OLQA Friday Family Newsletter
Happy New Year!

Feb. 7, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear OLQA Families,
Great week and congratulations to our Honor Roll students for their outstanding academic achievements this quarter! Your hard work and dedication continue to shine. This week was great week for Faith Formation as we gathered for a beautiful school Mass and held our annual Sacraments meetings with Mr. K. Make sure to reach out to Mr. K ASAP if you're interested in your child receiving Baptism, First Commumion, or Confirmation. Also, big shout-out to all our students for their effort and focus during the religion midterms — your commitment to faith and learning is inspiring!
Looking ahead, we have exciting events coming up! On Thursday, we’ll celebrate the 100th day of school with a $2 dress-down day. K-2 students can dress like they're 100 years old, while grades 3-8 can wear 100 items or dress in red for Valentine’s Day. Don't forget the much-anticipated student-teacher basketball game on February 13 — it’s always a kid favorite! Also, make sure to sign up for our International Potluck on February 21 as we come together to share delicious dishes from different cultures.
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Sayer
Our Lady Queen of Angels School
OLQA School Updates
No school 2/14 + 2/8 - School resumes 2/18
Reminder: There will be no school from February 14 to February 17. February 14 is a snow contingency day, and February 17 is Presidents' Day. Enjoy the long weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone back in class on February 18!
Rescheduled Catholic Schools Week Events
We are sorry to postpone some Catholic Schools celebrations this week, but we did not want to further spread the flu that has been going around school. The rescheduled dates for the events are:
- Student vs. Teacher Basketball Game rescheduled for Thursday 2/13.
- This will be part of the 100th Day of School Celebration.
- International Potluck rescheduled for Friday 2/21
Thanks for your flexibility and look forward to celebrating as a school community.
100 days of school - $2 dress down
World's Finest Chocolate School Fundraiser
We are excited to announce our World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser for the 2024-2025 school year! Our School Goal is to raise $8,000, which means 1 box sold per student. Our candy sale begins January 27, 2025, and we invite families to participate in this fundraiser to help support our school.
This sale features individual World’s Finest Chocolate bars, with each item priced at $2.00. Families are asked to return $60.00 (check or money order) for each case (box) received.
To place an order, please complete the form below. Each family may begin with up to 2 cases. Additional cases will be provided once payment for previously received boxes has been submitted. Please also indicate how you plan to transport the cases home.
There will be prizes for the families that sell the most chocolate, specifically:
- 1st Place = Sony PS5
- 2nd Place = Beats Headphone
- For every additional case you sell, you will receive a Dress Down card. Each Dress Down gives you a free Dress Down Day. There is no limit to the amount of Dress Down cards you can obtain.
- Each Child will be responsible for 1 case ($60.00) of Chocolate.
- Checks or Money Orders are to be made out to Our Lady Queen of Angels School. ONLY !!!!
- ALL requests for additional Chocolate must be in writing and sent to school with your child.
- Any ties for the 3 Top Seller Prizes will be decided by a coin toss.
Important Chromebook Update
Reminder of the importance of using chromebooks the correct way. Chromebooks are tools for learning, not toys. As per the Student Family Handbook, families are responsible for any damage to the computers. Please see the selection from the Handbook below:
The school reserves the right to seek financial restitution for any damage caused by a student or other user. The system administrators will deem what is inappropriate use, and their decision is final. The administration, faculty, and staff of the school may request the system administrator to deny, revoke, or suspend specific privileges. Violation of the rules and code of ethics described above will be dealt with seriously, which may include contacting law enforcement. (Student and Family Handbook, pg. 33)
Chromebooks cost $340 and families will be charged for computers when damaged or used irresponsibly. Please talk to your child to ensure they use the chromebook responsibly so we do not need to charge any family for the computer to revoke and chromebook privileges.
Immunization Reminder
Please remember to bring in your Medical Forms. The flue shot is PAST DUE for students in prek3 and 4! Students will be restricted from school if they do not bring proof of flu shot IMMEDIATELY. New York State requires all immunizations to be up to date and your child can be excluded from school if they are not completed.
Please ensure to bring the documentation to the main office this week if you need to bring proof of immunization.
Attendance Reminder
Friendly reminder about the importance of attendance, as we noticed a drop in December and this first week of break. Attendance is crucial and students must be in class to learn. To help build this lifelong habit, attendance is tied to student conduct grades.
