March 21, 2023
Monday, Apr 24, 2023, 09:00 PM
Dear Families,
First, let me assure you that as a former classroom teacher and school principal, I understand that a single test score will not give us everything we need to know about how your student is doing. Our students are much more than a once-a-year assessment score.
Your student's participation in these assessments is vital to us. Not only does it provide an academic data point for us, but it also provides other families and the state insight into how our academic program is doing. Since we are publicly funded, participation and testing response numbers in this state assessment are crucial for our school's growth. It does impact us as a school, but it also provides an opportunity for a family to see how their student compares to other students in the State of California. In addition, our teachers will be able to use this as ONE data point to individualize a student's academic growth plans. Our goal is to ensure every student becomes an actively literate, contributing member of society. The tests your student will take are designed to measure how they are doing in meeting these goals.
Your student will take the CAASPP Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments during our designated testing window, the week of April 24th. You will receive more detailed information regarding your student's specific testing dates and times shortly from their testing proctor.
If you have questions about the assessment or available accessibility resources, please get in touch with your student's homeroom teacher. Please contact me directly if you have any questions regarding your student's participation.
We are committed to your student's academic success and devoted to ensuring that each student has the support they need to succeed. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! I am here to support you.
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Sabrina Ciolino
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Mobile: 415-320-1401
Email: sabrina.ciolino@peak-prep.org
Website: peak-prep.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Address: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Would you like to request a virtual meeting with me? Click this link!
The estimated amount of time individual students need will depend on the grade level, content area, and type of items. The time estimates do not reflect total computer time (including the time needed to start computers, log students on, etc.); they estimate only the time students will spend testing for each content area.
You are an important part of your student’s education. Some things you can do to help your student are:
- Discuss the test with your student. Make sure they are not afraid or anxious.
Tell your student that you and their teacher have high expectations and that you are both there to help them every step of the way.
Have your student take a practice test.
The link below accesses both the practice and training tests portal. The practice tests provide students with grade-specific testing experiences that are similar in structure and format to the summative assessments. The training tests provide students with the opportunity to quickly become familiar with the software and interface features. The training tests are organized by grade bands (e.g., 3–5).
Practice tests can be found at http://www.caaspp.org/practice-and-training/index.html
Physical Fitness Testing (Grades 5, 7, and 9)
Each year, students in grades five, seven, and nine participate in the California Physical Fitness Test, also called the PFT. California has chosen the FITNESSGRAM® as the annual physical fitness test for students in California public schools. The PFT results provide one measure that students and their families can use, along with other information, to monitor overall fitness. Schools may also use these results for the purpose of evaluating their physical education program.
This year, your child will take the Physical Fitness Test (FITNESSGRAM®).
The FITNESSGRAM® includes six test areas:
· Aerobic Capacity
· Body Composition
· Abdominal Strength and Endurance
· Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility
· Upper Body Strength and Endurance
· Flexibility
Most of the fitness areas of the FITNESSGRAM® have two or three test options so all students, including those with special needs, have the chance to participate. For each fitness area of the FITNESSGRAM®, students are scored as meeting the “Healthy Fitness Zone” or “Needs Improvement.”
To learn more about the PFT, go to the California Department of Education Parent Guides to Understanding Web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/ca/parentguidetounderstand.asp.
Our students will start testing this month (February). Please be on the lookout for an email from your child's homeroom teacher regarding the testing time, day, and location!
How can I get my student ready for PFT?
Talk about the PFT with your child. Make sure your child is not anxious and is ready to do their very best.
- Tell your child that you and their teacher are both there to help, every step of the way, and want them to do their best to finish what they can.
- Help make sure your child engages in 60 minutes of activity every day.
- Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and nutritious breakfast before testing.
ParentSquare-Activate your account today!
Peak Prep has your email and/or phone number in our records, and we have initiated the setup process with you. You should have received an invitation email and/or text with a link to activate your ParentSquare account.
