Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 28th June 2024
Youth Enterprise - Grow Your Money Challenge
Enterprise Week
As part of the children's STEM work, each class developed products to grow their money. Every class decided on what they would create and they set up their stalls to sell to their peers and parents and carers on their special Enterprise Fair. The children really enjoyed exploring how they need to work out costs and consider the profit that can be made from sales of products and services. They had a fun afternoon and there was a wide range of products available. Well done to all the children and staff - what a super effort.
Thank you!
Thank you so much to everyone for their fabulous support for our recent Colour Run. We are able to reveal that we have raised over £4000 for recommended reading books. This is a wonderful amount and is already being used to order new books to improve classroom provision. Thanks again to Dagger Diving Services for their incredibly generous sponsorship. Next year we will share book lists for each class and we hope children will really enjoy delving into a good book!
Ducktastic Duck Race
Duck Race
The weather was much kinder this week when the Friends ran the annual Duck Race. A huge thank you to Dan, Isaac and Matt who braved the water to help the ducks swim along down the river. Thanks particularly to Wayne who worked hard on selling ducks and even ended up in the river (unintentionally) rescuing ducks who managed to sneak past our net. A great event enjoyed by all.
Wonderful Worship
Open the Book
We started our week of worship with our last Open the Book story of the year. The team did a wonderful job of retelling the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den with a little help from six Year 3 lions. The children always enjoy the mix of drama and stories from the Open the Book team. A huge thank you to all members of Open the Book for their fabulous worships that they have presented to the children over the year.
Becoming a Chorister
Dr Krippner came into worship on Tuesday to tell the children all about being a chorister at the Cathedral. He also brought along some of the pipes from the Cathedral's organ to help the children understand how different sized pipes can make different pitched sounds. After the worship a number of children auditioned to be a chorister. They all did brilliantly at their auditions.
Sports Reach
On Wednesday Sports Reach from Bethel Church came into worship. They shared information about their summer football and netball camps the children can participate in over the summer holidays. They played a quick game with the children and let them know about the competitions and events that take place at a Sports Reach camp.
Where's Wally?
On Thursday we were once again joined by a member of the Cathedral team for worship. This week they looked at finding Wally and thought about sometimes it isn't always easy to spot people who need compassion and help. But Jesus was always on the look out for those in need.
Enterprising Worship
At the end of the week we had our enterprise worship! Our budding entrepreneurs promoted the products that they would be selling at the Enterprise Fair. These ranged from dog treats, to key rings and energy bars. As always we then shared the stars of the week and announced our Class Dojo winners. This week Reception won a non-uniform day. Well done Reception.
Stars of the Week
We always enjoy sharing who our Stars of the Week are in our special Celebration Worship on Friday.
Oliver for great independent learning.
Alfie for challenging himself to explore different areas of provision and trying hard to to complete new activities.
Year 1
Ruby for her excellent ideas when brainstorming for the enterprise project.
Year 2
Felix for his incredible writing about the trip to Whitby, He used time conjunctions and amazing adjectives and included lots of details. Super.
Year 3
Phoebe for her fantastic insights into the meanings and lessons that could be taken form the 'The Fall' in RE.
Year 4
Max for being so helpful and responsible whilst making energy bars for the enterprise fair.
Year 5
Charlotte for her excellent enterprise skills in obtaining fruit through discussions with the Aldi manager! Well done.
Year 6
Freddie for showing resilience and determination when working with Mrs Mence.
School Update
For the majority of year groups the teacher assigned will remain unchanged next year. In Year 2 we will be welcoming a new teacher to the school, Miss Mayes. She is joining us from a school in Huddersfield and is very excited to be joining the Cathedral School team.
Staffing 2024 - 2025
Nursery - Mrs Powell
Reception - Mrs Linkins
Year 1 - Mrs Pitt
Year 2 - Miss Mayes
Year 3 - Mrs McIlmurray and Mrs Spencer
Year 4 Miss Brown
Year 5 - Mrs Beckett and Mrs Babington
Year 6 - Mrs Shawcross
Parent Governor Election
Thank you, we have had a lot of voting envelopes returned already. Please send in your ballot paper following the instructions on the letter by Monday 1st July, thank you.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 1st July - deadline to return ballot paper for parent governor election
Tuesday 2nd July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 production of the Litter Muncher (2.15pm and 6.15pm)
Wednesday 3rd July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production of the Litter Muncher(2.15pm)
Thursday 4th July - Year 6 go to Crucial Crew Roadshow
Tuesday 9th July - In school transition day
Wednesday 10th July - Pupil reports to be sent home
Thursday 11th July - Reception visit Newby Hall
Thursday 11th July - Year 6 Leavers Event at 6.00pm
Tuesday 16th July - Key Stage 2 Production of Return to Pantomime Planet (1.30pm and 6.30pm)
Wednesday 17th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship
Wednesday 17th July - Key Stage 2 Production of Return to Pantomime Planet (6.30pm)
Thursday 18th July - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship
Friday 19th July - School closes for the summer holidays
Tuesday 23rd - Thursday 25th July - Oscar's summer holiday club (booking essential)
Tuesday 27th - Thursday 29th August - Oscar's summer holiday club (booking essential)
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. As a school we try to communicate these in advance to support families, however at times dates and times can change due to a range of circumstances. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
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Twitter: @riponcathschool