- Students will earn no higher than a B in conduct if they have 5 or more unexcused absences OR latenesses
Please make sure that your child is at school every day and that, in the event they are absent, you send a note explaining why upon their return.
Basketball Games Continue this Week
Basketball continues weekly with games and practices. If interested, come and join the teams (JV Boys, Varsity Boys, Girls) as they are a ton of fun and build character. Games will continue this week and can be found on the SE Tourney App and the link below.
Additionally the game schedule will be beginning. Below is the link to access the team schedules:
Check out the AWESOME things happening at OLQA!
Mass 02/06
Honor Roll
7th Grade
8th Grade
Perfect Attendance
See the revised Monthly Calendar with PE days
100th Day of School + Staff vs. Student Basketball Game
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 08:00 AM
Our Lady Queen of Angels School, East 112th Street, New York, NY, USA
No School (Snow Contingency)
Friday, Feb 14, 2025, 08:00 AM
No School (President's Day)
Monday, Feb 17, 2025, 08:00 AM
Catholic Schools Week International Potluck (Rescheduled)
Friday, Feb 21, 2025, 04:00 PM
Our Lady Queen of Angels School, East 112th Street, New York, NY, USA
High School Readiness Corner
Complete High School Survey + Send Financial Aid Information
Congrats on your child's hard work with the high school admissions process! It is a stressful process, but we are extremely proud of the 8th graders achievements getting into high school. We want to help and guide you through the enrollment process. Many schools are looking for decisions and enrollment deposits as early as February 7th.
To assist in this process, make sure to complete the high school acceptance survey below and send acceptances to Mr. Sayer (james.sayer@olqaeastharlem.org).
High School Deposits Due Today 2/7
Every school is different, but many schools are looking for a decision and initial deposit by 2/7. Ensure you MEET THE DEADLINE to ensure you both save your spot and have the possibility of financial aid.
Inner City Scholarship Application (Due 3/31)
All 8th grade families should apply to Inner City Scholarship Funds high school aid program. It does not cover all tuition, but is a major help in making HS affordable. We will be sending home INDIVIDUALIZED scholarship applications with an INDIVIDUALIZED code for each student to apply.
Be aware, this is DIFFERENT than the individual HS financial aid application. You will need to complete Inner City Scholarship Fund financial aid application AND the school financial aid application to maximize your financial aid to HS.
Past Reminders
Winter uniform continues
Reminder that the winter uniform has started. This means that students:
- Must wear a white dress shirt / blouse. They cannot wear the polo shirt.
- Boys will need to start wearing the tie with their white dress shirts.
- Students must wear the sweat pants with the gym uniform, no shorts.
- Students cannot wear winter boots, they must change into proper shoes at school
Make sure boys wear a tie with their regular uniform. Not doing this will lead to a uniform slip.
Middle School Updates
We had our first week of some new expectations to raise the bar for our middle schoolers. They are:
- Extracurricular Eligibility - For students to remain eligible for extracurricular activities (Basketball, Latin, Dance), they must maintain a B in conduct. Therefore if students receive 3 pink slips, in a quarter, an automatic C in conduct, they will lose eligibility to participate in extracurriculars.
- Class Point Update - As we raise expectations for our middle schoolers in class, the bar to earn recess each day will be moved up to 22 class points a day. This will help push each class as a community to be more focused, and therefore learn more, in their classes.
New PreK Late Procedure
PK Parents, please be aware that we will be making an adjustment to our PK tardy procedure. TAs have been missing almost all of breakfast, a key time where they are needed to assist with safety, clean up, and bathrooms. Moving forward, students need to be on time to attend breakfast. If students are late, we will hold them by the main office and bring them up with the TA at 8:25. This will help ensure that TAs are able to be fully present at breakfast to start the day.
Metro cards
Metro cards were given to students. If you have not received a metro card please reach out to Ms. Jenniffer. jengarcia@olqaeastharlem.org. There will only be one replacement if the child loses it.
Verification Letters
Verification letters for students will be done on Wednesdays ONLY. Please note that creating verification letters takes time. Kindly allow sufficient processing time for your requests. Thank you for your understanding and patience!
We are no longer accepting cash deposits. Please bring in a check or a money order. If you bring cash you will be turned away. Thank you families for understanding.
We suggest you pay online using FACTS. FACTS can also take payments in debit or credit card for your convenience.