Manitou Springs High School
Mustang News - September 17th, 2021
A Message From The Principal
It has been a fantastic week at Manitou Springs High School. We are looking forward to welcoming families into our classrooms on Tuesday, September 21st for our Open House. As you make your way around the school and visit with your kid's teachers, we truly believe that you will see how lucky we all are to be a part of the Mustang community.
Jesse Hull
Manitou Springs
The Great Donut Challenge
A Day In The Life Of A Donut
Donut Time Lapse
From The Front Office
Please remind your students to enter the building through the back (Commons) doors in the mornings. Doors open at 7:15.
Our next Late Start Wednesday is on Wednesday, September 22nd. School starts at 10:05am. Students who need to come to school earlier on late start days may utilize the Commons area, but may not be in other areas of the building. Breakfast is offered from 7:30 - 8:30 on late start days.
Please continue to call ahead when your student is leaving for an appointment, or call in if your child is going to be absent or late. Attendance line - 685-2078.
Senior Yearbook Ad Information
Connect With The PAC
From The Counseling Department
Senior Advisory Visits
MSHS School Counselors have been and are continuing to visit all Senior Advisories this week and next week to deliver a presentation and discuss the College Application Process. Seniors are learning how to request transcripts and letters of recommendation via Naviance-an online post-secondary planning tool. This is the only way MSHS will send transcripts so it is important that all seniors check their email for a copy of our presentation and links to important resources.
What Can Your Student Do Next?
October 4th from 2:00-3:00 in the big gym.
You must register by scanning the bar code. Students who register will be excused for 30 minutes during their 4th block class. There will be over 30 colleges/universities there! If you are having problems registering, please see Mrs. Trainor (College and Career Liaison) in the media center.
College Visits
Throughout the school year we have colleges/universities visit us during your advisory period. If you would like to sign up and meet with one of the admissions advisors and listen to their quick presentation check your email for the Google link. Once you click the link you may need to request access to the Google Sheet. Mrs. Trainor will add more colleges to this Google Sheet throughout the year so keep checking back.
Seniors, below is the link to a Google Sheet with scholarships listed by due date. Some of the big scholarships are due soon so check out the link for Gates Scholarship and QuestBridge. The Boettcher Scholarship is now open!!
ALL students can register at to get a free list of scholarships. You will get A LOT of emails and links for scholarships so complete a scholarship application every week or at least once a month.
Jennifer Trainor
Manitou Springs Gifted/Talented Coordinator
College and Career Liaison
6th-12th grade students
Concussion Awareness Day
Important Upcoming Dates
9/17 - Volleyball @ Home vs Lamar - 4-5-6pm
9/18 - XC Team @ Fountain/Ft. Carson - 9am
9/21 - MSHS Open House - 6pm
9/22 - Late Start Wednesday - school starts at 10:05am
9/27 - Picture Retake Day
Manitou Springs High School
Location: 401 El Monte Place, Manitou Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-685-2074