Alto All Star Gazette
February 9th, 2024
Dismissal time: 3:43 PM
1/2 Day Dismissal: 12:00 PM
Phone# 616-987-2600
24-hour attendance line: 616-987-2625
*please call any transportation changes/early dismissals in by 2:45*
From the desk of Principal Papes
Dear Alto Families,
It has been another fantastic week of teaching and learning at Alto Elementary! This week marked our official 100th Day of School. Our lower elementary classrooms celebrated this special day. We also have Valentine’s Day coming up next week. Many classrooms will be having classroom parties on Wednesday, February 14th. Please refer to communication from your child’s teacher regarding specific plans for their classrooms. All treats need to be store-bought but not necessarily individually wrapped (no homemade treats please). We’re looking forward to these fun celebrations with our students!
As a reminder, we do not have school on February 19th and 20th. We hope your children enjoy the 4 day weekend for mid winter break!
2nd/3rd Grade and 4th/5th Grade Music Programs - March 27th
The 2nd/3rd Grade Music Program will be held at 10 AM on March 27th. The 4th/5th Grade Music Program will be held at 2 PM on March 27th. We are looking forward to these special events!
Parent/Teacher Conference - Week of March 18th
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held the week of March 18th. Our teachers are excited for this important opportunity to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress in school. All conferences will be scheduled for 15 minutes. Each teacher will be creating a Sign Up Genius schedule with available times to sign up for in person or virtual conferences throughout the week of March 18th. Links for all classrooms will be sent out by the office the week of February 26th. Thank you for partnering with us in support of your child!
Attention families with incoming kindergarteners!
Kindergarten enrollment for next fall opened on Monday, February 5th. If you have a student who will turn 5 by September 1st, 2024, they can start their school journey. You may also sign a waiver for your child to start school if they turn 5 by December 1st, 2024. Required paperwork for enrollment includes proof of residency, original birth certificate, up to date immunizations and a health appraisal. Information can be found on our school website:
Schools of Choice Parents
Internal and external schools of choice applications for the 2024-2025 school year will be available starting April 8th. For internal choice applications, you must submit your internal choice application to the elementary building of residence. If you previously applied and were approved for your student, it is not necessary to re-apply. If you would like to attend an elementary that is outside of your resident elementary school, complete the form below and email to our district enrollment specialist at
Internal Schools of Choice Application:
For more information on External Schools of Choice Applications, please visit our website at the following link:
With Appreciation,
Paul Papes, Principal
It's time for GYM!
If you would have asked me in the beginning of the year if I would be wearing shorts in February, I probably would have said you were crazy, but here I am. I miss the weather that allows me to cross country ski, play pond hockey, and sled with my girls, but I’m also finding that a little warmth and sun is good for the soul as well.
We have been cruising in the gym and my Alto students continue to amaze me with their abilities and effort. As a physical education instructor, it has always been my goal to help students find their athletic passion. I try to teach as many skills as possible and introduce students to new activities, so they will be ready to thrive in whatever athletic arena intrigues them the most. Last week we finished our basketball skills unit. Lower elementary students worked on dribbling, passing, and dabbled with some shooting. Upper elementary students worked on similar skills, but we take it up a notch and have students use these skills in a dynamic environment. We are currently in the middle of our body movement unit. This week students worked on different tumbling skills that work on balance, flexibility, strength, and coordination. Next week they will be working with the balance beam, vault, bars, and climbing wall.
As always, please remember to send your child in athletic shoes on physical education days. As comfortable as Crocs are, they do not count as athletic shoes - even when sport mode is activated. Stay healthy, keep active, and go blue!
Alto Elementary School Families,
Kids Heart ChallengeTM is HERE!
Click the link below to register:
This year raise $100 = PIE a Teacher in the FACE
*If we hit our school goal of $10,000 the top 3 fundraisers will get to shave the heads of
Mr. McLeod
Mr. Wright
Mr. Sargent
Get started TODAY!
Also, complete Finn’s Mission and you will be in a drawing for SUPER BOWL tickets!!
Thank you for supporting our school and the American Heart Association
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Mark your calendar
2/13: Gold ticket store
2/13: KH/KC to WWC
2/14: KT/KV to WWC
2/15: 5S/5K to WWC
2/16: Popcorn Day!
2/16: 5W to WWC
Lowell Ultimate Frisbee!
Have a 4th-8th grader looking for a fun sport to get into? Try out the Lowell Ultimate Frisbee club!
*Signups for the Spring Ultimate Frisbee season are open! Register here:
*No experience required! Our family didn't know a thing about the sport when we tried it out. It was accessible, fun, encouraging and the kid loved it.
*We will be practicing at Cherry Creek on Thursdays from 5:30-7:30 beginning the week of April 15
*Early bird pricing will be in effect until March 3, 2024. After that registration fees go up by $25.
Lowell High School presents "Beauty and the Beast"
3/1-3/2 and 3/8-3/9 at 7p.m.
3/3 at 2p.m.
Registration is open for Girls LaCrosse!
For grades K-5!
*registration has already been sent home*