Erieview News
Good afternoon Erieview families,
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Our fall conference dates are quickly approaching. Wed. 10/9/24 conferences will be from 4:00-8:00 pm. Thurs. 10/10/24, conferences will be from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm. If you would like to schedule a conference, please go online to:
and you will be able to sign up for a timeslot for one or all of your children that attend Erieview.
Reminder~ there is no school on 10/11/24~NEOEA day.
Those of us who are kind and compassionate experience clear benefits to our well-being and happiness. Kindness also helps reduce stress and improve our emotional well-being.
The following students were recognized by a staff member as exemplifying kindness during the month of September. We celebrated: Ellie Rao, Anna Narowitz, Jameson Kendera, Jenna McKinley, Dean Brown, Kellen Gallagher, Violet Wilkinson, Harper Nagel-Heiss, James Murphy, Hayden McDavid, Hudson Sloan, Scarlett Kisselle, Nora Drakely, James Moore, Ledger Bennington, and Colleen Danso.
Kindness Matters!
Congratulations Mr. Buczak!
Our very own Mr. Buczak, Erieview gym teacher, is ALHS head girls soccer coach. He celebrated his rookie coaching year by winning the SWC championship! Way to go Mr. Buczak!
We are so proud of you!
Save the Date: Book Fair – October 16th!
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 16th! We are gearing up for a fantastic day of literary fun and we need your help to make it a success. We are calling on all volunteers to lend a hand with the bookfair setup and to assist our young readers in finding their next great reads. If you’d like to volunteer, please sign up here:
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B084CA5A729A75-51655163-erieview#/ [signupgenius.com]
Parents and caregivers, we kindly request that you send cash or checks made out to Erieview PTA with our kids on the day of the book fair . Please be sure to put in a baggie or envelope for safe keeping. You may also set up an e-wallet using the bookfair link below. Your contributions (whether online or during the fair) will directly support our school library. Thank you for your support!
https://www.scholastic.com/bf/erieviewelementaryschool [scholastic.com]
Save the date for Erieview’s Fall Festival and Pumpkin Sale! Friday, October 4th!
Come join us for food trucks, a petting zoo, fall activities and an outdoor movie! In need of a pumpkin for Halloween? We got you covered! This year we’ve added a pumpkin sale in Erieview’s front yard! Feel free to drive through, park, or bring the family wagon to get your pumpkins just in time for Halloween!
Employment opportunities at Erieview:
Recess Monitor – Erieview (1 position)
WORK: 2.5 Hours per day / 5 Days per week
HOURS: 10:30-1:00
SALARY: $16.42-$21.69
To view the External Job Posting, please click below and you will be directed to the ALCS External Employment page on our school website.
Reminder: PTA Meeting next Tuesday, October 8th!
Join us for our next Erieview PTA meeting on Tuesday, October 8th , 7pm at Gitta’s table! Come unwind with some refreshments and let’s discuss exciting upcoming events and ways to support our amazing school community! Remember, it’s not too late to get involved in the PTA. If you haven’t already, join us at https://erieview.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true&category=Memberships [linkprotect.cudasvc.com] [erieview.givebacks.com [linkprotect.cudasvc.com]]
Upcoming events:
10/8-Fire Safety Talks- grades K,1,2 and 4
10/8-Healthy Kids
10/8-PTA meeting at Gitta's Table 7:00 PM
10/9-Marco's Pizza Box Night~ K-2 grades
10/9-conferences 4:00-8:00 pm
10/10-conferences all day 7:30-3:00 pm
10/11- NEOEA~no school
10/14-18-ELA 3rd grade (OST -state testing)
10/15-Healthy Kids
10/16-Book Fair
10/22-Fire Safety~Smoke House~Avon Lake Fire Dept. Grade 3
10/22-Healthy Kids
10/25-end Q1
11/1-professional development day~no school for students
11/4-begin K.I.C. food drive for CRS
11/8-Jungle Terry assembly
11/12-PTA meeting
11/14- Marco’s Pizza box night ~grades 3 & 4
11/15-end of food drive
11/27-12/1- Thanksgiving break