EACC Connections
Back to School 2024-2025
Welcome to EACC Connections, the quarterly email newsletter from the Elkhart Area Career Center! Our goal with this newsletter is to keep you updated about events and opportunities at the EACC with news that is informative and quick to read.
Please be sure to follow our EACC Facebook page for day-to-day activity at the EACC and check out our EACC website for detailed information about our programs!
Groundbreaking Year at EACC!
Student Success in 2023-2024
Over 1,200 students rose to the challenge and found success through the EACC's award-winning programs. Here are a few highlights from last year!
Back to School Night
On September 5, the EACC welcomed students and families to meet teachers, learn about programs, and see classrooms and lab spaces firsthand at our annual Back to School Night.
Thank you to our families and students who attended!
Mark your calendar for EACC's Annual Open House on January 26, 2025! All are invited to attend!
Surgical Services Ribbon-Cutting
We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the official opening of the EACC's new Surgical Services classrooms and lab space and thankful to our community partners for their continued support with bringing the space to fruition.
Thank you to Ivy Tech Community College, Community Foundation of Elkhart County, Elkhart Community Schools, Beacon Health System, Goshen Health, St. Joseph Health System, OSMC, Unity Medical Supply, and Didage Surgical Supplies for their support of the EACC Surgical Services program.
The opening of the new Surgical Services space was celebrated with a ribbon-cutting on August 28.
EACC Surgical Services
In 2021, EACC leadership sought to identify additional health-related fields that would be a good fit for the career center model. The EACC quickly identified Surgical Services as a fast-growing field nationally with additional input from local employers indicating a shortage of trained employees in the workforce.
Creating a successful Surgical Services program for the career center largely came at the hands of Cortney Freedline, EACC instructor. Cortney's wealth of experience in the field, her local connections to professionals in the field, and desire to teach the next generation lent itself to the development of a robust program that now sits at full capacity.
What is Surgical Services?
There are two primary roles in the field of Surgical Services: an instrument technician or SPD (Sterile Processing Department) technician and a surgical technologist.
Surgical technologists typically have an associate degree and extension training from an accredited program. Their curriculum includes anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, surgical procedures, and practical skills. Instrument technicians usually have a shorter educational program that focuses on basic skills and may be taught on the job or through a training course.
Before a surgical procedure, an instrument technician is responsible for sterilizing the operating room and setting up surgical instruments. They also ensure that all necessary tools and equipment specific to the surgery are available and in proper working order, a critical task that can impact the outcome of the procedure.
During surgery, the surgical technologist supports the surgical team by providing the required instruments as needed, contributing to a smooth and efficient operation. They may also handle and prepare specimens for laboratory analysis, a task that demands precision and expertise.
After the surgery, instrument technicians account for all instruments, dispose of medical waste according to protocols, and assist in transferring the patient to the recovery room. Performing these diverse tasks with meticulous attention to sterilization and safety procedures is a fundamental aspect of their role.
New Space, New Opportunities
While the Surgical Services program at the EACC has existed for a few years, this new space expands the footprint of the program, offers state-of-the-art surgical and prep rooms, and will open up a tremendous opportunity for adults in the Elkhart community.
Within the new Surgical Services area, there are five primary spaces. In addition to the classroom, the wing has dedicated learning spaces for:
- Decontamination: a room that replicates where post-surgical instruments are taken to undergo multiple stages of washing and ultrasonic cleaning
- Prep and Pack: a room that replicates where instruments are sterilized and packed into sets
- Distribution: a room that replicates where all surgical kits are stored, where students can grab the specific kit for each specific surgery, as well as materials needed for the surgery
- Surgery Room: a room that replicates a full-size hospital surgery room; where students will learn how to position and drape patients for surgery, open surgical kits in a sterile setting, learn the order for surgical instruments for each surgery, practice performing a time-out, simulate actual surgeries, and post-surgery instrument collection.
The new space will be used by EACC students during the day and by Ivy Tech Community College during the evening for adult classes. Prior to the opening of this unit, the nearest post-secondary offering for Surgical Services was in Valparaiso, Indiana. Ivy Tech adult classes are slated to open for admission in October 2024.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job market for Surgical Services professionals is expected to grow by 5% between 2022-2032, adding another 8,600 Surgical Services positions to the workforce. As the population grows older, the expectation is that more surgeries will need to be performed, necessitating additional Surgical Services professionals.
During their two years at the EACC, Surgical Services students will have the opportunity to earn 27 college credits through dual enrollment at Ivy Tech. Students who complete the program will have the opportunity to earn the Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST) certificate. Additionally, students who complete dual enrollment courses ENG 111 (College English) and IVYT 106 (Career Exploration) either through their home high school or the EACC, can earn a Healthcare Specialist Technical Certificate or Central Service Technician Certificate.
For additional information about the EACC's Surgical Services program, please visit the EACC website: EACC Surgical Services. Adults who are interested in the Ivy Tech adult program should contact Ivy Tech Admissions.
