North Highlights
January 15, 2025

Hello North!
January Exam Week is next week. Students only report when they have an exam. Regents and locally developed exams will be administered January 21st-January 24th. Most students will be taking local examinations, labeled “Final” or “Midterm”, during this week. Regents examinations are for students who are retaking exams ONLY.
Transportation during the exam weeks will run as regularly scheduled in the morning to transport students to school for their exams. We will also provide bus runs at 11:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. for students who need transportation home after their exams. There will not be a late afternoon bus on January 24th, and 11:30 a.m. will be the last bus run for that day.
The school cafeteria will not be open during the exam week, and lunch service will not be provided by the school. If students have two or more exams in one day, they should bring lunch or make other arrangements.
If you have any questions regarding any exams, please contact your child’s teacher or school counselor.
The Williamsville North PTSA is proud to host this year’s Tri-High event! Our guest speaker will be Gabriella Pelosi, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. She will be presenting on mental health during her talk titled: "Leading with Connection: Navigating Mental Health Conversations with Confidence: A Message for Parents". Dinner will be from Andiamo Takeout Bistro provided by North PTSA to follow! Please complete this form by January 27, 2025 to RSVP so we know how much food to order! If you have questions, or concerns feel free to contact LauraBeth Malkowski at (716) 713-8083 or via email at LBMalkow@aspirewny.org
Go Spartans... and Go Bills!
Andrew Bowen
During the January 14th Board of Education meeting, the School Start Time Committee presented the 2025-2026 Proposal for School Start and End Times. Following the January Board meeting, there will be a feedback period to allow for school community feedback. All are encouraged to provide feedback by February 7 using this link. There is also a frequently asked questions document available here.
New school start times are anticipated to be reviewed and considered for adoption at the February 11th Board of Education meeting.
Proposed Start and End Times
Elementary Schools
- Dodge, Heim, Forest and Maple East Elementary Schools – 7:50 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Country Parkway and Maple West Elementary Schools – 8:20 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Middle Schools
- Casey, Heim, Mill, Transit Middle Schools – 8:20 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
High Schools
- Williamsville East, Williamsville North, Williamsville South High Schools – 8:50 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.
School Start Times – Presentation
A video of the presentation made to the Board of Education on January 14 may be seen HERE.
An informational video on the District's School Start Time Proposal may be seen HERE.
School Start Times – Feedback Form
All are encouraged to provide feedback on the School Start and End Time Proposal. Please use this link to provide your feedback by February 7. Thank you.
Speakers Series
Due to the Emergency School Closing Day on January 21, the Speaker Series on Literacy was postponed. More information will be shared at a later date.
Speaker Series Schedule
Tuesday, January 21 - Literacy (POSTPONED DUE TO SCHOOL CLOSING)
- Zoom Webinar (Passcode - 9Ua61d)
Thursday, February 27th - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEAM)
- Zoom Webinar (Passcode - rC04Ni)
Tuesday, March 18th - Math and Computer Science
- Zoom Webinar (Passcode - Ttyzr9)
We look forward to sharing and engaging with you at these events during the next few months.
PTSA Tri-High Meeting
Please join us at North on February 3 for the Tri-High PTSA Meeting.
Post Prom Meeting
Please join us for the next Senior Post Prom Committee Meeting on January 16.
Join North's PTSA
The North PTSA invites you to visit the online store to purchase memberships. We're stronger together! To join, please click here.
Snack Shack 2025!
Do you have.....
North alumni home from college?
A spouse with a flexible work schedule?
Older neighbors that would benefit from some socialization?
Please take a moment to visit the sign up link by clicking here and
reach out to Jen at snackerrs@yahoo.com with any questions.
We truly appreciate the gift of your time!
Become a Williamsville SEPTSA Member
January SEPTSA Membership Meeting - Thursday, January 23
Our January Membership meeting is on Thursday, January 23 at 6:00 p.m. at the Board Conference room, Williamsville District Offices. (See the membership flyer by clicking here.)
Our January Program Presentation is on 2E:
- Join us Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 7 p.m. (See the Program Flyer by clicking here.)
- Twice Exceptional (2E) refers to people who are both Highly Capable and Neurodivergent.In this presentation, please join us as Karen Herdzik will describe the characteristics of 2E children, common challenges 2E children face, and recommendations about how caregivers and
- Save the date for our Family Fun Day event that will be on Sunday, March 2, 2025 from 2-4 p.m. at Snyder Track and Field.
- The SEPTSA Teacher Grant program is now open. Please click here to apply.
- Please find the link here to "Know Your Rights", a plain language booklet developed by OPWDD and SANYS (the Self-Advocacy Association of New York State) that summarizes the rights and responsibilities of people with developmental disabilities.
Please click here to access North Athletics page.
Please WITSmail the attendance office to provide written notice of an absence.
