Cougar Community Connection
Principal, Shannon McPherson
Dear CRUNFamily,
We had a great 3rd week of school. We are working through our beginning of the year diagnostic assessments in order to get a baseline on where our kiddos are at the start of their new grade. This data is important to us as it allows us to begin to plan and group kids based on their academic needs. We use a process called Professional Learning Communities as our platform for collaboration each week. It is a research based approach to planning for, assessing and responding to student learning. Our teachers collaborate in our PLC process weekly during what we call "PLTs or Professional Learning Teams, and that is where we plan instruction and discuss student learning in order to ensure we are continuously moving kids through their learning targets effectively. Another part of our PLC process happens monthly where we look at more global, school wide data, CMAS, and analyze where our students are performing as a whole in order to plan our annual school goal for our own school wide professional development purposes. We will be engaging in our first "Admin/Teacher PLC" on Monday and look forward to reflecting on our student performance on our state CMAS test in the areas of reading, writing, math and science. This hard focus on data allows us to stay focused on continuous improvement as a staff in order to positively impact the growth and progress of our students. We are excited to dig in and celebrate student growth and achievement as well as create a focus for our own teacher professional development for the school year.
Quick Reminder-It is a lovely time of year to have dogs out for a walk. We just are not allowed to have dogs of any size on campus as a district policy. Thank you so much for leaving "Fido" at home when you come on campus to pick up or drop of your kids.
Carlos Ramirez, Watch Dog Dad
Admin Team Visiting Each Grade Level in Town Halls
EBOP 4th-6th Grade Presentation (Elementary Band and Orchestra Program)
A Note From PTA
Hello, Cougar Run Family!
The PTA is so excited for the upcoming school year. We will be having meetings the second Friday of each month (with the exception of this month), Our first being this coming Friday the 16th at 8:45am. If you would like to get the inside scoop on our school and to get involved, then we would love to have you there! You can reach out to the PTA officers at crunpta@gmail.comto get on our mailing list. We have many community events throughout the year, so watch for our emails requesting volunteers.
This coming Tuesday August 20th will be our FIRST Restaurant night! Enjoy dinner at Shake Shack in Highlands Ranch & 25% of the proceeds will come directly to the school! Be sure to mention Cougar Run when you order or dine in.
As a reminder - we have switched from several small fundraisers to ONE big fundraiser, our 2nd Annual (In-House) Fun Run. Rather than working with companies that take 40% of your donations, we will handle everything in-house! This will include a CRUN t-shirt, donation-level prizes, set-up, and running of the event. The Fun Run will be on Friday, October 4th, so expect to see fundraising information heading your way.
We are looking for CRUN business sponsors for the Fun Run and this school year. If you are interested, then please go to https://www.givebacks.com/causes/crunpta/campaigns/c863e86efacebd to see our sponsorship levels and make your donation. We do not have student donation pages ready yet, but check back in late-August or early-September.
Don't forget to check out our revamped web page for all things PTA!
Schedule your Rock reservation, get details of events, and of course donation information: https://sites.google.com/dcsdk12.org/cougarrunparent/?usp=sharing
The PTA is here to help the whole CRUN community. We are always available at crunpta@gmail.com.
Sincerely, CRUN PTA
Spotlight On~ Mr. Matt, Campus Security Specialist
Mr. Matt is a man of much talent and dedication to our school. We are so grateful to have him on board as our Campus Security Specialist. Matt's greatest gift is the way he builds strong and positive relationships with kids. But he also has been a first responder as a fire fighter for many years by trade. You will see Matt all around our school doing security checks all around our perimeter as well as ensuring that we have an extra layer of security on our playgrounds throughout the day. He has become a trusted adult for so many of our kids and is super proactive in having the eyes and ears all over our campus as our security liaison. Matt has a direct line of communication to our Douglas County Sheriff's office as well as our district security team. Thank you for voting yes on the last Mill Levy as that is how we all now have a CSS in elementary school buildings. What a great piece of mind for all of our stakeholders and we couldn't have gotten a more perfect human for this job!!!
