Tonasket School District
Weekly Update ~ 2/14/2019
"Focused on Learning and Linking Learning to Life"
One School
One Team
One Purpose - Student Success
Capital Projects Update
- The work on our Investment Grade Energy Audit has started with McDonald Miller. This work will help determine our energy use and potential savings with a new HVAC system.
- We have received some more specific information on the cost of a new shop and will be working on developing a request for proposals after the school board makes a determination on a schedule for project timelines. This decision will be made in the next couple of months as we get more information about the specific costs of projects.
Powerful Teaching and Learning
- Kristi Krieg, Holly Haugan and I attended an Intro to Improvement Science workshop in Yakima last week. Improvement science is a problem-solving approach centered on continuous inquiry and learning. At the two-day workshop, we were guided through improving the systems in our organization in the following areas:
develop an understanding of the history and major concepts of improvement science;
develop a deeper awareness of systems in our everyday work;
apply a starter set of improvement tools to daily organizational problem solving; and
understanding the mindsets that are important to lead improvement work in an organization.
- Beginning school year 2019-2020, all experienced and newly hired instructional paraeducators will be required (if it is funded) to complete district led training, called the Fundamental Course of Study. This training is part of a new statewide system supporting professionalizing the paraeducator career. Classified staff members, Kristi Denison and Hannah McDaniel, along with DO staff and I attended a webinar today presenting information on this new requirement and how districts can successfully implement the program.
- The Rural Alliance superintendent meeting last week focused on the legal issues surrounding reducing staffing because of the financial challenges facing many districts after the McCleary decision and local bargaining.
- Weekly admin meetings are held throughout the year on Tuesday mornings. Once a month, the supervisors attend the meeting. We meet to Celebrate, To Make Decisions, To Learn Together.
- NCESD had one of their staff members come into our buildings again on February 6 to complete another “intruder” audit. They were checking to see if staff members made contact with folks who haven’t checked-in to the office. As before, gift certificates were handed out to those who noticed he wasn’t wearing a visitors badge and made contact with him. There were positives from his experience and areas needing training. As we continue with our “secret shoppers” who haven’t checked into the offices, we continue to develop the skills to do all we can to keep our staff and students safe. The more we practice, the more comfortable we become approaching people who are not wearing visitor badges. It takes all of us to keep our school community safe. Thanks to all of you for your efforts and your good work.
- The ES held their Spelling Bee finals yesterday. There are two students moving on to compete at Regionals in Wenatchee, Xen Fardys and Caleb Willson, congratulations!
- Great job basketball players on all your hard work and a successful season.
- Wrestlers are headed to State to battle at the WIAA Mat Classic XXXI, good luck. Congratulations to the HS Girls Wrestling Team, the WIAA Winter Academic State Champions for 2B and Cailee Denison the first female wrestler in Tonasket history to go to State!
What Every Employee Needs to Know - Reminders
Superintendent Steve McCullough
Email: smccullough@tonasket.wednet.edu
Website: http://www.tonasket.wednet.edu
Location: 35 DO Hwy 20 E
Phone: 509-486-2126