TBMS January 2025
We are Safe, Kind & Responsible
Please stay afloat :-)
STEAM boat regatta
Mr. Richmond's STEAM classes held their cardboard boat regatta before break.
Having fun and learning!
Message from Mr. Beierman
Hello, Twin Bluff parents and guardians.
I hope you have enjoyed some quality family and relaxation time over the holiday break. We are starting a new calendar year with the same expectations that we shared way back at the beginning of the school year. Our expectations for students and staff at Twin Bluff are to always be Safe, Kind, and Responsible.
We will be meeting with all students when we return and remind them that, even though it’s a brand new calendar year, the expectations are still the same. We will be Safe~ we will keep our bodies under control and give each other personal space. We will be Kind~ we will speak to each other as we would like to be spoken to, and we will lift each other up. We will be Responsible~ we will think about our actions and how they might affect others. We will own our behavior and apologize when we make mistakes.
We are excited to get back to school and look forward to continuing on our learning journey together. Happy New Year!
Be safe and well.
Mr. Beierman & The TBMS Team
Attendance Line-651-385-4550
Please use the attendance line when you need to report an absence, a student is coming in late or needs to be picked up early. You can also email tbmsattendance@rwps.org. Please keep in mind that students may be in the pool, in band, or at recess so the earlier the notification the better for us to make that happen in a timely manner. Parents do not need to sign students in when they are coming in late but please call or email. Thank you!
Important Dates to Remember
- January 1-NO SCHOOL
- January 2-School resumes
- January 13th-6:00-Grades 6 & 7 Choir Concert at the Hovda Hall at Red Wing High School.
- January 20-NO SCHOOL-Teacher Workday/Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Students of the Month
Congratulations to our December Students of the Month-Layla DeWulf, Alena Childs, Ben Miller, Cassius Nixon, Anthony Ellis, Lexi loose, Yvonne Nixon, and Marin Zadra. Keep up the great work!
December fun!
Our students and staff enjoyed some festive fun leading up to winter break. Pictured here are Erin Duval (School Counselor), Bobbi Seleski (Assistant Principal), and Abbie Waage (School Counselor) spreading some warmth and joy to staff with a traveling drink cart. Thank you ladies!
Notes from Phy Ed
Swimming unit has begun! Students will need to bring a swimsuit and towel. More information will be emailed to you from your child's PE teacher closer to their swim unit.
2nd Round: Jan 6- Jan 24th
2nd Round: Jan 27th -Feb 14th
Reminders From School Nurse
All 7th graders need to have a TDAP booster and a Meningococcal immunization or a Conscientious Objection. Please bring paperwork to the school nurse. The Health Office needs all physician signed Authorization to Administer medication paperwork turned in for prescription medications administered in school.
Reminder to Parents that students cannot carry medications while at school. All medications need to be brought to the nurse and administered in the Health Office.
The Health Office always accepts donations such as period products and deodorant. Thank you.
WINN Time (What I Need Now)
What I Need Now (WINN) is a new time in our student day that allows students to request time with a specific teacher in a specific subject to get the help that they feel they need. Each day students spend 25 minutes with the teacher they select to get the help that they need. Teachers also have the option of assigning students to come to their class when they see students struggling in a subject or they see a student missing assignments in their class. There are also extension opportunities available for students who are looking for greater challenges.
For us older folks, it would be like a study hall with a teacher helping us get what we need in each class or subject area.
Every Friday students sign up for help sessions for the next week. Teachers can assign students to their class up to the day of the session. Students may also ask a teacher to add them if they feel that they are struggling with an assignment during the week and they haven’t signed up for that teacher.
Monday through Thursday are dedicated to academics. This is an opportunity for students to either catch up or attempt even more challenging (extension) work. Fridays are designed more for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and team-building activities.
This is a flexible way to support all students each day with content-specific teachers providing the support. As this is a new program, we are sure there will be bumps as we implement it. We will do our best to ensure each student gets what they need!
Bus lanes, parking, & SAFETY!
No parking or drop off during busing times!
We have new signs that are now in place reminding all drivers that the bus loop is ONLY for buses each morning during drop off's (8:15 - 9:15 am) and each afternoon during pick up's (3:15 - 4:15 pm).
New signs at the bus loop entrance reminds drivers that this is a "One Way" and only bus traffic each morning and afternoon as well.
Please help us keep students safe by following the expectations.
Attendance Matters!
Cellular device flow chart
ParentVue Access
We have some extra 2023/2024 yearbooks available in the office for $20.
2024/2025 are also on sale for $25. Please stop in the office for a flyer or click on the following link to purchase.
Any questions? Contact our Yearbook Advisor Christine Stewart 715-288-7128 clstewart@rwps.org
District Weekly E-Newsletter
Free Money for our School
Helpful Numbers to Know
Twin Bluff School Office-651-385-4530
Attendance Line-651-385-4550
First Student Busing Questions-651-388-8244
District Transportation Route Questions-651-385-4795
Spanish Assistance-651-385-4607
Twin Bluff Middle School Info
Class hours
8:35 a.m. Building opens & supervision begins
8:45 a.m. First bell
3:40 p.m. Last bell: students dismissed
Office hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Email: tbmsattendance@rwps.org
Webpage: Twin Bluff Middle School
Location: 2120 Twin Bluff Road, Red Wing, MN 55066, USA
Phone: 651-385-4530
Social media: Facebook, Instagram