gaylord, MI
Phone: 989-731-0848