Paw Print Press 2.0
October 14, 2024
Hello Wolf Pack Families,
October is half over, already, and the mountains have been graced with the first termination dust. The temps are getting cooler, and as we progress into winter, please send students with warmer gear for outdoor recess.
It was wonderful seeing many of our families at our PTA Faminly Movie Night. It was a great feeling to see everyone in person, and see the pride in our students' faces to have their families attend.
This edition of Paw Print Press 2.0 has a few updates, resources, and information about upcoming events this year. If you have any questions please let us know.
October Important Dates
Days with no students
- October 18th is Grading Day and students will not be in school
- October 25th is an Inservice Day and students will not be in school
Parent/Teacher Conferences
- October 23rd is a half day of school for students, release at 11:30am
- October 24th is a half day of school for students, release at 11:30am
- Conferences are schedule for Oct. 23rd and 24th. Parents can sign up with Parent Connect beginning October 15th.
Library News
Battle of the Books
Students have been meeting with Mrs. Levine in the library this month. They have been learning a lot and having fun. The district competition will be held the last week of January. For more information about Battle of the Books, please click to access the AK Battle of the Books website here. You will find information on this years titles, past Battle results, and historical information on the Battle of the Books program.
Book Fair During Conferences
Be sure to stop in to the library during conferences. The Book fair will be open Wednesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 24th. See the flyer below for details. Scan the QR code to sign up as a volunteer if you are interested in helping Mrs. Levine. Thank you.
Choir Information
Important Dates
September 4, 2024: 4-5 Choir Rehearsals Start (Every Wednesday, 2:30-4:00 pm)
September 5, 2024: 1-3 Choir Rehearsals Start (Every Thursday, 2:30-3:30 pm)
October 29, 2024: 4-5 ONLY East Area Choir Festival 6:00 pm
December 12, 2024: Choir Performance Dress Rehearsal 2:30-4:00 pm
December 13, 2024: Choir Performance 1:00 pm and 6:30 pm
December 14, 2024: 4-5 ONLY Caroling around the neighborhood 12:00-3:00 pm
Any Questions?
Please email lavy_karen@asdk12.org
PTA News
Thank you Rogers Park Families for supporting our annual Jog-a-thon fundraiser last month! We had so many wonderful volunteers and an amazing amount of donations. We'll announce the final results soon, but in the interim, we wanted to relay our thanks to all who helped facilitate this event including students, families, teachers and staff, volunteers, and community donors. Thanks to those who also joined us for our first Family Movie Night of the year that evening. We had a blast!
Our next PTA meeting will be Thursday, October 17th in the school library and on Zoom. Zoom details and an agenda will be emailed to members before the meeting. Please join us. If you haven't already done so, please also consider joining our PTA or renewing your membership. We have many opportunities for involvement, big and small! Thank you!
Rogers Park is Seeking a Parent Skating Committee
It's getting colder which means it is getting closer to ice skating time. Each year, Rogers Park provides ice skating for all students during recess. PTA is calling out for volunteers to help coordinate our recess skating plan this winter. This team of parent volunteers would:
- Monitor volunteer sign up link
- Maintain volunteer schedule to ensure we have enough support to tie skates, and have skating supervision.
- Communicate with the front office team any bulletins regarding skating that need communicated.
- Help fit skates to students and pass them out.
It's Getting Dark
Please remember as it is getting dark in the morning to talk with your student about reflective clothing and being aware at bus stops of other cars. It is important that we are all extra aware during this time of year.
Bus Safety
It is a team effort in ensuring bus safety. Please remind your child to stay seated, use an indoor voice, and keep their hands to themselves. Riding the bus to and from school is a privilege. Please help support bus safety by talking with your children at home about bus safety expectations.
Winter Gear
Winter is approaching soon. Please be sure to send students with snow gear. We want all students to be safe and comfortable in the cold weather. We do have outdoor clothing available to give to kids at school. Please let the front office or your child's teacher know if you need something from our school closet.
Red Ribbon Week 2024
Red Ribbon Week started after the death of Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, who in 1985 was brutally murdered by drug traffickers he was investigating in Mexico. After his death, people wanted to honor his sacrifice.The National Family Partnership (NFP) and its network of individuals and organizations continue to deliver his message of hope to millions of people every year, through the National Red Ribbon Campaign
Today, the eight-day celebration is an annual catalyst to show intolerance for drugs in our schools, workplaces, and communities. Each year, on October 23-31, more than 80 million young people and adults show their commitment to a healthy, drug-free lifestyle by wearing or displaying the red ribbon.
Rogers Park will participate in Red Ribbon week through a variety of activities, including a spirit wee, October 28 - November 1, 2024.
There will be a school wide door decorating contest in support of Red Ribbon Week, that classes who wish to participate in, can. This is an excellent opportunity for parent volunteers to participate in their child's class activities. Parents, it you are interested in helping out with door decorating, please contact your child's teacher to offer support. If you haven't filled out a volunteer application, please click here to do so.
Red Ribbon Week Spirit Week
No School November 11th - Teacher Inservice Day
Reminders for the Drop Off & Pick Up Loop:
Please only pick students up from the curbside pick up lane. It is extremely dangerous to have students crossing multiple lanes of traffic.
- Please be mindful of your speed as you travel through the pick up lane. Our young running wolves are out and about and we want to be sure they get to their destination safely.
- Students in grades K-3 should not be crossing the crosswalk to the parking lot without an adult. Please accompany your child across the crosswalk when coming to pick them up.
- Thank you for minding the traffic flow of our pick up loop. Please refer to the picture above to review our pick up traffic flow.
- Parents/Guardians who are crossing should cross at either of the two crosswalks. Please do not cut across the moving traffic.
- Please do not park on the cross walk.
- Please do not walk or drive into the bus loop.
- Buses may be late and need to have the driveway clear for a safe student pick-up and departure.
Thank you for making everyone's safety a priority. Teamwork makes the difference.
Upcoming Dates
Oct 18 (F) *no school* *Grading Day - no school*
*End 1st Quarter*
Oct 23-24 (W/Th) *11:30am* Parent-Teacher Conferences
½ Day for Students (8am - 11:30am)
Oct 23-24 *During Conferences* Book Fair, Spiritwear, Coffee Sales
Oct 25 *no school* PD Day: In-service
Oct 28-Nov 1 (M-F) Red Ribbon Week Spirit Week: “Life is a movie, film drug free.”
Rogers Park Mission & Vision
Rogers Park Mission: Preparing Passionate, Productive, Learners for Life
Rogers Park Vision: Empower the HOWL
(Help each other, Own our actions, Work together, Listen & Learn)
Rogers Park Elementary
1400 East Northern Lights Boulevard
Anchorage, AK 99508