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FSD 157-C Superintendent Update
![FSD 157-C Superintendent Update](https://cdn.smore.com/u/c310/1b8d84ddd33739cf302656d41470b1a5.jpg)
August 2, 2024 - Superintendent Update
Dear FSD 157-C Community,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Over the summer, we've been busy throughout the district preparing to welcome all students back for what we believe will be a memorable school year in Frankfort School District 157-C. In just a few short weeks, your children will be greeted by an enthusiastic team of teachers and staff who are eager to create wonderful learning experiences in our three schools.
This year, our school district's theme is "Better Together." Our school community thrives when staff, students, and families support each other and work in collective partnership. The Frankfort School District 157-C mission is to create an exceptional experience for our students, fostering academic growth, providing opportunities to explore their interests through extracurricular activities, and helping them form lifelong friendships. We are proud to serve the school community toward this goal.
With the new year comes excitement and anticipation for our students and staff. We also know that our families play a major role in our coordinated effort to ensure students start the year successfully. Below, I have outlined key details for the start of school later this month.
Principal Communication and Class Placement
Our three principals, Mrs. Szudy, Ms. Newcomb, and Mrs. Dotson have put considerable thought and care into creating student schedules. On Friday, August 9 at 4 PM, all three principals will send a welcome letter to families via email detailing information about the year. Then, on Monday, August 12 at 8 AM, families will learn their child’s class placement. Here’s how you will receive this information:
Grand Prairie Families: Check your email at 8 AM for a notice that includes your child’s teacher. It may take up to 30 minutes to receive your email; please refresh your inbox periodically if you do not receive the message.
Chelsea and Hickory Creek Families: PowerSchool is open at 8 AM for you to review your child’s class placement.
Families of Chelsea and Hickory Creek students who are newly registered to the District: Ahead of the schedule release date, you will receive a letter via USPS that will provide instructions on how to create your PowerSchool account when it opens at 8 AM on August 12.
Meet and Greet
Please join us for our annual “Meet and Greet” events on Wednesday, August 21. This is a perfect opportunity for students to meet their teacher and drop off materials ahead of the first day of school.
Here are the times for those meetings:
Chelsea - 8:30 AM- 10:00 AM
Grand Prairie – 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Hickory Creek – 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Preschool *Thursday, August 22* - AM Class: 9:30 - 10:30, PM Class 12:30 - 1:30
First Days of School
The first day of school for students in kindergarten through eighth grade is Thursday, August 22. These are full days of attendance for students. All students should bring their lunch and water bottle. The first day for all preschool students is Friday, August 23. School start and end times are outlined below:
Hickory Creek: 7:45 - 2:10
Grand Prairie: 8:25 - 2:50
Chelsea: 9:05 - 3:30
Preschool: AM session 8:20 - 10:50, PM session is 12:00 - 2:30
Bus transportation for our students begins on the first day of school. Each year, our team works with Lincoln-Way Transportation officials to determine safe and efficient routes for our students. It is always possible that bus stops may have changed from their previous location. Please check your child’s transportation information in this way:
Grand Prairie Families: The email you receive on August 12 will include your child’s bus stop and route details.
Chelsea and Hickory Creek Families: PowerSchool will open at 8 AM on August 12 for you to review your child’s bus stop and route details.
Please contact our transportation liaison Brooke Hardt at 815-469-5922 or bhardt@fsd157c.org in the District Office if you have questions.
Curriculum Night
Each school will host a Curriculum Night onsite for staff to meet their students’ families and outline learning objectives for the school year. This year, the dates of Curriculum Night are as follows:
Grand Prairie: Tuesday, August 27, 5:30 – 7 PM
Hickory Creek: Wednesday, September 4, 5:30 - 7 PM
Chelsea: Thursday, Thursday, September 5, 5:30 - 7 PM
***This newsletter has been updated after original publishing to reflect the change in HCMS and Chelsea's Curriculum Nights. These dates were changed to avoid conflict with the Village of Frankfort's Fall Fest.
Picture Day
We have a new vendor for student photography this year. The company is called VIP Photography and they will handle all student photos moving forward. All three schools will host their student picture day on Monday, September 9. Ordering information will be sent to you via email on Monday, August 26. All families will be able to order their children’s school photos directly online through VIP Photography.
Communication Expectations and Partnership
As our partners in education, it is incredibly important that you are informed of all that is happening in the District. Please review how we will be in touch with our families through our District Communication Outline at the link here.
Thank you for reviewing this message so you are informed in preparation for the school year. Please let me or your building principal know if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you in a few short weeks. Let’s have a great year in Frankfort School District 157-C!
Doug Wernet, Ed.D.
Superintendent, Frankfort School District 157-C
District News
Ready … Set … Run!
Come join us for the annual Tiger Trot 5k walk/run hosted by the Health & Wellness Committee at Frankfort School District 157c. Registration is now open on MySchoolBucks – visit MySchoolBucks - Product Detail to register. T-shirts are for sale during registration!
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Brooke Hardt at bhardt@fsd157c.org, or call 815-469-5922.
Bookmark the 2024-2025 Student Calendars!
Utilize the monthly-by-month and key "at-a-glance" calendar to assist with your scheduling needs!
Click the picture of the calendar for a direct link to our student calendar! 📲
Grand Prairie Elementary School
10480 Nebraska
Frankfort, Illinois, 60423
Phone (815) 469-3366
Chelsea Intermediate School
22265 S 80th Ave
Frankfort, Illinois, 60423
Phone (815) 469-2309
Hickory Creek Middle School
Frankfort, Illinois 60423
Phone: (815) 469-4474