This Is How We Lakeview
July 2023 Edition: Volume 4
Latest Updates
Don't forget to sign up for a parent-teacher conference! We still have time slots available for this coming Tuesday, October 3rd, and Monday, October 16th. Conferences will be held through Google Meet. A teacher will send the parent/family a link to access the conference once a time has been set up. On Thursday, September 28th and Tuesday, October 3rd, we have conferences available starting at 3:40 pm until 7:00 pm. On Monday, October 16th, we have conferences available from 7:00 am to 2:20 pm. Please call our Main Office (614-830-2200) if you would like to schedule a conference with your child's teachers.
Ben Baptist
Student-Run Clubs
Several times during the year, students will have opportunities to participate in student-run clubs through our PBIS Club Day initiative. Starting in October, on the last Friday of every month, students will get to choose a club/activity they are interested in and attend a 50-minute club session during our normal PAW/E&I time. In the past, students have been able to choose from a variety of clubs, including Art/Crafts, Architecture/LEGOs, Debate, Drawing, Gardening, Photography, Sign Language, and more.
Students also have the opportunity to join an after-school club. Depending on the club, students could meet weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, starting at 2:45 pm. Students would attend Study Tables from 2:10 to 2:45, until their club starts. If your child is interested in starting an after-school club, please have them stop by the main office to pick up the form. They would need a staff member to serve as an adviser before the club would be approved.
Lakeview Values Winners
Please help us congratulate the following students for being recognized by their teachers for upholding our Lakeview Values to start the year! Students are encouraged to Respect Self, Others, School, and Learning.
Earning Foreign Language Credit through AAPPL
Pickerington Local Schools is offering an opportunity for students in grades 7-12 who know a language other than English to test and earn credit and/or receive their Seal of Biliteracy for their language knowledge by taking the AAPPL assessment.
The ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) is an assessment of standards-based language learning across the three modes of communication (Interpersonal, Presentational, and Interpretive) as defined by the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning. The AAPPL assesses Interpersonal Listening/Speaking, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Reading, and Interpretive Listening, and ratings are assigned according to the ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners. The four components of the test take a total of approximately two hours.
Languages available include: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Assessments are available in other languages; however the format and costs associated with these assessments differ from the AAPPL.
A single AAPPL Score, according to the ACTFL Performance Scale, is issued for each component of the test (Interpersonal Listening/Speaking, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Reading, and Interpretive Listening). Test takers receive a written AAPPL Score Report consisting of an AAPPL Score for each component, a brief narrative explaining each score, and recommendations for improvement. Official scoring is conducted by ACTFL Certified AAPPL raters. Pickerington Local Schools will then take the score and assess how much credit the student should be given.
Your student can earn up to 4 credits in the languages listed above. In addition, they can earn the Seal of Biliteracy if they score proficient on the AAPPL within 15 months of graduating from High School and demonstrate proficiency in English on the ELA 2 test or OELPA assessment . The cost of the assessment is $20 (billed to the student fee account in Infinite Campus after the test is taken).
If you are interested in having your student take the AAPPL assessment (given on October 24th for Lakeview students), please fill out the linked form.
Washington, DC Trip for 8th Grade Students
Please see the attached flyer for more information about this spring's trip to Washington, DC.
The athletic website for both PHSN & LJH is now live. Use the to watch for announcements! All coaches will be using this website for updates and announcements, so please check here if you have any questions. When you go to you will need to click on "more" and then Final Forms is under "Athletic Registration".
The Community Corner
Recent Feedback
One family reached out this past week to share that they would like to thank teachers for promptly entering grades so that they can help their students stay on top of things!
As we near the end of Quarter 1, it is especially important to be using the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus to stay up-to-date on assigned work, missing assignments, and grades. If you have questions or would like to follow up, please reach out for a conference! Information for scheduling a conference can be found at the top of this newsletter.
The Lakeview Family Feedback Form
2023-2024 School Year Calendar
Lakeview Junior High Important Links
Office Hours 6:45 am - 3:15 pm
Location: 12445 Ault Road, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: (614) 830-2200
Facebook: Lakeview_JH_PLSD
Twitter: @lakeview_jh