April 2023 Newsletter
April 1, 2023
Parent Update
Hello KRMS families,
Things continue to be busy here at KRMS. Quarter 3 will ending on Friday April 7th. Reports cards will be emailed on Friday April 14th. Please remember that teachers' gradebooks are updated regularly so, there should be no surprises as JumpRope is a live document.
Spring sports including baseball, softball and track are underway. A reminder to middle school families that students participating in KRMS sponsored activities need to keep their work habit grades in good standing to continue their involvement on teams and organizations.
As you know KRMS has been focusing on school wide expectations for behavior this year. Teaching behavioral expectations and recognizing students' expected behavior is an important part of a child's education and helps them be successful in school. KRMS's motto of being Kind, Respectful, Motivated and Safe has been our guide this year. During quarter 4, we will be implementing a incentive program to reward students for respectful behavior. It is our hope that this will motivate students by providing rewards when they make respectful choices. Stay turned for updates throughout the quarter. You may even see Mr. Welch get a pie thrown in his face or Mrs. Hunt in a dunk tank.
If you are interested in ordering a KRMS Yearbook, please use this link: https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=101499866545433 If you have any questions, please reach out directly to Ms. Becky Bartlett rbartlett@sau49.org.
NH SAS testing will be conducted in May. State assessments are an important part of a student’s core educational program. They provide an evaluation of student mastery of content and skills in various academic areas, serve as one tool for measuring the degree to which students are on track to graduate high school and be college- and career-ready, and help inform future instruction in the classroom. If you choose to exempt your child from the state assessment, you must submit a form to the district. Please see the attached letter from Kaitlyn Hills, Director of Curriculum and Instruction for more details. KRMS students will be taking the following assessments:
Grades 7 and 8 - Math - Wednesday 5/10
Grades 7 and 8 - Reading - Friday 5/12
Grades 7 and 8 - Writing - Wednesday 5/17
Grade 8 Only - Science - Friday 5/19
I wanted to make our KRMS families aware of a change that will be starting in the 2023-2024 school year. We will be changing the length of our terms from quarters to trimesters. This will provide more consistency for grades K-8 across the district in regard to the reporting of student grades using JumpRope. Additionally, this will decrease the number of transitions that students must manage within the school year. With this change, our academic year will now be divided into three sessions: fall, winter, and spring. Each trimester will be approximately 12-13 weeks long. Similar to what is currently done in the district elementary schools, families will receive report cards six times per year: an interim report at each trimester midpoint and an end-of-trimester report. This change will not greatly impact students' experiences here at KRMS as they will still have opportunities to take multiple exploratory classes, including world language.
Lastly, our school store is open. Please use the following link to order KRMS clothing. The link/store will be open through Sunday, April 9. If you have any questions, please reach out directly to Ms. Becky Bartlett rbartlett@sau49.org.
We greatly appreciate your support and collaboration. If there is anything that I can assist you or your child with, please reach out to me directly.
Kerry Hunt
Monday, Apr 24, 2023, 07:00 AM
404 South Main Street, Wolfeboro, NH, USA
Community Information - GWRSD Approved Flyers
Kingswood Regional Middle School
Welcome to Kingswood Regional Middle School!! KRMS serves the towns of Brookfield, Effingham, Middleton, New Durham, Ossipee, Tuftonboro, and Wolfeboro. Approximately 375 7th and 8th graders attend KRMS. Through developmentally appropriate programs, KRMS facilitates the mastery of knowledge, skills, and personal competencies middle level students need now and in the future. On behalf of our school, we welcome your collaboration and encourage you to become part of our KRMS community.
Kevin Welch - Assistant Principal (kwelch@sau49.org)
Email: khunt@sau49.org
Website: https://www.kingswoodms.org/
Location: 404 South Main Street, Wolfeboro, NH, USA
Phone: 603.569.3689
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KingswoodMiddleSchool