You can use ParentSquare on any device. You can download the free mobile app for iOS or
Android or use the desktop version at www.parentsquare.com.
Our goal is for every family to join ParentSquare and engage with our school community.
Please feel free to ask me any questions.
Thank you so much!
- Summative assessments are critical, now more than ever, to providing administrators and teachers with the high-quality student and school achievement data to track potential learning loss in order to inform teaching and learning.
- Statewide summative assessments are an essential component of an equitable, valid, and balanced assessment system, especially amid the disruption caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. They help provide actionable data for improvements and targeting supports to students most in need.
- Statewide summative assessments shed light on the progress of students who are disproportionately impacted by school closures, including those who are English learners, minorities, and low-income, and students with disabilities.
- Statewide summative assessments are required under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act to help provide a uniform measure of student achievement.
Has my child learned this material well enough to be tested on it?
- This assessment will allow teachers and administrators to get a sense of where students are at the end of the 2022–23 school year.
Is this an open-book test?
- This is not an open-book test. Your child should not have any unauthorized material out during testing.
How does my child contact the teacher while testing?
- Your child will have access to a "raise your hand" tool in the testing browser. They will also have the ability to send a message via chat (by typing a comment into the chatbox) to their teacher. If your child has lost connection with the testing service, they should contact the teacher by email, phone, or some other prearranged means.
Who can I call if my child has trouble logging on to the test or if my child has technical problems during testing?
- Please let the teacher proctoring the exam know.
Can students use their own devices at home?
- Students must use their Peak Prep Chromebooks.
What happens if I walk into the room while my student is testing?
- This is not an issue. You may walk into the room when your child is testing, but you should not interrupt your child or look at the test questions being asked.
What happens if I observe someone in my house helping my child take the test?
- If you observe someone helping your child with test-taking, you should stop the assistance, ask your child to pause the test, and notify the teacher immediately.
Can a parent/guardian act as a test administrator or examiner in place of the teacher?
- No. State regulations declare that parents and guardians cannot be involved with testing.
Is my child allowed to use the bathroom while testing?
- Yes. Your child is allowed a bathroom break. Your child should notify the teacher before leaving the computer for any reason.
Can my child eat while testing?
- Yes. Your child may eat while testing as long as it does not interfere with the child's concentration.
Can my child listen to music while testing?
- No. We ask that your child not have any other technology present during testing. This includes listening to music.
Can I view my child's answers to particular questions? Or at least which questions they missed?
- No. Test questions are not released to ensure test security. Specific information about questions missed or incorrect answers will not be provided.
Do the practice tests match the summative assessment in length, difficulty, or functionality? What about the training tests?
- The practice tests match the summative assessments in length. They can be used to help assess some of the standards and your child's understanding of certain concepts.
- The training tests are designed to assist your child in becoming familiar with the available tools and how to take the assessment. They provide functions similar to summative assessments, but they do not match the actual assessments in length or difficulty.
If a parent requests that their child be exempted from CAASSPP testing, the parent must do the following:
Request in writing that their child be exempted from the CAASPP tests.
Email a signed copy of your request to Principal Ciolino at Sabrina.Ciolino@peak-prep.org
The letter should include the following information:
- Child’s full name
Date of birth
Grade level
Indicate which tests you want your student exempted from (All CAASPP test or any specific content area: English, Math, or Science). A parent can exempt their student from just one or all of the required CAASPP tests.
Wet signature (pen on paper) and date the request.
A way to contact you (such as a cell phone or email address).
Please note: We require a separate letter for each student.
You do not need to provide a reason for your request. Be sure to sign and date the request. Please note that, per state guidelines, if your request is received after testing has begun, any test(s) started before the request is received will be completed, scored and the results reported to you and included in the student’s records.
If your student does not participate in testing they will be expected to complete classwork in the LMS.
Now Accepting New Students for the 2023-2024 School Year
New Enrollments:
Do you know of anyone that is looking for a new school for their student next year?
