Highlander Athletics
Week of Sep 9 2024

All League Teams Announced
WACC12 All League Team Selections:
- Girls Volleyball:
- Jules DeYoung- 1st Team
- Kalindi Kim- Honorable Mention
- Girls Water Polo:
- Vivian Burke- 2nd Team
- Sonja ten Grotenhuis- 2nd Team
- Abigail Jacoby- Honorable Mention
- Sydney Olson- Honorable Mention
- Boys Water Polo:
- Elles Krieckhaus- 2nd Team
- Luke McAuliffe- 2nd Team
- Charlie Wright- 2nd Team
- Leo Hurwitz- Honorable Mention
- Rylan Patty- Honorable Mention
- Girls Tennis:
- Emma Eisemon- 1st Team
- Kate Jumper- 1st Team
- Carolina Romancsuk-1st Team
- Samantha Huynh- Honorable Mention
- Ariana Kortum- Honorable Mention
WACC12 Mission League Champions
Congratulations to the Highlander Football team on capturing the 2024 WACC12 Mission League Championship on Friday 11/8/24. The Highlanders finished the season 9-1 and have qualified for the CIF NCS Playoffs. Highlanders will find out Sunday evening what division they will be placed in and when they will play their opening round game. The first game of the CIF NCS playoffs will either be Friday 11/15 or Saturday 11/16. Go Highlanders!
Spectator Behavior
In alignment with the spectator’s code set by NCS, we expect:
All spectator activity and actions – before, during and after games, to be positive and respectful of all athletes, officials, coaches, cheerleaders, staff, and fans
No derogatory or disrespectful language and behavior to harass players, coaches, or officials; name calling, booing, and “trash talking” will not be tolerated
Cheering for our team rather than against the opposing team or its fans
Staying within the physical boundaries set for spectators; going onto the court or field during play will not be tolerated.
Moving forward, any individual not demonstrating the utmost respect towards either team or not upholding the expectations of NCS and Piedmont High School will be removed from the game, may lose the privilege to attend future events, and may impact their participation in another sport. Additionally, the first row of all spectator events will remain empty to ensure safety for all individuals participating in the game and for supervision purposes. Failure to uphold these rules can result in Piedmont High School losing the ability to host or participate in NCS games.
Sportsmanship is simple, treat others how you would want to be treated. Respect the game and everyone participating including student-athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators. Education-based athletics is more than winning, it’s about academic development, equity, and character. Be Responsible, Be Respectful.
Let’s maintain a competitively healthy environment while being respectful to our opponents and all other groups present.
Winter Sports Student Managers Needed
With winter sports in full swing we are looking for High School students interested in being student managers for our basketball and soccer teams. Being a student manager is a great way for students to be a member of a team while supporting the coaching staff and players during practices and games. Student managers support with setting up practice drills, running drills, managing equipment needed for practices and games, keeping stats, and supporting the athletic trainer. Students interested in being a student manager should email the Athletic Department at tsmall@piedmont.k12.ca.us or stopping by the Athletic Department Office.
This Weeks Athletic Events
Monday Nov 11, 2024
- No Athletic Contests
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
- No Athletic Contests
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
- No Athletic Contests
Thursday Nov 14, 2024
- Boys Soccer- Home vs San Leandro (Scrimmage)
- JV-6:30pm
- V-7:30pm
Friday Nov 15, 2024
- Football- Potential CIF NCS Playoff Game
Saturday Nov 16, 2024
- Football- Potential CIF NCS Playoff Game
- Women's Basketball- Away vs Pinole Valley (Scrimmage)
- V- 9:00am
Off Season Conditioning/Open Gym
Girls Volleyball:
- 11/12, 11/13, 11/19, and 11/20
- 6pm-8pm
- Buzz Gym
- 11/13, 11/15, 11/18, 11/20, 11/22
- 4pm-5pm
- Witter Baseball Batting Cage
Upcoming Events
- Dec 7, 2024- Piedmont Soccer Saturday
- vs Arch Bishop Mitty
- Frosh Girls- 12:00pm
- JV Girls- 2:00pm
- V Girls- 4:00pm
- V Boys- 6:00pm
Hard to believe that the winter holidays are around the corner. Time to gear up with your Piedmont Highlanders ugly winter sweaters. Proceeds from each sale will benefit the Piedmont High School Athletic Department.
Order Deadline November 12, 2024
Orders will be shipped to the Piedmont High School Athletic Department and sweaters will need to be picked up from the high school.
Coaches Stipend Fund
The Piedmont High School Coaches Stipend Fund is the sole source of paying for all Piedmont High School Athletic Coaches stipends. The stipends each coach receives is the only payment they receive for their commitment and time spent coaching our student athletes. We ask that each student athlete donate $385 per sport each year in order to pay for our amazing coaches.
Coaches Stipend Fund Donations can be made when registering your athlete on Family ID or on Infinite campus.
Coaches Stipend Fund Donation Link
1. Log In to Infinite Campus (parent)
2. Click School Store on left side-
3. Click on PHS Essentials
4. Click on the Coaches Stipend Fund (purple griffon)
5. Scroll until you see your specific sport
6. Click on Logo
7. Enter your child's name under recipient
8. Add to Cart and check out
Title IX Corner
PUSD 2024/2025 Title IX Focus Areas
- Travel Experience
- Game Day Experience
- Snack Shack Open in Binks and Witter for Home Games.
- Livestream of all home games/matches at Binks Gym and Witter Field.
- Special Events at home games/matches:
- Piedmont Soccer Club Night
- PUSD Staff Appreciation Night
- Middle School Athlete Night
- Pep Band Playing at Events
- Piedmont HS Pep Band is scheduled to play at multiple athletic events including; Flag Football, Football, Women's Basketball, and Men's Basketball
- Off Season Workout Opportunities
- Increase Tournament Participation for Female Teams
- Girls Golf Team attending Invitational Tournament for the first time in years.
- Girls Water Polo playing in three tournaments this fall.
- All three levels of Girls Volleyball playing in a tournament this fall.
- Girls JV Basketball playing in Reno Tournament.
- Girls Soccer Freshman team scheduled to play in the Carondelet Cougar Classic
- Locker Usage
- Facilities Projects and Upgrades
- Balance Participation Number Across Levels
- 2024/2025 Projected Teams:
- Boys Sports:
- Varsity- 11 Teams
- JV- 7 Teams
- Freshman- 2 Teams
- Girls Sports:
- Varsity-13 Teams
- JV- 7 Teams
- Freshman- 2 Teams
- Fall Participation Data By Gender and Level:
- Boys Teams
- Varsity- 71 Athletes
- JV- 37 Athletes
- Freshman- 0 Athletes
- Girls Teams
- Varsity- 87 Athletes
- JV- 44 Athletes
- Freshman- 10 Athletes
Vacant Coaching Positions
-Boys Varsity Lacrosse
Please share with anyone that may be interested in coaching at PHS.