Weekly Gator Announcements
"Young Minds, Big Dreams, Bright Futures!"
Week of December 23, 2024
Upcoming Important Dates
12/23-1/3 - Holiday Break
1/6 - Students return to school
1/17 - Grading period ends
1/20 - Holiday - no school
1/21 & 22 - Teacher Workdays - no school
1/29 - Report Cards go home
1/31 - Award Ceremonies,
3rd Grade - 8:40-9:30
4th Grade - 9:45-10:35
5th Grade - 10:40-11:30
2/6 - STEM Night - 5-6:30
Yearbooks are now on sale until March 1, 2025. Orders must be placed directly through Strawbridge. We will not be collecting any money at the school. All yearbooks are preorder only. Go to:
Parents - Strawbridge Studios Online Code: YB32373 $20 each.
Student Pictures
If your child is in need of a backpack, we have had donations of some nice backpacks. Please contact the front desk if you need one.
HCES is a Science, Technology, Engineering & Math School (Stem), grades PreK-5th grade
Email: gail.pylant@onslow.k12.nc.us
Website: https://www.onslow.k12.nc.us/Page/29
Location: 3450 Hunters Trail, Jacksonville, NC, USA
Phone: 910-353-4443