EBOP- Elementary Band and Orchestra Program 4th-6th Graders
4th, 5th and 6th Grades- EBOP Instrument Rental Night is Wednesday, August 28th 5-7pm at HRHS. Classes start Tuesday, Sept 3rd at 7:15am! If you can't make it on August 28th, no worries, you can rent your instrument from any local music shop or go to https://goldenmusic.co/ . Last day to sign up is September 26th. Also, don't forget to check out our blog for more information https://hrebop.blogspot.com/. See you soon!
Safety in our School Zone and Cross Walks
Our students and staff arriving at school safely is our number one priority. We have had some close calls in our crosswalk in the passed that we need your help to avoid. Our SRO, (School Resource Officer) has helped us with communication about the law with regard to school zones and cross walks to help create awareness of just how important it is to understand the safety laws.
Our kids, staff and families are actively walking on the perimeters of our school from 8:25-8:40 and 3:30-3:40. There are laws in place to try to keep our community safe, but we need your help to ensure that we are able to arrive and depart from school safely each day. Below are some tid bits of information that you may or may not be aware of, but by knowing these laws and following them, we can stop saying, "YIKES!!!" and start saying "Thank You!" because you will be helping us keep our babies, families and staff all safe at CRUN!
- It is against the law to text in a school zone and is punishable by a 307.00 fine and 4 point ticket. (CRS 42-4-239 5.5a)
- It is against the law to flip a U Turn ANYWHERE in a school zone. That sign is posted, but most folks don't know that that fine is 161.00 and a 3 point ticket. 42-4-902 (3)
- There are posted signs that the speed limit while the school zone lights are flashing is 15 MPH. Depending on how fast, the fine can be up to 485.00 and up to 12 points and mandatory court appearance. 42-4-1101
- Failure to yield right of way to pedestrian in the crosswalk is a 73.00 fine and 4 point ticket. The crossing guard is considered a pedestrian so cars should not enter the intersection while the crossing guard is there no matter where she is in the crosswalk. CRS 42-4-802
We have had some VERY close calls while our crossing guards are out there risking their lives to keep our kids safe. Please pay attention, abide by the laws and help us keep each other safe on our way to and from school.
No Parking and Leaving Cars Unattended in Fire Lane
We spend the first part of the year communicating about safety and laws to ensure we are following safety protocols for our students and staff. Our fire lane in the front drop off loop is a great way to do "kiss and go", dropping off kids and then moving right along. Please make sure kids are exiting your car on the passenger side only for their safety of oncoming traffic on the driver side. Please do not leave cars unattended between the times of 8:20-8:45 and 3:20-3:45. Those are HEAVY traffic times and when cars are left unattended, our EMS crews can't get in to help us in an emergency. If you need to bring your child into the building, or stand somewhere to wait for them, please utilize the parking lots and side curbs around the school.
Order Your Photos/ Kindy Makeup Photos
Kindergarten and Make-Up Photo Day is Friday August 30- for any students grades 1-6 and any NEW students, that did not have a photo taken at supply drop off, their photo will be taken for the yearbook and for parent purchase. Kindergarten classes are scheduled to go as a class to have their photos taken.
Here is the link for ALL to view and order or to pre-order: https://shop.imagequix.com/g1001155615
The online code will be your child’s student ID number.
School Fees Updates
Student Fees- Parents/Guardians should have paid fees through Express Check In. Previous years’ outstanding fees will also show on your child’s account. It is best to always check on your accounts for outstanding fees, they carry over year to year.
Fees for new students have been assessed to student accounts. Please create your account at My School Bucks.
Class field trips will be sent to families throughout the year for purchase.
Student Learning App Opt Out
Dear Parents,
At back-to-school night on August 15th, you were given access to a Google form that could be filled out to opt-in to computer-based resources (websites and/or applications) used at our school. If you have filled out that form you have already agreed and/or opted out of these resources and no action is required.
