News from BJSHS
August 25rd, 2023

News from BJSHS: August 26, 2024
Off To A Great Start!
What an eventful first few weeks! On August 15th we held Open House and had great attendance, with 499 of 553 student packets picked up. The following Monday, we were excited as students returned to the building for the first day of school. Our staff and students started off the year with an assembly in the gym first thing Monday morning. We were able to introduce new staff, celebrate recent accomplishments of our students, and review expectations of students for the current school year.
Meet Our New Staff
Though not pictured, we also congratulate Brooke Hoath on her move back to 6th grade and we welcome Lori Wolf (Special Education instructor), Stephanie Gaff (Special Education instructor), Jael Miller (Para-professional), Tony Myers (District Substitute & Varsity Football Coach), and Lisa Kubel (7th Grade Math & Physical Education instructor) to our building.
Back-To-School Packet: Forms needed
Many forms were included in the Back-to-School packet that students either received during our Open House or on the 1st day of school. The forms that need to be returned are:
- Technology Acceptable Use Agreement form
- Student Information form
- Handbook/Code of Student Conduct Review form
- Educational Benefit form (Food Service - one per family).
- Student Driving / Vehicle Registration Request form (Juniors & Seniors)
Please complete these forms and have your child return them to our office as soon as possible. We ask that all forms are returned by Thursday, August 29th. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance with this.
Student Chromebooks
Following our assembly on the first day of school, Chromebooks were distributed back out to our 7th-12th grade students who turned one in at the end of last school year and are returning to our building. These students should've received the same device that they had last school year. We are continuing to work with our technology team to get Chromebooks to 7th-12th grade students who are new to the building. We hope to have those provided by the end of this week if at all possible.
Our 6th grade classrooms are being set up with Chrome Carts, and though 6th grade students will have Chromebooks assigned to them for classroom use throughout the school day, 6th grade students will not bring Chromebooks home. All 6th grade Chromebooks will be returned to the Chrome Carts prior to dismissal each day to charge for the evening, so they are ready for use the next day.
Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Events
Aug. 30 - Sept. 2 No School - Labor Day
September 3 - Jostens Meeting for Seniors & Sophomores @ 8:00am
September 4 - BJSHS Picture Day (Grades 6-12)
September 13 - Jostens Lunch Visit - Senior Graduation Orders & Sophomore Class Ring Orders Due
September 25 - Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
October 2- Fall Count Day
October 6-11 Homecoming Week
October 9 - BJSHS Picture Re-take Day (Grades 6-12)
October 11 - Teacher County-Wide PD –No School
October 11 - Homecoming - Football Game @ 7:00 p.m.
Week of October 21 - P-T Conferences – School in Session
October 25 - Half Day for Students - P-T Conferences
November 6 - Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
November 27-29 - No School - Thanksgiving Vacation
December 4 - Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
December 20 - Half Day for Students - Teacher Records Day
December 23 - Winter Break Begins
January 6 - Students return from break – Full day of school
January 20 - Teacher PD – No school for students
February 5 - Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
February 12 - Spring Count Day
February 14 - Half Day for Students/Staff
February 17 - No School – Farmers Day
March 5 - Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
March 10 - P-T Conferences – School in Session
March 24 - Spring Break Begins
March 31 - Students return from Spring Break – Full day of school
April 2 - Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
April 18 - No School – Good Friday
April 25 - Half Day for Students – Teacher Record Day
April 26 - BHS Prom
May 7 - Half Day for Students - Teacher PD
May 22 - Class of 2025 Commencement
May 26 - No School – Memorial Day
May 30 - Half day - Last Day of school for Students - Teacher Records Day