Finley-Oates Elementary School
Communication Update
March 2, 2020-March 6, 2020
- All classes begin at 7:40 am.
- Dismissal for Kindergarten and First Grade is 3:05 pm.
- Dismissal for Second and Third Grades is 3:15 pm.
- Anyone picking up a student before 2:50 must bring a valid government-issued photo ID (ex: driver's license).
Handicapped Parking
Please be considerate when dropping off or picking up your student by not parking in our marked Handicapped Parking spaces unless you have a valid tag or sticker.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Student Drop-Off
- Parents may drop-off on the west side of the building, or go through the drive on the north side.
- Please do not drop students off at the front doors (east side). Parents must walk students in if entering from the front.
Conversations About School
"Let's see what you brought home."
Look at completed work to find out what your youngster is learning and how well she's doing. You could comment on her math work or social studies project, for instance. ("You know a lot about our state's history!") Also, respond to notes from her teacher, and sign her weekly folder or daily planner if required.
"Show me what you have for homework."
It's your child's job to do her homework, but you play a role, too. Make sure she knows what she's supposed to do by having her explain the assignments to you. After she finishes her homework, glance over the work to see that it's complete.
"Describe a book you enjoyed today."
This gives you an idea of what your youngster prefers to read. Then, build a daily reading habit by asking what she'd like to read tonight. Encourage her reading and listening skills by reading aloud to her and letting her read to you.
"Tell me what you learned that you'd like to know more about."
Use her interests as jumping-off points for activities to share. If she likes geometry, you might hunt for shapes together. If she's fascinated by how animals adapt to winter, take her to the library to research the subject or to the zoo to see live animals.
After-School Questions:
Asking "How was school today?" might not get you far. Instead, ask questions like these for a better picture of your youngster's day.
- "What's the coolest thing that happened today?"
- "Pretend you're the teacher. How would you describe the day?"
- "What made you laugh?"
- "What was the most creative thing you did?"
- "How were you kind or helpful today? How was someone kind or helpful to you?"
Texas Reads One Book
If you are interested in other books in the series, check your local or school library.
Nolan Ashmore Way UPDATE
Dyslexia Screening
Six Flags Read to Succeed has gone electronic!
Log six or more hours to earn a FREE ticket to Six Flags Over Texas!
Parents can register for Read to Succeed using the details below:
- Register your child at sixflags.com/books using code YVU8Z.
- By April 17th, complete the online reading log for your child.
- Expect a Six Flags Over Texas ticket for your child in May!
NOTE: If you have trouble logging your child's hours, give your child's reading log to his/her teacher. We can log them for you!
Scan the QR Code above to go to our website!
The Bonham Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs. Inquiries related to the policies of the Bonham Independent School District should be directed to: Superintendent, Bonham ISD, P.O. Box 490, Bonham, Texas 75418. Telephone number is 903-583-5526, extension 1100.