Peak Prep is now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year in TK-10th grade (11th and 12th are currently at capacity).
Please direct applicants to apply using this link: tinyurl.com/EnrollatPeak
iOS App - Apple Store
iOS App - Apple Store
Download the ParentSquare App
Android App - Google Play Store
If a student will remain at home, the parent/ guardian/caregiver must do the following:
Call, text, or email your homeroom teacher on the day of your student's absence. Identify yourself as the parent/guardian/caregiver of your student. Give the reason for the absence and the anticipated dates of absence.
Please note: You must request to have an absence excused within 72 hours (3 days) of the absence.
Peak Prep Spirit Wear!
Student Expectations:
✓ 1. Attend school daily (M-F)
✓ 2. Log in daily prior to 11 am.
✓ 3. Submit work daily (as well as on time).
✓ 2. Attend each synchronous lesson on time.
✓ 3. Abide by the terms of the master agreement.
✓ 4. Report to the teacher, counselor, or administrator as directed
✓ 5. Attend each intervention/testing session with the teacher on timePARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) EXPECTATIONS:
✓1. Maintain an awareness of their legal obligations to see that their child
- (a) attends school DAILY
- (b) logs in and submits work daily prior to 11 am
- (c) spends 4-6 hours per day engaged in educational activities provided by the school.
✓ 2. Attend all meetings and conferences concerning their child.
✓ 3. Contact appropriate school personnel to discuss academic concerns.
✓ 4. Contact school regarding absences.
✓ 5. Ensure all work is submitted correctly through the LMS and on time.
✓ 6. Sign all learning logs each Friday afternoon.
2022-2023 School Calendar!
Getting Internet Access: Available Plans
Internet For All Now: The California Emerging Technology Fund has provided access to affordable offers, as well as a number to call 1-844-841-INFO (4636) to assist parents: http://www.internetforallnow.org/get_affordable_internet_today.
The following table contains special offers extended by various providers throughout the state.
Homeroom Teacher
Each student at Peak Prep has been assigned a homeroom teacher. Your homeroom teacher will be your primary point of communication for support.
Questions? We can help! Meet Our Faculty!
Dr. Bishop
Executive Director
Admin Team
Mrs. Ciolino
Ms. Arevalo
Chelsie Arevalo
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 805-419-0233
Email: Chelsie.Arevalo@peak-prep.org
Ms. Buckley
Mrs. Harkey
Ms. Hanson
TK Teacher/
(916) 741-3460
Ms. Cordero
Allison Cordero
Kindergarten Teacher/
Assessment Coordinator
(415) 320-6202
Mrs. Paules
Mrs. Nuckles
Rebecca Nuckles
2nd Grade Teacher/
Lead Enrollment Specialist
(626) 765-7878
Ms. Lyons
Mrs. Williams
Ms. Benter
Mrs. Linehan
Mrs. Delaney
Mrs. Lee
Esther Lee
Educational Specialist
(805) 387-3766
Dr. Boe
Ms. Whitson
Mrs. Audish
Tanya Audish
Guidance Counselor & McKinney Vento Liason(Last Names: A-K)
Counseling Dept.
Mrs. Tannous
Nicole Tannous
Guidance Counselor & NHS Advisor(Last Names L-Z)
Ms. Bradley
Ms. Booth
Ms. Weymouth
Mrs. Dinanno
English Teacher/
Lead Homeroom Teacher
(619) 438-0594
English Dept.
Mr. Taylor
Ms. Hsieh
Math Teacher/
Lead Content Teacher
(562) 294-1885
Math Dept
Mr. Hartley
Mr. Gomez
Science Dept.
Ms. Bos
Mrs. Kenzie
Social Studies Dept.
Mr. Tinkler
Ms. Altman
Mr. Nguy
Mrs. VanHorn
Tech Support issues?
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Email: info@peak-prep.org
Website: www.peak-prep.org
Location: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Phone: 855-900-7325
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Twitter: @peakpreppv