Weekly Gator Announcements
"Young Minds, Big Dreams, Bright Futures!"
Week of November 11, 2024
Upcoming Important Dates
11/11 - Veterans' Day - No School
11/19 - Fall School Picture Make Up Day
11/20 - Early Release Day (12:20)
11/27 - Work Day - No School for students
11/28-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday - No School
Gator Angel Tags
You can help a student at HCE have a happy holiday season! Visit our ANGEL TREE located in the office of our school. This is what you do:
Visit the office and choose an Angel. Let whomever is behind the desk know which angel you take so he/she can write down your contact information.
- Purchase as many of the item(s) written on the Angel as you like
- Tape the ornament to the WRAPPED gift(s)
Return the gifts and the attached ornament to the school office NO LATER THAN Thursday, DECEMBER 12, 2024.
Thank you for your generosity to our students!
Our Lost and Found is growing SIGNIFICANTLY! Please have your student check the Lost and Found in front of the cafeteria to claim their lost items.
If your child is in need of a backpack, we have had donations of some nice backpacks. Please contact the front desk if you need one.
HCES is a Science, Technology, Engineering & Math School (Stem), grades PreK-5th grade
Email: gail.pylant@onslow.k12.nc.us
Website: https://www.onslow.k12.nc.us/Page/29
Location: 3450 Hunters Trail, Jacksonville, NC, USA
Phone: 910-353-4443