Principal e-Note
Dressel Elementary School
Saturday, April 22nd, 2023
1st Grade
Bike Riders and Lost & Found
Also, as the year wraps up, all items in the Lost & Found will be donated at the end of the day on Friday, May 19th.
Nurse Stacey Health Notes
Our kindergarten, 1st and 3rd graders were screened by UMSL this year for vision. Your child/ren will be bringing home their screening results today. They will bring home 1 of 3 forms described below-
1. UMSL results stating that your child passed vision screening. There is nothing for you to do.
2. UMSL results stating that your child failed vision screening AND a Lindbergh Vision Referral Form. This means your child failed visual acuity, which is what Lindbergh typically screens for. We recommend that your child see an eye specialist.
3. UMSL results stating that your child failed vision screening. This means your child failed something other than visual acuity and is something UMSL screens and Lindbergh does not. This is provided as a courtesy; feel free to contact your child's eye care provider if you have concerns.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Stacy Hartley RN, BSN
Dressel School Nurse
Lindbergh School District
phone 314 729 2490
fax 314 729 2486
Earth Day
Dressel’s Scholastic Book Fair is fast approaching. Students will be able to preview the fair and make their wish lists on May 4-5. They will then be able to shop during the week of May 8-12. There will be a special shopping opportunity during Color Run and Spring Festival on May 6th from 9:30am-1pm.. If you would rather not send your student with cash, Scholastic offers an easy way for your kids to purchase their books with eWallet. Here is the link to load your child’s eWallet. All they will need to do is give their name at checkout.
If you are looking for a way to be involved and volunteer, working at the bookfair is a perfect way to get started. Here is the link to sign up to volunteer…
COLOR RUN Even though Color Run registration is over, Spring Festival bracelets are still available! The festival is May 6th from 11am-1pm. This year we will bring back the foam party and dunk tank, but we also adding a petting zoo, pony rides, and so much more! Bracelets are $5 and anyone over the age of 2 needs a bracelet for entry! Use the link below to sign up!
We are looking for some help to make our event a success. If you are interested in volunteering during the Color Run and Spring Festival, please use this link to sign up.
TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK Teacher Appreciation Week is right around the corner! May 1st-5th! If you would like to sign up for a food item or donate a gift card please see the attached sign up genius and sign up for a slot. There are also options to donate gift cards as well.
DAD’S CLUB Save the date for the next Dad’s Club meeting on Thursday, May 18 at 7pm with the location TBD. Come out and get to know other dads and find out how you can get more involved in Dressel. We are looking for fresh ideas for Fundraising and Service to the school. We are looking for some Dads to help with grilling during the Color Run and Spring Festival. If you are able to help, please use the link below to sign up.
District News
2023 Board of Education Learning Report Update
Earlier this month, I was proud to share some of the highlights from this school year with our Lindbergh Schools Board of Education annual Learning Report. Some of the things I shared about our amazing teachers, students and staff include: mySAEBRS, Deryn and her 4C work, and restorative circles.
New Student Information System Launching Soon
We are excited to announce the launch of a new student information system, Infinite Campus, which will replace Tyler SIS beginning in the 2023-24 school year. With Infinite Campus, you will be able to check your student’s grades, attendance records, and other important information from your phone, tablet, or computer. You will also be able to communicate with your student’s teachers and stay up-to-date on assignments and events.
While parents will continue to have access to the SIS Portal for the remainder of this school year, Annual Online Verification for the 2023-24 school year will begin in May, using Infinite Campus. Please look for more information coming soon.
Lindbergh staff have been training regularly to ensure a smooth transition for district families. In fact, our new kindergarten families used Infinite Campus for new student registration this Spring, and their feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. We are confident that Infinite Campus will be a great improvement for Lindbergh students and families throughout the school year, and we cannot wait to show you all the great features it has to offer!
Be on the lookout soon for login information and helpful tips!
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is April 22
Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. That's dangerous and often tragic. The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, April 22, aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day reflects a commitment to Americans’ safety and health, encouraging the public to remove unneeded, unwanted and expired medications from their homes as a measure of preventing medication misuse and opioid addiction.
Local drop-off locations include:
Crestwood Police Department
Sunset Hills Police Department
City of Green Park City Hall
Grantwood Village City Hall
St. Louis County Police South County precinct
St. Louis County Police Fenton precinct (in municipal building)
Start Planning Your Summer With Us!
Join us at Lindbergh this summer for fun, friends and a variety of learning opportunities designed to keep your kids active, engaged and entertained.
Lindbergh Schools recognizes the importance of supporting student learning during the summer months. This includes academic remediation for specific content areas, as well as specialized programs for early childhood education, enrichment, music, school-age child care and youth sports.
To learn more, please visit
2023-24 New Student Registration - Now Open!
Do you have an incoming kindergarten student in your family, or do you know someone who will be new to the district next year? Lindbergh Schools is now registering new students in grades K-12 for the 2023-24 school year!
Additional information can be found at
Important Links
- April 24 - MAP Testing begins in grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th
- April 25 - National Library Workers Day
- April 25 - National Bus Drivers Day
- April 25 - Admin Secretary Day - Karen Kennedy
- April 26 - Papa John's Night
- May 6 - Dressel PTO Color Run
Dressel Elementary School
Location: 10911 Tesson Ferry Rd. St. Louis, MO 63123
Phone: 314-729-2485
Twitter: @DresselFlyers