Waite Elementary Parent Update
January, 2025
Happy New Year!
Dear Waite Families:
I hope everyone enjoyed a beautiful holiday season and meaningful time with family and friends. Waite was a very festive place leading up to the holiday break! It was fun to see how excited the kids were in anticipation of the holidays and the winter break. The holiday spirit days were a big hit and many students enjoyed adventures with our school Elf on the Shelf, R.E.W. (Ralph E. Waite) and wrote many gratitude messages to show appreciation for the Waite staff. It was a very exciting month of learning and fun at Waite Elementary School.
There will be no school next Friday, January 17 due to a staff professional day. There is also no school on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Saturday, January 25 is the annual Medina City Schools Pancake Breakfast and Spotlight on Students. I hope your family will join us.
Medical Reminder:
A reminder that medications for students must be dropped off in the office in advance and medication paperwork must be completed. Parents are not permitted to send medications with their children to school or drop off medication during the school day (without completing the required paperwork).
Also, please send medical protocol paperwork in the case of a concussion to the main office so this information can be disseminated to appropriate staff.
Car Rider Dismissal Procedure:
Please check your email regarding a revised procedure for car rider dismissal. It was sent today, January 7.
Happy New Year!
Mr. Mattie
Waite, Principal
Mark your Calendars!
Upcoming Important Dates!
1/6/25: School Resumes
1/13/25 – 1/16/25: InView/Terra Nova Testing Grade 2
1/15/24: Leadership Luncheon (September -December Leaders)
1/17/25: No School/Teacher InService Day and Yearbook Sales Begin
1/20/25: No School (MLK Jr. Day)
1/25/25: Pancake Breakfast/Spotlight on Students
Please mention Waite PTO when ordering in the store. If ordering online they need to put “fundraiser” after their order name.
December Special Events
Holiday Shop Week
PTO Dine to Donate at Gionino’s
Shop with a Cop Event
Kiwanis Shopping
Grade 3 Virtual Medina Experience – Community
Holiday Spirit Week
Picture Retake Day/Groups/Candids
Kindergarten’s Royalty Parade
Choir Concert
Grade 5 Field Trip, PAC
Classroom Parties
Mr. Mattie’s Story Time
Winter Break Began
School Counselor Resources for Home
Holiday Cheer at Waite!
Welcome to REW the Elf! A Focus on Gratitude
Staff Winter Breakfast
Deeper Learning Experiences
The Pancake Breakfast & Spotlight on Students is just around the corner on Saturday, January 25, 2025. As in the past, those students who are part of the student entertainment and one adult can enter breakfast for free. All others will need to purchase a ticket at $5 each. Seniors 60+ are free of charge. Here is the link to buy tickets online. Tickets are also available at both Medina Buehler's locations beginning Monday, January 6, 2025.
Net proceeds from ticket sales to this event will go to the Medina City Schools Foundation to support the services and programs they provide to Medina City Schools' students and staff, including support of the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center located at Medina High School.
About the Medina City Schools Foundation: The Medina City Schools Foundation was established in 1984 to support and enhance learning opportunities for the students in the Medina City School District. The Foundation is an independent organization comprised of committed community members who support programs that benefit our students in collaboration with the teachers and staff of the Medina City Schools. The Foundation is a private organization, not directly affiliated with the school board or the school administration. It is incorporated under Ohio laws as a non-profit organization. It is funded by various members of the Medina area through the generous individual support and community support of our annual fundraising activities.
Yearbook Cover Competition
We need a cover for the Ralph E. Waite Elementary yearbook and need your artistic help!
Yearbook cover designs must be on 8.5 x 11 plain white copy paper (no notebook or construction paper allowed). Please leave about a ¼ inch margin around the entire page so nothing is cut off when it’s scanned.
Be creative and check your spelling!
December Buckeye Leader of the Month
Evan Horne
Lilly Geerken
Rhett Bidinger
Jack Robinson
Callen Legan
Jasper Day
Mason Fritz
Maryam Jaber
Viktoria Farkas
Leo Harrison
Zander Sturm
Benny Cunningham
Felicity Dravenstott
Lucas Wester
Austin Eberhardt
Morgan Levitt
Scarlett Sprague
Evie Crookshanks
Halle Glass
Noah Constance
Braxtin Golli
Austin Cunningham
Isaac Adamson
Madelyn Carlson
Callie Donnellan
Julia Harvey
Abby Healy
Cara Van Loocke
Charlotte Constance
Katherine Inglis
Ariel Crum
Lexi Wagner
Tegan Wirth
January is School Board Appreciation Month!
Thank you to our school board for supporting student success!