If you have not filled out the online form, you can fill out the attached form to opt your child OUT of any of the resources you choose that are listed. By not returning this letter, you are agreeing to the use of these tools and/or account creation for your student(s).
In summary, if you have no concerns and agree to the use of these tools, no further action is required. Otherwise, please fill out the attached letter, circle the titles to be opted out of, sign, and return it to your student's teacher.
Letter is found here: Cougar Run 2024-25 Student Use of Websites and Apps
ROCKS Council Student Leaders Grades 4-6
Cougar Run ROCKS Council is a student leadership opportunity for students in grades 4 - 6. ROCKS Council members will model and promote the core ROCKS traits throughout the building and during the educational day, work together to create philanthropic events that support local and broader communities and organizations, and grow communication and leadership skills through authentic opportunities with peers and teacher leaders. If your child is interested, we have an informational meeting (for students only) on September 5th from 3:30 - 4:30 pm in the Learning Commons.
3rd/4th/5th/6th Grade Homework Club
Starting Wednesday, September 4, 2024, students from Cresthill Middle School will provide homework support to 3rd-6th graders at Cougar Run. Teachers will also be there to supervise and help students. Students will be expected to come prepared with their homework, work independently and quietly, and follow ROCKS behavior during this time.
Time: 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Day: Every Wednesday from September 4th to December 11 when school is in session. (A new permission form will be sent home for the Spring semester.)
Where: Cougar Run Learning Commons
Who: 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders
**Students must be picked up at 4:00pm
Reach out to Allena Kendall at aakendall@dcsdk12.org if you have any questions.
Volunteer Coordinator~Katie Busch
Cougar Run is excited to introduce "The Giving Tree" in our school hallway! This tree features apples with lists of classroom supplies written by our teachers. Feel free to pick an apple and help support our classrooms by purchasing or donating the listed items. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and make a big difference in our students’ learning experiences!
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Volunteering Opportunities & Events
Friday, August 30th 8:25am-9:15am- Volunteer Orientation & Badge Pictures - Breakfast Snacks & Juice Provided. Please bring your ID and RSVP HERE.
Become a Watch DOG
🚀 Attention Super Dads and Father Figures! 🚀
Ready to be a hero in your child's school? 🌟 Join our WATCH DOGS (Dads of Great Students) program and make a BIG impact! Whether you have a few hours or a whole day, your presence can light up our classrooms and inspire the next generation.
As a WATCH DOG, you'll: 🔹 Get a behind-the-scenes look at school life 🔹 Support teachers and staff 🔹 Create lasting memories with your child 🔹 Show that dads can be superheroes, too!
Be the role model our students look up to. Sign up today and let’s make school days extraordinary together! 💪📚
Bond Measure on the November Ballot
Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself on the upcoming Bond measure that will be on the November election. This will positively impact our school with much needed repairs and replacements of things like our windows that are leaking, carpet that needs replacement desperately and many other behind the scenes operational items that are barely hanging on. THE KEY PIECE TO THIS MEASURE IS THERE IS NO, I REPEAT, NO TAX INCREASE TO YOU AT ALL!!!!!!
Extra Curricular Activities at CRUN
Are you interested in after school activities at Cougar Run? Please see our website page and our Extra Curricular Activity calendar, also on our website. The description has the contact information and how to register.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
August 30th- Volunteer Orientation with Katie Busch our Volunteer Coordinator
September 2nd- No School Labor Day Holiday
September 9-13- No CRUN Bus Service This Week
September 10- Cougar Run Restaurant Night
September 13- 8:45am PTA Meeting in the LC
September 16-19- Parent Teacher Conference Week (Teacher Sign Ups Will Come Soon)
September 20th- No School For Students, Teacher Professional Development Day
September 23rd- Highlands Ranch High School Homecoming Spririt Day, WEAR BLUE AND BLACK
September 25-27- 6th Grade Outdoor Ed Trip
October 4th- Annual Cougar Run Fun Run
October 8- Cougar Run Restaurant Night
October 11- 8:45am PTA Meeting
October 14-18- Fall Break