Pre-Law Sparking Legal Minds
The 2024-2025 school year marks the inaugural year for the Elkhart Area Career Center's newest program: Pre-Law. Learn more about the program and why now is the right time from the EACC's Pre-Law instructor, R.J. Butler.
Why is now the right time to add a Pre-Law program to a CTE center? What needs will this program help fulfill?
"In the legal profession, there is a continuous need for legal staff, especially paralegals, who can provide high-quality, legal-minded assistance. For an attorney to have staff who are qualified to do research and draft legal memoranda can result in a huge time savings that allows the attorney to provide a high-quality representation for their client."
"Outside of the legal field, there is a vast need for qualified professionals in any government-regulated area who can adequately research and understand state and federal compliance regulations. These might include positions within Human Resources, Environmental Compliance, Construction and Development, Finance, Healthcare, and more. Organizations can greatly benefit by having staff who are experienced in legal research."
What is your background in the legal field?
"For the last 16 years, I've been an attorney in Elkhart, with a general law practice and a specialty in estate planning and probate. My degrees include Political Science and History (Bachelor's Degree, University of Georgia), Political Science (Master's Degree, Appalachian State University), and Law (Juris Doctor, Indiana University Maurer School of Law). The combination of my law degree and my political science degree provide me with a well-rounded foundation of how the law and government work together, which is something that will be emphasized in the EACC Pre-Law program."
What are EACC students learning in the Pre-Law program?
"Our first class of students is currently digging into the foundations of law and legal ethics. Professionally, it's paramount for students to have a solid understanding of legal ethics before we tackle application. In the second semester, our students will focus on legal research, legal writing, civil procedure, and litigation."
"For next year, it's my goal for students to transition into hands-on learning through internships and to develop on-campus workplaces experiences, such as a model law firm and competitive trial teams."
"The goal would be for students to complete the EACC program and achieve a certificate through a nationally-accredited paralegal program. From there, graduates will have a wide range of opportunities to enter the workforce or continue on to college."
"The EACC has a proven track record of being transformative in our community, in terms of specialized and technical training, and the opportunities provided to students. I think there's a significant opportunity for the EACC to be transformative in the same way for legal practice in our area."
Through the EACC's Pre-Law Program, students will have the opportunity to earn up to 33 transferable college credits through Ivy Tech Community College:
- Introduction to Legal Studies: 3 credits
- Legal Studies: 3 credits
- Legal Research: 3 credits
- Legal Writing I: 3 credits
- Civil Procedures: 3 credits
- Litigation: 3 credits
- Legal Writings II: 3 credits (second-year coursework)
- Law Office Technology: 3 credits (second-year coursework)
- Microsoft Word (certification crosswalk): 3 credits (TBD)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (certification crosswalk): 3 credits (TBD)
- Microsoft Excel (certification crosswalk) 3 credits (TBD)
For additional information about the EACC's Pre-Law Program, please visit: EACC Pre-Law Program
Community Partners: Volunteers Needed!
We need your help!
On Thursday, September 24, the EACC will host our annual Employability Skills Panels.
At the Employability Skills Panels event, we strive to find industry professionals to serve on interactive panels to discuss what it means to work in their field - everything from which soft skills are most important in the field, to what their company policy is with cell phone use at work, to what piece of advice has stuck with them throughout their career. Industry panelists are paired with relevant programs, meaning EACC students are learning specifically about the career field where they hope to work someday.
All panel questions will be provided to panelists in advance. The panels are facilitator-led and will last around 1 hour. The panel for our morning students will be from 9:00-10:00am and the panel for our afternoon students will be from 1:00-2:00pm.
We have many organizations seeking to become involved with the EACC, but may not be sure how. This panel event is a great way to see what the EACC is all about, participate in one of our events, and most importantly, help our students learn from the experts!
Registration can be completed here or by clicking on the Register Now button below.
The areas of greatest need for volunteers include: Automotive Service, MotorSports/Small Engines, Diesel Technology, Construction Trades, Culinary Arts, Veterinary Careers, Drone Technology / Precision Agriculture, Dental Assisting, Graphic Design, Commercial Photography, and Audio-Video. If you are an industry professional or hire professionals in these fields, please consider volunteering to help our students! We appreciate your help!
The Need: 100+ Business Volunteers
Two Sessions: 9:00-10:00am and 1:00-2:00pm
Mark Your Calendars!
Thursday, March 20, 2025: Mock Interview Day
Mock Interviews are a very important part of what we do at the EACC to help students prepare for their careers. A mock interview is a practice interview that allows the interviewee to create effective responses, work on nonverbal communication skills, and become familiar with interview settings. EACC students will come prepared with resumes, dressed for interviews, and ready to engage with local employers. This event requires more volunteers than any other EACC event (200+!). Please mark your calendar for March 20 and plan on joining us!
Thursday, May 1, 2025: Career Fair
Our end-of-the-year Career Fair is a great way to meet students who are about to graduate from high school and enter the job field, or to potentially find summer employees! Mark your calendar and plan on attending!