District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
In this issue…
Calendar Reminders
Strategic Plan Approved
Community Engagement
5th Grade Mixer
- GECRC Celebrates 20 Years
- D41Kids Foundation Summer Theater Program
Glen Ellyn Chamber Golf Outing
COVID Dashboard
Calendar Reminders
SIP Day, April 29
Next Friday, April 29, is a scheduled SIP Day in District 41. On eight SIP Days throughout the year, students in 1st through 8th grade will have early dismissal at 11:30 a.m. to allow time for building staff members to work on school improvement activities. Kindergarten students do not attend school on SIP Days. For the April 29 SIP Day, AM Pre-K students WILL NOT have school. PM Pre-K WILL have school at Forest Glen from 12:45 p.m - 3:15 p.m. For the full list of 2021-22 SIP Day dates and the Pre-K SIP Day attendance times calendar CLICK HERE.
Last Day of School is May 27
The District 41 Last Day of School was officially approved at the April 19, 2022 Board of Education Meeting. The last day of school for all District 41 students will be Friday, May 27, with May 31 being an Institute Day. These days are always pending any emergency days that may occur prior to the end of the year.
Strategic Plan Approved by the Board of Education
Community Engagement Phase 2 Starting in May
The district has completed Phase 1 of a Community Engagement process that will inform a community-driven plan for the future. At the conclusion of Phase I, consultants EOSullivan presented the following community feedback summary and engagement report to the Board of Education at the April 18 regular meeting:
> Phase 1 Feedback Form Summary
> Phase 1 Community Engagement Report
Phase 2 is starting in May with more data collection from the community as well as the development of some ways to solve our challenges for the future, including space issues.
All are invited to attend one of these Phase 2 sessions:
Saturday, May 14 -- 10 a.m. – Forest Glen School, 561 Elm Street, Glen Ellyn (combined with Second Saturday Board Coffee and Conversation session).
Wednesday, May 18 -- 6:30 p.m. – Hadley Junior High School, 240 Hawthorne Blvd, Glen Ellyn.
Tuesday, May 24 -- 6:30 p.m., Abraham Lincoln School, 380 Greenfield Avenue, Glen Ellyn
Thursday, May 26 -- 6:30 pm. – Virtual meeting (Click Here to register for this virtual session).
Please RSVP for one of the sessions listed above by CLICKING HERE so we know how many people to expect. We hope you are able to attend one of the public engagement sessions that will help determine the future of our schools. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Click here for more information about the entire community engagement process this year.
Register for the Fifth Grade Mixer
Calling all 5th graders. Register for the event now!
When: Friday, May 6th, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Where: Churchill Elementary School,
Buy Tickets HERE: https://www.churchillpta.org/services-community-programs/fifth-grade-gives-back-fggb/5th-grade-mixer/
GECRC Celebrates 20 Years
Congratulations and thank you to the Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center for serving the community and District 41 for 20 years! GECRC invites the community to "Dare to Dream," a 20th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser, on Friday, June 24, at the historic Glen Ellyn Boathouse. This event will celebrate the donors, volunteers, staff and students who built GECRC over the past 20 years as well as lay the groundwork for its future. The community’s support will help launch GECRC into the next decades as the premier educational advocate for students in need in School District 41 and Community Consolidated School District 89. Learn more about GECRC at www.gecrc.com.
D41Kids Foundation Presents a Kids Summer Musical Program
The D41 Kids Foundation will present a kids musical this summer! D41 Kids welcomes all District 41 students of all grade levels to participate. Graduating 8th graders are welcome to register too! The production will either be Lion King or a Vignette series to be determined by participants (or cast size) and announced as soon as possible.
Registration Fee of $150 includes t-shirt, cast party and some cast meals. For more details and registration info CLICK HERE
Glen Ellyn Community Golf Outing
COVID-19 Dashboard
The District 41 COVID Dashboard is a way for the public to monitor both the number of positive covid cases reported for students and staff. The dashboard will be updated every Monday by the end of the day.
CLICK HERE for the District 41 COVID-19 dashboard.
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41