Parents/guardians should contact the attendance office to report any student absence. If your child needs to leave school prior to the end of the scheduled school day, please call the Attendance Office so proper notification/dismissal can be accommodated. If you have any additional questions regarding attendance, absences, or dismissal, please call the Williamsville North High School Attendance Office.
The following are examples of excused absences in the Williamsville Central School District:
- Family Emergency
- Illness
- Legal
- Late Bus
- Medical Reason
- Religious Observance/Activity
- School Activity (i.e. Field Trip)
Should you have any questions or need further information, please call the attendance office:
Phone: 716-626-8555/8556
January Calendar
Please CLICK HERE to access our January Calendar.
Up and Coming Events
SIDE-BY-SIDE BAND CONCERT: Wednesday, 1/15/25
REGENTS EXAMS - NO CLASSES: Tuesday, 1/21/25 - Friday 1/24/25
NO SCHOOL - LUNAR NEW YEAR: Wednesday 1/29/25
North's Cultural Awareness Club is hosting the "Taste of North" on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Check out their VIDEO for more information on how to sign up.
Graduation - Save the Date
Williamsville North High School
Graduation Ceremony
10:00 a.m. - Saturday, June 28, 2025
North High School Athletic Turf
Rain Date:
10:00 a.m. - Sunday, June 29, 2025
Attention Seniors - Time to Order your Cap/Gown/Tassel for Graduation
Please click here to order your Cap, Gown, and Tassel.
Course Catalog - 2025/2026
Scheduling for the 2025/2026 school year will begin after the winter break. Please take a moment to review course offerings now. The Course Catalog for the 2025/26 School Year is available for viewing here.
Student Services Update
WYFY Youth Advisory Board
Information on joining the WYFY Youth Advisory Board may be found here.
Who is my School Counselor?
Please use this link to access our Student Services / Guidance Office website to learn about the services available and find out who your child's school counselor is:
Who is my Assistant Principal?
We are excited to announce a change in the way Assistant Principals will be assigned to students. Moving forward, students will be assigned based on the first letter of their last name. This new approach is designed to provide greater consistency and continuity for our families.
Patrick Smith, Assistant Principal
Students with Last Names A-F
Kristen Rizzo, Assistant Principal
Students with Last names G-O
Kaitlin Beaudet, Assistant Principal
Students with Last Names P-Z
Kristin Juergens-Tonge, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Athletic Code of Conduct Violations
Visitors to North High School
All District Buildings, including North, are using the RAPTOR system to sign visitors in/out. All visitors (including volunteers at our Snack Shack) must enter the building at the entrance on Dodge Road. Please be prepared to show Government ID, such as a valid driver's license, upon entering North. We will scan your ID and issue a visitors badge to be worn for the duration of your visit.
Medication Drop Off Procedures
All medication, including non-prescription medication, must have a written order from the student's physician or licensed prescriber.
PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION must be in the container prepared by the pharmacist with the original label specifying the name and strength of the medication. (Note: the pharmacy label does not constitute a written order and cannot be used in lieu of a written order from a licensed prescriber.)
NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION must be in the original and sealed manufacturer's container with the student's name affixed to the container. ALL medication must be delivered directly to the school nurse by the parent or guardian. No student is permitted to carry non-emergency medication on the bus. Medication orders must be renewed annually and whenever there is any change.
For more information about North's Health Office, please click here.
SUNY Niagara Tech Wars Competition
On January 8th, 2025, North's Technology Student Association (TSA) competed in the annual SUNY Niagara Tech Wars competition. The event hosted local WNY schools with over 900 students competing in a variety of engineering & technology events. Several students placed in the following events:
1st - Cardboard Chair - Connie Chen & Alessandra Ferrer
2nd - Cardboard Chair - Braeden Bodkin & Brennan O'Neill
3rd - 2D Technical Drawing - Yavuz Gebes
3rd - Cardboard Chair - Ethan Cadwallader & Lucas Strong
3rd - King of the Hill - Pranav Biju & Abhijit Sikder
3rd - On-site STEM Challenge - Mya Sliwinski and Hadia Muzzammil teamed up with middle schooler Isaac Kamyab (CM)
As a team, North placed 2nd overall.
Many of these students will now go on to compete at the NYSTSA Competition held in Ithaca, NY on Saturday, April 5th.
Congratulations to the team on their outstanding achievements!
Spartans of the Month - December 2024
The “Spartan of the Month” program is meant to promote success in and out of the classroom. For a student to be a well-respected citizen, they must be able to balance many different areas of life. They must exemplify outstanding characteristics both as a student and as a citizen of the community. The student must be able to handle many different aspects of student life while maintaining excellence in the classroom. This award is designed to nominate and select students who promote and take pride in Williamsville North High School and in themselves
Please see the list below for our students who were nominated during the month of December 2024. Each student has been issued a certificate highlighting the details of their nomination.