May 1st

September 6th, 2024
September Family Newsletter
Welcome Back to School Evergreen Families!
Welcome to the 2024/2025 school year. We are very excited to partner and team with you this year. I am excited to be the new principal at Evergreen Park. I also have a new teammate, Becky Magnuson as our Assistant Principal. We look forward to connecting with you at school events, field trips, conferences, and parent drop in days throughout the year.
To start our year we will be focusing on our character trait of Respect as well as our Evergreen Park Expectations:
Know Yourself
Grow Yourself
Build Community
Seek Solutions
In the next two weeks Ms. Magnuson and I will meet with all classes to review these expectations to help them each day learn and grow. We appreciate your help in supporting these as well!
We will also honor the Hispanic culture through a week long celebration of learning prepared by our amazing Social Work team at the end of the month.
Our EPIC (PTO) has prepared a fundraiser event at a local restaurant.
We are excited to get started and watch your students learn and grow this year. It's going to be a fantastic school year!
:) Mrs. Collodora
Curriculum and School Happenings
Fall MAP Testing
MAP testing begins Monday, September 9th for grades 3-5. The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth assessment is a tool we use at EGP to identify what academic skills our students have in reading and math. We then use that information to guide our instruction and differentiate for each student. Students do not need to prepare for this test as it is only used to show what you know! Below you will find the MAP Growth schedule.
Grade 5:
Reading: September 9
Math: September 10
Grade 4
Reading: September 11
Math: September 12
Grade 3
Math Only: September 16
Student Leaders
Safety Drills
Evergreen Park will begin our safety drills for the year. State of Minnesota requires us to participate in: 5 fire drills, 5 lockout and/or lockdown, and 1 severe weather drill throughout the year.
Permission slips will be sent home to get parent approval for upcoming field trips this school year. Please sign the bright green paper and return to school with your child. This permission will cover all field trips for the 2024/2025 school year.
Any Questions: please contact Caitlin Meyer at caitlin.meyer@ahschools.us
Volunteer Information
Volunteering is an opportunity for you to show children your interest in their school life; your commitment to the community; and the important partnership between family and school.
Complete a Volunteer Application and Criminal Record History Release form each school year for Evergreen Park. Once your application has been accepted, Molly Sheedlo, the school's Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC) will contact you to inform you of volunteer opportunities.
Let's get signed up to help out at school! Field trips begin in October.
Hispanic Heritage Week
This month we are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Week from September 23rd-September 27th! This is a week of engagement activities and learning of hispanic culture for our students. It includes a Spanish word of the day, learning of different Hispanic traditions, food, music ect. If you are Spanish speaking and would be willing to share some of your culture with our students (favorite foods, recipes, traditions, celebrations, clothes) this could include pictures, videos, ect. anything you would like to share we would love to hear from you. Please email ashley.akwa@ahschools.us if you would like to participate, have your student participate or have any questions. Excited to celebrate with the students!
Pre-K to Grade 3 Parenting Education and Family Engagement
Parent Press
Parenting for school success! It takes a team to help our students succeed each day. Being on the same page on school learning, behavior expectations and routines is crucial to help our learners grow.
For additional information click the link attached here.
EPIC Updates
Evergreen Parent Involvement Club
Have Fun Supporting Evergreen!
September 24: 4:00-6:00 Raising Canes Brooklyn Park (**mention Fundraiser)
October 24: 5:00-7:30 Cheap Skate (order tickets online)
November 12: 4:00-8:00 Urban Air Coon Rapids (**mention Fundraiser)
See you there!
Upcoming Dates
September 19: TEFAP: 4:30-6:00pm
September 19: Curriculum Night 5:30-7:00p
September 23: Fall Picture Day
October 4 and 7: No School
October 10 and 16: Conferences
This e-newsletter is published by Evergreen Park Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.